Helldivers 2 is a game that Xbox fans have wanted to see on the platform ever since it released back in early 2024, but because it's a first-party PlayStation game, we've unsurprisingly seen no signs of it getting an Xbox release thus far.
Lots of Xbox owners are really trying though. Back in February of 2024, we mentioned that 25,000 people had signed a petition to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox, and that number is now sitting at over 130,000 signatures a year later.

Unfortunately, the decision is not in any of these people's hands, but Sony must be looking at something like this and realising how much money is being left on the table. Sure, not everyone who's signed this petition would buy Helldivers 2, but a lot of them would - and many people who haven't signed this petition would buy it as well!
Alas, we don't see Sony bringing Helldivers 2 to Xbox anytime soon, but perhaps it's the way things will have to go in the future - especially with Xbox leading the charge and bringing major first-party games to PlayStation. We'll see!
What did you vote in the poll? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source change.org]
Comments 26
It'd be good to see it on the platform. I do feel that this generation is putting more effort into cross platform play, and that's more of a "next gen" hallmark than fancy graphics.
I mean I can play Fortnite on a dozen different platforms, and not just play the game, but have any progress, etc. be carried across almost seamlessly no matter what I'm using.
Not my cup of tea personally but I don't see the harm myself. It'd be nice to see more barriers torn down.
MS needs multi platform since “every device is an XBox.”
Sony does not need multi platform since Helldivers 2 exists for PS and PC, and Sony is pretty good with keeping only PlayStation consoles as PlayStations.
Helldivers won’t come to XBox. Sorry, folks. MS has pretty much guaranteed that games will flow from XBox to PS, not from PS to XBox.
I’m not saying this as a Sony fanboy (though I do favor PS over XBox) but as a realist. And also as one who does fight for Super Earth on occasion and would absolutely welcome our green brethren in the fight against the democracyless legions of the galaxy!
It might not be heckdivers 2 but eventually playstation will release an Xbox game. I expect numerous switch 2 games from them in the next few years.
@dskatter exactly right my friend. If only more people can listen to wise statements like yours…
Removed - trolling/baiting
@BacklogBrad Technically they’ve released a couple. MLB The Show, anyone?
@Onlyboxmatters I…genuinely can’t tell if you’re serious or not!
@dskatter they were forced by mlb to release that one or lose the rights to major league baseball. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney did the same thing to them with the marvel properties.
I'm thinking they release a legit Playstation property on xbox eventually.
@BacklogBrad Agree to disagree! Sony clearly feels no need to test the waters beyond LEGO Horizon on Switch, and even on that they excluded the XBox completely. And you’ll notice that neither the Spider-Man series or the forthcoming Wolverine games are for any console but the PS!
You’re 100% right about MLB forcing the multiplatform release for sure. But whatever the reason, it technically IS a Sony game on XBox.
Time will tell, but MS is clearly not banking completely on their own gaming consoles anymore.
Sony only release One AAA current gen First Party exclusive game a year, they need to keep games exclusive.
@dskatter i wouldn't say "clearly" sony isn't considering anything but lego horizon to test the waters. We know they had internal discussions about heckdivers 2 on xbox. We have been watching them ramp up the pc ports.
I'm betting it is Sony executives that eventually demand Playstation executives do the full multiplatform with at least one future game. It doesn't make sense for them to keep openly complaining in investor meetings that profit margins on $200+ million budget games isn't as high as they want and then keep selling those games to a fraction of the gaming industry.
@BacklogBrad They're making record profits from their current model, I don't foresee any big push to change that. Plus, the time and money to port these big games to a 237% smaller audience who boast about never paying for games likely won't help much.
@BacklogBrad XBox owners are, for better or worse, Gamepass people. Gamepass people rarely outright buy games these days.
Sony doesn’t crow about “engagement” numbers like EA and Ubisoft do. They go by actual sales, with some exceptions for PS Plus of course.
Sony has no real monetary incentive to port and sell games on a platform they’d sell fewer games on.
@ButterySmooth30FPS but they could make even more money with multiplat, especially with way more switch ports. Companies don't often sit back and say "this is enough." Even more so when they are part of a larger mega corp like Sony.
@dskatter didnt xbox share that gamepass only makes up like 20% of their revenue and they dont expect it to ever be more of their revenue portfolio than that...it is one dimension of their overall strategy no matter what the narrative tries to say it is.
Sony games would sell really well on xbox. Much more than the port cost.
@BacklogBrad Perhaps, but that depends on if they could still turn a profit after all the development costs to cut these things down to Switch level.
When it comes to multiplayer games I feel they should be crossplatform. Larger community means bigger income for the publisher and developer. Basically make a game and say "Let's restrict it's access so we get less money" I feel the only things that can be justified as exclusive are single player games. Multiplayer just seems ridiculous to restrict.
I’d love this to come out it looks great
@dskatter if Sony needs PC money they need Xbox money. The company isn’t wealthy, they spend a ton on games that don’t make loads back.not saying they ain’t making money on PS, of course they are but the chase they have been on for live service games should show just how much money they don’t have to leave on the table.
@ButterySmooth30FPS say spider man 1 came over to Xbox to make money to support spider man 3 development. That is smart business. 34 pushing 35 million Xbox’s in the world, easily sells 3 million copies on Xbox. At let’s say $50-$60 dollars. You do the math on how much that is vs porting fee’s. Sony is a stubborn company, hence they no longer sell as many products as they did and are like 6th in TV sales today. Which again is fine, i own a PS but to say it wouldn’t make sense for them is foolish.
I think many on here should be reminded without HD2 going to PC the game would have been a tiny title for that year and largely not even talked about now. PC carried this title and largely still does. Much like the new Monster Hunter, which sold more on PC than the other platforms combined. Yet on the other website you have people saying Xbox and PC player don’t buy games.
@HonestHick The PC market is larger than the Xbox market, and WAY larger than the folks who only play gamepass games on XBox.
I’m sure they’ve done the cost/benefit analysis at a much more detailed level than us rando commenters could ever do, and the fact that they AREN’T porting games to XBox is all we need to know.
Also, PC users certainly do buy games. Steam wouldn’t be successful as a storefront if they didn’t.
@dskatter the PC market is way larger than the Xbox and PS market combined. We are seeing that on the sales charts. Monster hunter wilds just sold more there then PS and Xbox combined. But again 3 million sales on a platform with 30 plus million user base at $50-$70 a copy is good money. Xbox gamers myself included still buy lot’s of games. I mean i don’t care if Sony does it or not, that’s their bottom line to worry about not mine. But this notion of 30 plus players is something to ignore just don’t make any sense. GTA 6 is about to make a bucket load of cash on Xbox, it ain’t going to GP, so why not Spider-Man?
@dskatter now Xbox Aside, why wouldn’t Sony port games to the Switch 2? They will have a large player base and many of the PS4 titles would run easily on Switch 2. They will crush the PS in Japan. Seems like a cost benefit for porting a title like say ratchet and clank PS4, yes?
Not played the game myself even though I have the means to, however I think it's high time people began to accept that HD2 just isn't coming to Xbox.
@dskatter Incorrect, not every Xbox player are Gamepass people. There are still Xbox gamers that do buy games. To think otherwise is to think wrong.
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