Remember the replica 3:4 scale Xbox 360 building set that was announced by MEGA last month? Well, it's almost here and the first reviews are starting to roll in.
While the system seems to be a standard assembly, there are some intricate details and features on it like glowing Xbox logos and joysticks that actually move. One other thing that is sure to excite Halo fans is a mini version of the Halo character Cortana hidden away inside the console.
In case you missed it in the original reveal, The Verge has highlighted it again via its social media platforms and within its review.
As part of this package, MEGA has included a Halo 3 themed disc as seen in the video above, which you can actually place inside the console. While you can't actually play Halo, it does light up Cortana in the space below the disk drive.
You can learn more about this block version of the Xbox 360 in the original announcement post. It goes on sale in the U.S. on October 8th and will set you back $150.00.