Earlier this week, Rare outlined its plans for Sea Of Thieves Season Ten - revealing the game would finally be adding private PvE servers.
Although this decision is going to potentially increase the game's audience, it's definitely resulted in a mixed reaction from the community with some players completely on board with "Safer Seas", and others concerned about the future popularity of the PvP mode "High Seas".
Rare has seemingly been keeping a close eye on the community's reaction, and now the game's creative director Mike Chapman has shared a post on social media - revealing how in the "original vision", Sea of Thieves was "half-seriously" referred to as a "shared world adventure game", blending the two styles of play together. He also noted how this "will always be the heart of the game":
Mike Chapman: "#SeaOfThieves was described as a 'Shared World Adventure Game' in our original vision, so we half-seriously referred to it as a 'SWAG' - a new type of multiplayer experience. Not just 'PVE' or 'PVP', but both seamlessly merged. That will always be the heart of the game."
So there you go - based on this, it's not solely one game style or the other, but it is a bit of both and in Rare's own words, it's a "SWAG" multiplayer experience.
If you didn't catch the original announcement, Sea of Thieves' new "Safter Seas" mode will include reduced rewards, level caps, and some content won't be accessible. You'll need to play in the High Seas mode to have access to everything in the game. You can learn more in our previous post here on Pure Xbox:
How do you feel about Rare adding a "Safer Seas" PvE private game mode to Sea of Thieves? Tell us your own thoughts in the comments.
Comments 12
As I don't have friends to play video games with I was excited with this news. I've been itching to get into Sea of thieves as it seemed really fun. But you can't please everyone these days. No matter what you do you'll end up angering people online.
I had some very negative experiences with the SoT community when I played it which made me leave the game in August 2022.
I said I wouldn't return until they released a private server option (I was even willing to pay for it) so that I didn't have to interact with the toxic community the game has.
I am over the moon they are releasing the private servers as I will be most definitely returning, as the core game play is great and I still have a few Tall Tales to do (not to mention I have been so tempted to go back just to play the monkey island stuff).
As the most vocal players who are against the PvE option are most likely the ones who are also the most toxic, I couldn't care less about there opinions, this is a great move by Rare, and I hope it brings in a bigger audience of players to experience this great game.
Merged, but if you want to enjoy yourself on PvE servers you have to grind far more and can’t reach the top ranks.
Maybe give us the option where your ship is JUST on a PvE server so it doesn’t need the silly restrictions and we can just play the game with out fandoms and have some fun
I'd still prefer a fully offline mode than this pointless safer server mode so the microtransactions can stay live in their current form. All this executive speak is only meant to justify that.
Sorry brother, every ship I came across obliterated me, it's a PVP game. Thanks for the way too late update.
The only people concerned with this change are the people who steamroll new(er) players. In my first few hours in Sea of Thieves, myself and two friends (who were also new) did a little quest, fought our way through a load of skeletons and got some treasure. We were carrying it along a beach back to our ship when we got bombarded by canon fire from this monstrous behemoth of a ship and had our loot taken off us.
And there's no way our piddly amount of early game gold would have been consequential to these players in any way. This isn't fun. Safer Seas can't come quickly enough.
The problem I had with the game wasn't that it had pvp, it was that it was 100% pvp. Most pvp games have safe places. This game is unwelcoming when you get attacked right after logging on or if you're just talking to NPCs at the outpost.
I think Mike has just had mostly good experiences on the seas which is great.
Personally my wife and I have had neutral to negative experiences in general. If you play as a pacifist against other players you’re setting yourself up at a disadvantage. Sea of Thieves often talk about tools not rules but I’ve rarely found a way to talk someone out of griefing us.
I will say we’ve had a handful of good experiences though.
This disappointing attempt to appease fans who have been begging for this feature since launch with half measures is a non starter for me. Choose to play on Safer Seas and basically give up all the quality of life updates in the past year. You lose captaincy, the sovereigns, Athena quests, and way too much else. They basically are saying "here are your PVE servers but we're gonna make them suck as hard as we can."
Reduced rep and reward is fine for pve servers. But taking away aspects of the main game is just lame. I wont be coming back. 1,618 hours is enough.
Safer seas SHOULD been in there day one. Period. Getting ganked 24/7 is the reason I never fully invested in or played much even though enjoyed the game.
Whole shared world, yadda, yadda, we all heard before if memory serves correct? Didn't destiny try pull it's, not an MMO, but a shared world shooter?
@GuyinPA75 at least when you complete a Destiny raid, there's no risk of another fireteam swooping in and yoinking your loot 😂
Sea of Thieves has much more in common with Tarkov and other PvPvE games than Destiny 2.
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