Xbox Buying Ubisoft Would Be An Unwise Move, Suggests Former PlayStation Boss

Back at the start of the month, it was reported that Xbox might have shown interest in acquiring one or more IP from Ubisoft, and speaking in an interview recently, former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden urged caution around this.

Layden was asked about Xbox buying Ubisoft rather than any specific IP, and he advised that although Microsoft might have a grand plan for whatever's ahead, the company also needs to be careful about how many studios it takes on.

Here's what he had to say in an interview with Destin on YouTube this week:

I look at the number [of studios] that are already under the umbrella at Microsoft...

Hey, if Microsoft feels like they can do something effective with it, good luck. But, I think there comes a time when it's just too big to manage.

Layden mentioned that he was only responsible for a maximum of 14 studios during his time with PlayStation, so he couldn't imagine how difficult it must be to juggle as many as Team Xbox does.

In an earlier segment, he also suggested that Xbox needs to focus primarily on its own studios and games rather than hardware in order to achieve success in the future.

The huge amount of development resource that they have - in my view, you have to focus your lens on that survivability, and that success metric, and how do we make those studios stronger than strong. And, if it fits whatever your hardware ambitions might still be, that's great, but not the other way around.

Of course, we don't know anything official yet about whether Xbox will be buying IP from Ubisoft, buying all of Ubisoft, or just leaving the company well alone! There's every chance that all of this will come to nothing.

It's interesting to think about though, and nothing really would surprise us at this point! Bethesda was a shock, Activision Blizzard was even more of a shock, and who knows what else might be in the pipeline over at Microsoft HQ.

Should Xbox Buy Ubisoft?

What are your thoughts on this? Should Xbox buy Ubisoft? Tell us in the poll and comments below.
