Heaven 17 Musician Insulted By 'Pathetic' Offer From Rockstar Games For GTA 6

The development of GTA 6 is naturally being kept very under wraps at Rockstar Games right now, but clearly there's work being done on the soundtrack - as revealed by a very disgruntled Heaven 17 musician over the weekend.

Martyn Ware, who co-founded the pop band in the '80s after previously doing the same with The Human League, took to Twitter to reveal that the band was offered $7500 (for each writer - 3 in all) and Rockstar was unwilling to negotiate.

He went on to call this "utterly unacceptable" and "pathetic" in follow-up posts on the social media platform.

Note: Be warned that the following tweet contains expletives:

Ware is clearly not willing to budge on his demands for a better payout, but some commenters have suggested that the "exposure" from being on GTA 6 would actually be worth it - something Ware absolutely disagrees with.

Regardless of how anyone might feel about this, it seems extremely unlikely we'll be hearing any Heaven 17 on the GTA 6 soundtrack now, especially considering Ware has gone public about it. A shame for all parties here!

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.

[source x.com]