The biggest Xbox release of the year (and possibly of this console generation?) is about to arrive in the form of Starfield, and as you'll have no doubt noticed, reviews are starting to appear across the web.
We were really hoping to deliver a pre-launch review of Starfield here at Pure Xbox, but unfortunately we didn't receive access to the game in time. Sometimes these things just don't pan out the way you'd anticipated!
It's obviously a disappointment on our end as we had a lot of pre-release content planned, but we're still going to continue bringing you as much Starfield coverage as possible over the next few hours, days, weeks and months, and that'll include a full review as soon as we've had enough time to dig into the game for ourselves. You'll find plenty of video content as well over on the official Pure Xbox Youtube channel.
For now, don't forget that you can make up your own mind about Starfield when early access launches in just a few short hours on September 1st, followed by the standard Xbox Game Pass launch on September 6th.
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We look forward to bringing you Pure Xbox's review of Starfield in the not-too-distant future!
Comments 39
A lot of sites (especially UK) didn’t receive codes. Very strange on some of what was done across various sites.
How about a small ‘so far’ kinda review?
Wow, that’s disappointing. I was already refreshing the site. Must be disappointing for the writer(s) as well, since most will be playing the game already before the review is there.
Dang… bummer
Shame as i would have liked to have seen your review prior to tonight's launch.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner a lot of said UK sites are connected to the same owner.
So far the PC version has 27 critic reviews with an average score of 90 (metacritic).
It took until the 11th hour, but it looks like MS is finally redeeming themselves this year!
88 so far on OpenCritic.
10/10 from Destructoid, VGC, and GameRant.
I could quite figure out why the UK didn’t get review codes so I made up two:
1) Revenge for the CMA causing issues over ABK?
2) NDA’s work differently in the UK?
Currently it's 86 on Open Critic from 56 reviews, expect that to change a little but it's a rough guide. It's a good game. Digital Foundry also say it's solid at launch. Ready to find out myself next week.
@mousieone It's not just Reedpop, EDGE, Metro, Guardian and more didn't get review codes early.
Ah, I’ve been waiting too! Oh, well, have fun with it, PureXbox!
@AlwaysPlaying it seems more of the ‘bigger’ sites that probably give more scrutiny didn’t get codes.
Digital foundry did, on the condition they didn’t share with Eurogamer
Funny how DF got a code but Eurogamer didn’t 😂 that site has become the pits.
I look forward to the PXB review whenever it’ll drop.
@Pranwell that’s one way of putting it. I agree.
Well, I have defended the Xbox for what now seems to be an eternity. Starfield needed to be "that game". The one all other games would strive to be like. IGN - 7, Gamespot - 7, Game Informer - 8.5. Crap scores. I'll check it out next week on Game Pass before my subscription expires on the 14th. I won't renew.
Shame your review will be late as you’re my go-to site for Xbox stuff, nevertheless I look forward to reading it. I haven’t yet seen/read all the reviews but I recommend Game Radar’s one, where they gave it 5/5. My 2 take aways from their review were 1) it’s very easy to get sidetracked in Starfield (Great news!), and 2) it’s Bethesda’s best game since Oblivion (ES4). This game is gonna be such a huge time sink! 🙂
@themightyant Just my opinion, but 86 to me is crap. The Xbox needed an absolute masterpiece. Like a "Zelda" level game. Something that Jim Ryan could have a heart attack over when looking at review scores.
Looks like reviews are middling
Of course I will be playing on game pass, but it’s dam shame it is not that GOW or TOTK for Xbox that may have got many more gamers or general public to buy an Xbox or game pass.
It’s definitely not that killer game Xbox needed.
It will probably mature overtime with updates, dlc and mods to make it even better though.
It's not that great of a game unfortunately I saw it coming a mile of all but the xbox fanboys thought it was going be the best game ever lol
@Romans12 Up to you but that seems a bit pessimistic. To me a current Metascore of 87 shows it's a very good game likely with some flaws that prevent it being 10/10 or most GOTY contention. If all that would satisfy you was around 93+ then you were likely setting yourself up for a fall. But it's not that far off either.
@themightyant don't you think one could argue though that the 87 score is more likely to drop than stall or rise when the ignored parties launch their reviews 👀
Only downside with the game not getting highest marks is the sound of hundreds of hooves galloping here from PushSquare...
I'm looking forward to playing it tomorrow regardless, and have no doubt I'll be on it for the next few months at least
@Romans12 it was never going to be like Zelda level. I'm just happy it's decent. Xbox needed it.
@Romans12 if you view games scoring 7 - 8.5 as crap then you are missing out on a lot of good games.
I look forward to seeing your thoughts. From the OpenCritic ratings, I am fairly excited though.
@Cherip-the-Ripper Could go either way, they usually drop over time. But I believe it's unlikely to change too drastically it seems pretty settled at around 87ish.
I don't think it will do a Redfall, which kept dropping and dropping because it was a bad and flawed game that didn't live up to the expectation. Reading the reviews Starfield seems like a good game with a few flaws.
@Xboxer999 It absolutely is the killer app that Xbox has been looking for. They will spin up the marketing machine and it will hit hard. The general public care very little whether a game gets 85 or 95 on Metacritic. Good review scores do not equal popularity.
Looking forward to the game. Skyrim in space with extra features is all I wanted/ expected. This year is going to go down as an all timer in gaming.
Hope it will be, I shall definitely be playing on the 6th for many hours.
@Jey887 killer app on xbox I don't think so it's looks decent though
@Weebleman I'm still going to play it. I just wanted Microsoft to come out with a game that had Jim Ryan pooping himself just by looking at the review scores.
@Romans12 ‘I’ll check it out next week on Game Pass before my subscription expires on the 14th. I won't renew.’
What if you like it? I get the feeling you won’t and your minds already made up but what if you do?
I will be well into the game by the time I read your review, but read it and appreciate it I will.
I really hope sites that missed out won’t lower their scores to spite Bethesda.
@Dan1283 "xbox fanboys thought it was going be the best game ever lol"
Nothing wrong with that, what with all the hype and build up surrounding it. From what I've seen so far, the game looks brilliant, so hopefully, Bethesda will take on board some of the feedback and comments and make the game even better.
@RetroMan71 to be honest I'm looking forward to it now all the hypes out the way definitely looking forward to playing if its fallout in space then its the perfect game for me
@Dan1283 Same here... I've just purchased the early access premium this morning, so I will be jumping in later 👍
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I'll be providing my thoughts on it as soon as I can.
My rule is that if a developer is withholding access then it’s highly overrated and they’re trying to manipulate the system. I’m calling score manipulation.
@Romans12 kind of a ridiculous statement tbh. I don’t understand why you would choose what to play based on ratings in the first place, form opinions yourself. Either way those ratings aren’t terrible, and most negative reviews have very clearly been by someone who is either biased, had absurd expectations, or they didn’t put much time into the game.
I’ve put 2.5 days into Starfield so far and it’s fantastic. Best game I’ve played in years. It starts kind of slow but soon ramps up and then it’s nonstop fun and things to do. Play the game and see for yourself instead of being weird and threatening to cancel game pass in a comment section. It’s definitely worth it. Your loss if you dismiss it over a review score.
@CtrlAltDefeat How can it be ridiculous when it is "my" statement? And I've played the game now for about 12 hours. It's just not for me. I don't like it. If you love it, have fun with it.
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