Anyone for another roundup of Xbox Game Pass rumours? The latest comes courtesy of EA, as it appears that both Dragon Age: The Veilguard and EA Sports FC 25 are being prepared for Xbox Game Pass at some point in the future.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the most surprising one here, as the game's only been out for just under six months, but as spotted by the likes of Knobel and Xbox Era, an apparently new Xbox Store listing has appeared on PC with the words "PC Game Pass" alongside it. Here's a closer look:

The bit we're unsure about here is that the "PC Game Pass" mention might just refer to the free EA Play trial that's included with the game, but the fact that it's supposedly a new listing suggests something bigger might be in the works.
EA Sports FC 25 makes a lot of sense, of course, as those games are always added to EA Play and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate somewhere around the May-June time period. We expect that to be the case again this year.

Don't take either of these as confirmation for Xbox Game Pass yet, but we'd say EA Sports FC 25 is very likely for the next few months, and we're hopeful but not entirely confident about Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Don't forget NHL 25 will probably be added for console players alone at some point in April or May as well!
Would you want to play either of these on Xbox Game Pass? Tell us down below.
Comments 38
I was actually surprised that Veilgard went to PS users before Xbox since Xbox GPU has that deal with EA. I love Dragon Age so I'd welcome it on GP.
It seems like subscription services are used to add games that have recently failed. DA Veilguard has been royally avoided by everyone on PlayStation, even free ones, and rightly so. Adding it to Game Pass won't change the fact that this game is very bad.
Great news for people who were holding out to play it on GP.
There were people who were extremely aggressive attacking people who said the game bombed (Jason Schreier for example did some name calling). Those people looked silly then and look a lot sillier now.
@Gmork everyone? I've seen lots of people popping up in the Veilguard sub having tried it out on PS Plus and really enjoying the game.
Id love to try dragon age I'd say it's good and I'd definitely play eafc 25 considering this is the first FIFA/eafc I haven't bought in over a decade!
Ea are becoming more and more like ubisoft lately
Even if it was a hit it was gonna end in EA Play sooner or later. That's really good news!
Something to play after Shadows hopefully.
I wouldn't be surprised at all by Dragon Age, especially since PS+ owners got it for free this month on PS5. Also from what I heard that game was a disappointment and isn't selling well. They might as well recoup some of the lost by making a deal to have it on a subscription service.
They're giving it away for free?
I absolutely loved my time with Veilguard, @Gmork. So I guess not everyone either disliked it or will be avoiding it.
I highly recommend that people at least try Veilguard. If it's not for you, then fine, not every game will be, or has to be. However, if you allow yourself to be guided by opinionated voices, many of whom have never even played it, then you will be missing out on a treat...
I for one really enjoyed Veilguard, @JoyfulFire. Some people set out to not like the game because of some of the content, and whilst some parts of the game can be a little heavy-handed, that probably only encapsulates around 5% of the game, and then only if you choose to undertake that particular storyline, which you don't even need to do if you don't want to. Even if you don't like that particular questline, the rest of the game is thoroughly enjoyable, and so to miss out on an entire game because of one avoidable quest seems totally ridiculous to me.
For the record, I completed that particular questline, and whilst it did feel a bit preachy at times, I enjoyed it for the most part.
Still, sheep will be sheep, and if told not to like something, I guess that is what they will do...
@Fiendish-Beaver My save file is 28 hours in. Same as yourself I'm really enjoying it. I can understand not everyone is going to click with it. But I feel the majority of people casting shade have never even played it and just want it to fail for childish reasons.
@Gmork Be prepared to be proved wrong my friend!
When it comes to Gamepass via EA Play I would just say give it a chance and just try it.
I ignored the hate campaign and took a chance on it at launch. I ended up playing it to completion on all the classes as I enjoyed it so much.
Just give it a try & you might be surprised to find you are having fun.
@Fiendish-Beaver I was saying exactly that at launch but as you say sheep will sheep (and the idiots leading them gladly pocketed the youtube ad revenue they generated.)
Sweet! Would never have paid for this, knowing it would come to GP eventually via EA Access, so it's nice to see it coming soon.
@RiverGenie I'd say it's a good game and I'm looking forward to trying it out!!
People just love to jump on the hate wagon!
I've never been able to get into the dragon age games before but I'm hopeful this one is for me 👍✌️
@Ricky-Spanish Maybe the people you refer to are DA fans, you know, the people who got into the games before when you couldn't. Try to see it that way instead of just dismissing them as haters.
It was given away with ps plus essential, so I'm not surprised that it's coming to ea play and game pass. I'm playing it on ps5 and glad I ignored the reviews. Love rpgs with a fantasy setting and this game is that. Graphics are fantastic and story is decent. Well worth a playthrough
I'm a DA fan, I even had a soft spot for the much maligned Inquisition, but Veilguard was massive disappointment. Saturday morning cartoon storytelling, inconsequential decision making, boring characters, dreadful dialogue that lectures its audience as opposed to engaging with them...the list just goes on. After around 10-12 hours I had to put it down. There are VASTLY superior RPGs out there worthy of my time. I'm just glad I didn't pay for it. Sadly, Veilguard has removed what little faith I had left in what remains of BioWare.
It's somewhat ironic, though, that every time someone throws out accusations like "you haven't played it" and "you're just a hater" they don't realise they're no better than those who were dismissing the game out of hand leading up to and beyond the games launch. Can't see further than the end of their nose.
Calling veilguard a "big game" isn't even a funny joke, 89k ppc, around 4k current players and ranked 78# top seller on steam. Compared to R.E.P.O's 271k ppc, 260k current players and ranked NUMBER 2# TOP SELLER ON STEAM. Maybe if they focus more on the emotional story building and not the senseless confrontational nature of their characters because they called them wrong pronouns one time it would be a better selling game.
As soon as DA went on PS Plus it wasn't going to be long before it dropped on EA Play. Surprised it's taken this long frankly
FC is great but sadly Veilguard is absolutely awful
I doubt veilguard would be classed as big unless you mean big flop
@FatGuyInLilCoat problem is it is dragon age game in name only dreadful game made by a team pretending to be bioware
Really enjoyed Veilgaurd overall and hope it reaches a wider audience if it comes to Gamepass.
Awaiting Veilguard.
I would absolutely love to beat Dragon Age The Veil guard, I was going to wait until the game was on sale for about $20 (which is how I acquired Dragon Age Inquisition GoTY edition). With it being added to gamepass ultimate I would love to beat the game and I'd probably still acquire it later on depending if the game offers enough content to warrant another playthrough.
@darylb24 it's funny, most people who've actually played the game seen to enjoy it. Others who sit there and hate in the game haven't even tried playing it, they just say it sucks based on what YouTubers say which is a massive detriment not only to amazing games, but to gamers as a whole because we're letting a vocal minority speak for the vast majority. I'm also hoping once it's on gamepass that people actually give it a fair shake. It's addition to PS+ seemed to have a positive impact as people who've played the game seen to really enjoy it. I'm definitely keeping an eye on it myself.
@Master_Cthulhu70 "most people"
I find it hilarious both the haters and defenders claim to know "most" of the people who've played the game.
Instead of just "most" of those they agree with.
I think there is some truth to what you say, @Dalamar73, and whilst I don't think your comment was aimed at me, as I said, it's fine if you play the game and come to the conclusion that it is not for you. What I would say though, is that there will have been some people who did not give the game a fair hearing, having begun the game with a preconceived notion that they would not like it, because that is what they had been told by the vocal minority that had not even played the game (because it had not even been released when that minority began shouting). However, there were still many, many more that were put off the game by those same bigoted voices. Now, I get that there are certain issues that have people on both sides of the debate shouting just as loudly as one another, and I won't pretend to not have my own opinions, because I do, but even so, I was able to give that particular storyline a fair hearing, and though I felt it was somewhat preachy at times, I still play it and for the most part enjoyed it.
Personally, my favourite game of the series is Inquisition. I never got to finish DA2 because something tumultuous happened in my life whilst playing that game which has meant that I was never able to complete it, nor have the desire to return to it, and whilst I enjoyed the original game, honestly, it was so long ago now that I barely remember it.
Is Veilguard as good as Inquisition? No, though I did still very much enjoy it. It's nowhere near as good in my opinion. Outside some of the characters and the 'this is how you should think' questline, there were some other parts of the game that did not reach the same heights as Inquisition, most noticeably the art style, and the limited exploration due to the games very linear design. So I can see how some ardent DA fans will have been disappointed in Veilguard, but what I think the saddest part is all those who allowed themselves to be swayed from buying game by those with an axe to grind over one small part of the game...
They just gonna skip NCAA Football on EA Play?
There's no question some just followed the negative narrative without playing the game, but for anyone to smear everyone who didn't like it with the same brush is just a cheap shot.
I agree, @Dalamar73. You cannot criticise someone that has tried the game and not enjoyed it. That is their prerogative. You can criticise people that use their own ideology to attempt to prevent others from playing the game though. That is an entirely other kettle of fish...
I'll admit that some of the discourse surrounding Veilguard prior to the games release left me wary which is why I obtained it by "other means" to try it out. Normally I wouldn't go to such lengths, but as a fan of the series I was curious. Unfortunately I came away unimpressed and as such decided not to buy it. There's absolutely no question that some of said discourse wasn't make believe. Veilguard's writing is atrocious, even patronising in parts, but as an overall game I felt it was flat, lacking any real sense of engagement or consequence. It's a very paint by numbers experience.
This is something that I'm seeing a lot more of across entertainment as people become less connected with the world around them and more connected with the throwaway nature of social media.
With that being said one recent game turned out to be the complete opposite and is truly excellent -
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
Well said mate.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game and don't regret buying it one bit. My wife is now also playing it and also loving it, and a mate who is on PSN tried it after my recommendation and has not been able to put it down since.
It's clearly not everyones cup of tea, but I absolutely agree with PJ on this site who gave it a well deserved 8/10, so its worth trying if it comes to Games Pass.
I'm wondering if this game is like mass effect Andromeda. It was decent game, but very bad mass effect.
Maybe veilguard just bad dragon age game?
Removed - offensive remarks; user is banned
@PitaBread Each to their own my friend ✌️🤗
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