Flight Simulator 2024 Gets Its Biggest Update Yet, But Problems Persist On Xbox

The team at Asobo Studio have clearly been working extremely hard to fix the problems that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 has suffered since its launch a few weeks ago, and that's particularly evident with this massive new update.

In fact, the patch notes are so big that we can't even list them all here — you'll find them on the official Microsoft Flight Simulator website — and they're focused around a ridiculous number of bug fixes that apply to most areas of the game.

We really commend the effort that's gone into this... but it doesn't mean all the problems are resolved.

Bugs and crashes are still getting reported pretty often, as you can see in the examples down below:

It should be pointed out that plenty of Xbox players are enjoying their time with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 despite the bugs, but clearly there's still work to be done to bring the console version (and PC for that matter) up to scratch.

If you notice that Flight Sim 2024 is taking a long time to load when you boot back into it, don't worry - this is intended behaviour as part of the latest update. It's also been confirmed that Asobo Studio is looking into a specific issue for Xbox Cloud Gaming users that's preventing them from playing, with a workaround available on the Flight Sim forums.

Progress is definitely being made, but we'll probably need to wait until 2025 before this game reaches its true potential.

How Is Flight Sim For You Right Now? (202 votes)

  1. Perfect, I'm having an amazing time with it!5%
  2. Pretty good, despite a few bugs15%
  3. It's OK, but definitely buggy24%
  4. It's not great, a lot of work still needed28%
  5. It's in a terrible state, avoid for now!28%

How are you finding Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 at the moment? Tell us down in the comments below.

[source flightsimulator.com]