Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was reportedly developed in a super short time frame compared to other CoD titles, and it looks like the Xbox Series S may have suffered as a result of Activision getting the game out by the end of 2023.

Outlet Digital Foundry has posted an analysis of Modern Warfare 3 on current-gen platforms, and while Xbox Series X and PS5 have turned out pretty well, Series S is lagging behind a bit. More specifically, the game struggles to hit its frame rate targets at both 60 and 120Hz on Microsoft's all-digital console.

During busy areas in campaign and multiplayer, MW3 on Xbox Series S frequently runs at closer to 40FPS than 60, and in the video up above, its 120FPS mode dips into double figures fairly often as well. Here's a quote from the DF team on what's going on here:

"Series S has problems that need addressing, by comparison. Sadly, even play at the regular 60fps is troubled, the campaign itself often running between 40-60fps. Set piece after set-piece, the opening mission puts the machine through its paces. The prison yard battles, the escape route - it's the least stable 60fps experience I've seen from Call of Duty on Series S to date.

The climax at a reactor core is a particular low point: the volumetric effects and enemies all contained in this small area drag Series S to visible dips into the 30s. In fairness, later missions - like Payload with its broad, open areas - do stick closer to 60fps, especially once we get into the interiors. But the priority is clearly not to optimise around Series S this time around. The focus from developer Sledgehammer, it seems, is clearly to get the PS5 and Series X running well, above all else."

As the outlet suggests, it's looking like Series X and PS5 have been prioritised here - which is understandable given their similarities in power. However, for a cross-gen game that's available on Xbox One, we are a little disappointed by this Series S turnout.

Hopefully, given a bit more time, the team at Sledgehammer Games can improve the experience on Xbox Series S. Call of Duty has always been about smooth 60FPS gameplay - it should be delivering that on a current-gen console in 2023!

Have any of you been playing MW3 on Series S? How's it running for you? Tell us your experience in the comments section down below.
