Xbox Controller
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft continues to develop its Xbox experience on PC and other devices, and the company this week has rolled out a new "gamepad" keyboard for Windows 11.

Basically, what this means is it should now be easier to type and navigate the keyboard layout when using your Xbox controller on Windows 11. As highlighted by The Verge, the keyboard for Xbox controller users even has some button shortcuts, like 'X' for backspace and 'Y' for the spacebar.

If it all looks very familiar, it's because it's the same design used for keyboard input on the Xbox dashboard.

Xbox Keyboard
Image: via The Verge / Microsoft

As previously documented, going forward - Microsoft is looking to combine the best aspects of Windows and Xbox, with aims to offer an enhanced handheld experience. It's all timed in with ongoing talk of Xbox handhelds including a partner device, which is rumoured to be launching later this year.

So once again, this latest update makes the controller and "handheld" experience on Windows 11 a lot friendlier, as it's now using the Xbox keyboard input.

How do you find Xbox's keyboard input? Do you appreciate updates like this? Let us know in the comments.