Paradox Interactive's sprawling city builder Cities: Skylines 2 launched on PC Game Pass over a year ago now, and at the time, its console version was delayed due to optimisation issues. Since then, the game has been delayed and delayed even further - and it sounds like we're no closer to that elusive Xbox Series X|S launch here in November 2024.
In a new update post on the game's Steam page, Paradox talks about the planned console release, and how much trouble the team is having in getting the Xbox version running. Currently, it is in a "playable state by significantly lowering the graphics quality" on console, but the team isn't willing to make such a big compromise for the Xbox release.
"Currently, we are experiencing both simulation issues (CPU) and graphics issues (GPU) which become noticeable when players take certain actions that cause frame rate drops or memory overload. These issues are particularly challenging due to the hardware limitations of consoles.
At this point, we have managed to get the game to a stable and playable state by significantly lowering the graphics quality. However that's to the level where it becomes a compromise that we are not willing to make. Once we get it to an acceptable level, further optimizations are needed for both simulation and memory usage before we are ready to share the console version."
The team goes on to say that, at this time, it "cannot provide a release estimate to avoid it being premature and potentially misleading". Cities: Skylines 2 on Xbox is still "a top priority" for the studio though, so hopefully, we get some more positive news on this Game Pass release soon.
Paradox Interactive hasn't mentioned anything specific about Xbox Series S here - unlike other studios who've been open about their struggles developing for the all-digital console in the past. We'll have to see how this whole situation shakes out - but in the meantime, here's hoping this one comes to console Game Pass sooner rather than later.
Will this one ever make it to console? Tell us what you think to this latest update down below.
[source store.steampowered.com]
Comments 9
They are struggling to get it running right on good PCs so I think consoles will be waiting
This game has been a total mess. It's a shame because I really like the first game. I guess they got too ambitious with this one.
And anyone saying "Series S holding it back", this game hasn't been right for PC since it released, either.
The whole game is a performance black hole that needs bigger fixes than just on Xbox. While they refuted the "all civilians have teeth no matter the LOD" complaint there have been many informed posts that show how badly it runs even on beefy pcs.
I wish them luck, but hope they are committed to the more foundational changes it will need.
If it actually launches on Xbox I'll be delighted but more suprised they managed it. Game made my PC weep.
@parappatherapper to be fair it seems many Unreal games seem to be suffering performance problems too so the alternative universe version of the game probably has new and exciting (read: different) performance issues lol.
They don't even have it running properly on PC.
Like Kerbal Space Program 2, with Cities Skilylines is it best to stick to the original, and get the DLC + mods.
This game must be an absolute nightmare to optimize for the series S. Really wish Microsoft would have made a digital series X instead of that accursed little white box.
To be clear, this isn't an Xbox only issue or an issue with the Series S. They're having the same problems on PS5 as well.
I’ve played a fair bit of C:S2 on PC, and despite a year having passed since launch it’s still as rough as a badgers rear end. Not as bad as launch, but still not where it needs to be.
On the plus-side, the French, German and UK creator content packs have just launched and are awesome, so hopefully if they can get the game ported to consoles they can add them ASAP as they are game-changers.
I really hate these types of articles.
This generation of hardware has been out for 4 years. It is not like these developers do not know what they are capable of doing.
If you know hardware isn't as good, why wouldn't you make that hardware the lead platform for development. This is like driving a Ferrari and then driving a Toyota Camry and wondering why it doesn't go as fast. Duh!
I can understand people thinking the hardware isn't as performant as other hardware. But let's be honest, even the Series S runs circles around Switch. We are not talking 40-400% differences here between X and PS5. The actual difference between an X and PS5 is probably in the 5-10% range.
This just sounds like the developer made mistakes by not scoping their game to the hardware they would ship the game on. Being someone who runs tech projects myself, that is pretty stupid if you ask me.
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