Free Demos Now Live For Two Big March 2024 Releases On Xbox

Believe it or not, the month of March is almost here, and with it come some big new releases across all platforms - including Xbox of course. It's always nice to get a chance to test out some of these new titles ahead of time, and a couple of free demos have just gone live on Xbox that you may want to check out!

Yep, free playable demos for action shooter Contra: Operation Galuga and upcoming JRPG Unicorn Overlord are now live on the Xbox Store. So, we'll drop some information on both of these March releases down below, along with a direct link to their respective demos on the Xbox store:

Contra: Operation Galuga (Xbox One, Series X|S)

"The legendary Contra series returns! This reimagining of the classic run-'n'-gun action game from the ‘80s features new stages, new enemies, new play mechanics, and co-op combat for up to 4 players!"

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Unicorn Overlord (Xbox Series X|S)

"Unicorn Overlord combines the timeless tactical RPG genre with overworld exploration and innovative battle system for a unique epic fantasy experience in the iconic Vanillaware style."

If you end up enjoying either of these demos and want to go ahead and try out the full versions, Unicorn Overload launches on March 8th, while Contra: Operation Galuga drops on March 12th.

Are you thinking you might try out these demos? Tell us which in the poll below and discuss in the comments!

Which Of These Demos Will You Be Trying? (45 votes)

  1. Contra: Operation Galuga31%
  2. Unicorn Overlord69%