It feels like Starfield is slowly turning into the ultimate Star Wars sandbox, with various character skins and even usable lightsabers added to the game in recent weeks, and now we've got some very famous ships in the mix!
Courtesy of a modder called Bill Jones (who has ported some designs by electionis007 on NexusMods), the likes of the Millennium Falcon, T-65B X-Wing and Naboo N-1 Starfighter are all now pilotable in Starfield on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Here's a closer look at the Naboo Starfighter:
Now, if you want to add these to your game, you'll first need to download another mod called "Ship Building Tweaks", and then follow an installation guide so you can assemble them. The installation guides are linked in each mod's description. Keep in mind that "Ship Building Tweaks" makes adjustments to the ".ini" file, which Bethesda will be clamping down on in the future due to "negative effects on Xbox" - in other words, try this at your own risk!