Lots of us have fond memories of the original Halo on Xbox; a game that is now considered 'retro' in some circles given its age and the console generation it launched on. However, what if Halo was even more retro than it is? Well, a developer has successfully 'demade' the first two levels of the game in Halo: Combat Devolved.
Yep, this is one of those cool retro-style demakes you see online every now and then - the console era these are based on does vary, but this Halo one is Game Boy Color themed. Here's a clip of the title in action:
Unfortunately, this isn't a full demake just yet - only the first two levels are playable and it isn't on Xbox or anything like that. However, you can simply play Halo: Combat Devolved on your internet browser, or grab the file for Game Boy Color or a modern-retro console like the Analogue Pocket.
We think this looks awesome, and it really does give you a completely different perspective on Halo and how the series could have looked if Microsoft and Bungie rustled this one up a bit earlier - and on a handheld console for that matter. The good news is that the creator is still working on this, and their intention is to demake the full game eventually.
Here are some more images from Halo: Combat Devolved, courtesy of developer SofaSwordsman: