Baldur's Gate 3 has suffered a bit of a rocky ride on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S so far, but it's still one of the best-selling games on the Xbox Store right now, and it holds a ridiculous score of 99 over on Metacritic.
Larian Studios is clearly still working hard on the Xbox version as well, as no less than three updates have been pushed out today for the platform! The reason for this is because Hotfix #20 and Hotfix #21 weren't able to be delivered on Series X and S due to an Xbox-specific "crash" bug, so they're being rolled into today's Hotfix #22 instead.
"There’s good news for Xbox players, too! Today’s hotfix also brings both Hotfixes #20 and #21 to your platform, which means issues with cross-saves should now be resolved. Thank you again for your patience while we worked to fix the issue, and we’re sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused you (and your saves!)."
As mentioned, the lack of parity between Xbox and the other versions has caused issues with cross-saves lately, but that should be thing of the past now. Sadly we're still seeing reports that Xbox players are losing their save games randomly from time-to-time, and there's been no word about a more permanent fix for this as of yet.
Wiredrawnset89 on Reddit: "Hey guys, I’ve got well over 180 hours across 3 campaigns, I started a co-op run with friends last night, I logged on this morning and all of my saves were gone, every single one of them across all my campaigns, I’m really hoping that someone here can help me with this because I love this game but this will genuinely push me away from it."
Anyway, let's take a look at the Xbox patch notes for Baldur's Gate 3's latest three updates:
Hotfix #20
- Introduced a few crash safeguards to ensure that when a savegame fails to load, you'll be sent back to the Main Menu.
- Fixed some issues causing the second player on split screen to have a black screen for 30 seconds.
- Fixed a bug preventing you from opening containers (like the Camp Supply Sack) while trading if you selected a different character from the one who initiated the trade. This also fixed a sneaky money exploit.
- Fixed a bug causing the environment to never take its turn, blocking combat from progressing.
- Fixed a bug causing you to get stuck in combat if there were still some bats remaining after you defeated Cazador.
- Fixed an infinite loot bug that would duplicate Herdmaster Skardjall's Scale Mail every time you removed the Whipping Cane from his body.
- Fixed a bug causing the crime dialogue for trespassing to get spammed beside the Steel Watch Foundry.
- Fixed some banding and shader issues in cinematics that were causing VFX artefacts on faces at certain angles.
- Fixed Minthara sometimes not following the party in Act II or Act III.
- Fixed a case where Halsin wouldn't move to his position when you arrived at Last Light in Act II.
- Fixed an issue where Minthara wouldn't leave the party after being escorted out of Moonrise Towers.
- Fixed an issue causing characters to tell you they were too busy to talk to you when you tried to speak to them. They were lying.
- Fixed missing tab textures in the Trade UI.
- Hid the filter tabs for traders when bartering with them, these will be reintroduced in a future update pending further testing.
- Fixed a potential crash when preloading complex cinematics.
Hotfix #21
- Fixed a crash related to Avatars no longer being in the party.
- Fixed a potential blocker where having Gale would kill your character, leaving you as a mote in the epilogue, unable to talk to anyone.
- Fixed a multiplayer bug causing your character to get stuck if you have the Eavesdrop option active and try to pick a lock at the same time as another player triggers a cinematic dialogue.
- Added some extra error checks for when the game fails to load a save.
- Fixed a crash during the transition between a dialogue with and Shadowheart's dream about
- Fixed a crash when switching characters in Character Creation.
- Made the 'Sell Wares' and 'Offer Wares' buttons work for all party members in a trading session instead of just the character with the wares in their inventory.
- Enabled multiselection in the Trade UI for keyboard and mouse. Also fixed 'Buy Back' prices.
- Fixed a bug causing party gold to initially be set to 0 when trading or bartering, giving you an 'Insufficient Gold' warning, no matter how much you actually had.
- Fixed 'Send To' not showing camp characters in the context menu when selecting multiple items.
- Selling a container to a trader and then swapping to a different character in the Trade/Barter UI no longer allows you to use ‘Take All’ to transfer the trader’s stock to your inventory.
- Restored the ability to send items to camp companions while outside of the camp. Many of you felt this was a nice quality-of-life feature, so it's back!
- Fixed a bug letting you place equipment into incompatible equipment slots. Please take those gloves off your feet.
- Fixed long Waypoint names sometimes clipping in the map on keyboard and mouse.
- Restored the 'Send To' and 'Pick Up' options in the context menu for items in the Traveller's Chest.
- Fixed a bug where rebinding the left mouse button would remove its functionality, preventing you from clicking.
- Fixed the 'Sort By' function not working properly for containers and inventories when sorting by the same filter twice in a row.
- Fixed the 'Sort By' function not working for corpse inventories.
- Fixed an exploit that could give you free items from a trader by quickly escaping the Trade UI while dragging an item to the Barter UI inventory.
- Fixed the Upcast view on the hotbar closing prematurely when you change your Upcast selection, forcing you to choose the maximum number of targets. Also fixed the hotbar incorrectly reflecting the current spell state after you change your Metamagic selection.
- Fixed a dialogue not triggering after if all the Gondians, including Zanner, died.
- Fixed a bug causing Minthara to keep repeating a greeting that also happened to be a nice little Act III spoiler.
- Fixed a bug causing the owlbear cub to disappear from camp. Little buddy just got lost.
- Fixed the crime dialogue for trespassing getting spammed beside the Steel Watch Foundry if you triggered the alarmed door and then saved the game within the forbidden area outside the Foundry.
- Fixed an edgecase where having Minthara around could teleport the party back to the Emerald Grove instead of the Lower City.
- Fixed Wyll's quest not starting when you recruit him by replacing another companion with him.
- Fixed the 'Enemy of Justice' condition applying to your player character upon reaching Créche Y'llek or the Shadow-Cursed Lands if you knocked out Minthara in a previous region, or upon reaching the Lower City if you killed a guard at Moonrise Towers and Araj Oblodra witnessed it.
- Fixed a bug where the game would not realise knocked-out Minthara had been defeated in Act I if you took a Long Rest between knocking her out and defeating the other goblin leaders.
- You can no longer save your game while the credits are rolling. This is to prevent issues with the game not knowing which state to load.
Hotfix #22
- Fixed a crash caused by the game trying to access the duration of a condition on a character with no conditions set.
- Fixed conditions sometimes trying to get their duration from the source entity instead of the target entity.
- Fixed some potential internal crashes on Xbox when suspending the game (e.g. when suspending the console or loading another game), causing it to reboot when you went back to it.
- Improved the messaging for syncing and cross-saving by indicating when a cross-save sync has failed and adding an option to try again. Also prevented the saving and cross-saving messages from appearing for secondary local players.
- Voice chat will no longer overlap the minimap on split-screen.
- Fixed the 'Another Player Is Joining' pop-up not triggering while the host has a panel open on Xbox, potentially preventing the client from joining.
- Fixed an issue where legacy dialogue had been enabled unintentionally as part of another line of fixes, in which Minthara would seemingly end a relationship with [REDACTED].
- Made Minthara promise to stop repeating her thoughts about Gale in Act III.
- Fixed a bug causing you to get perpetually stuck in a dangerous area if you triggered hostilities in the Emerald Grove and then left while it was still a dangerous area.
- Fixed a rare issue where dialogues would end suddenly when you went to kiss your romantic partner.
- Fixed a bug causing you to get stuck in combat with the enemies on top of Moonrise Towers if you found a way to sneak into the [REDACTED].