Update: Windows Central Reporter Jez Corden has now provided some extra context about the Microsoft statement on Black Myth: Wukong.

Corden says that Xbox is "aware of the rumours" about an exclusivity deal, but he didn't mention them in his question to Microsoft. Here's a tweet from Corden with this extra information:

If we hear anything further from Microsoft or developer Game Science about this whole situation, we'll let you know.

Original Story: Last week, the hugely anticipated action RPG Black Myth: Wukong got a fresh trailer that delivered the unfortunate news of an Xbox delay, with developer Game Science explaining that the Xbox version required further optimisation.

Now, Microsoft has put out a statement on the matter.

In a response to Windows Central, Microsoft says that it's still "excited for the launch of Black Myth: Wukong" but that it "can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders".

Here's the Xbox statement in full:

"We’re excited for the launch of Black Myth Wukong on Xbox Series X|S and are working with Game Science to bring the game to our platforms. We can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders, but we remain focused on making Xbox the best platform for gamers, and great games are at the center of that."

This delay is a real shame, because as we found out during Summer Game Fest, Black Myth: Wukong is shaping up very well ahead of its August release on other platforms. Xbox players will have to wait a bit longer for the game though.

In the meantime, do check out our extensive preview of Black Myth: Wukong down below.

Come on then, give us your thoughts on this official statement down in the comments section.

[source windowscentral.com]