It's not exactly a secret that Redfall ended up being a big disappointment for Xbox when it launched last month, and over the past week, various Xbox executives have been asked about the game and how the team feels about it.
Speaking to Axios, Xbox Game Studios boss Matt Booty advised that he felt "accountable" over the situation, suggesting that Team Xbox could have done a better job assisting Arkane when it came to setting expectations for the title. As a result, he's advised he wants to support the studio in delivering what they originally had in mind.
When asked whether Arkane Austin would remain open in the future, Booty simply stated that it's the "plan right now". The focus at the moment for the developer is to keep working on updates and "continued content" for the game.
Fortunately, Redfall did receive a pretty stacked update earlier this week in the form of Update 1.1, and of course we've still got the 60 frames per-second feature to come — although this hasn't been dated as of yet. Hopefully in a year's time, we'll all be talking about how well Arkane Austin has turned things around with this multiplayer shooter!
What are your thoughts about this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source axios.com]
Comments 40
Does this mean they might close them down or relocate them? Personally I'd have them work on a new project and pay back everyone who brought the game and remove it. Maybe that is a terrible idea though ahah, the language here does sound worrying though. Unless it doesn't haha
It wouldn't be a good look to buy Zenimax, then shut down one of its studios the first time they stumble. Studios sometimes end up with a stinker. Yes that sucks but the important things to do are, 1. give them the time and resources to do right by the consumers in regards to Redfall, and 2. help/let them learn from the mistakes made so they can do better in the future.
Asking him if he plans to shut down the studio seems like an overreaction from whoever asked. But then again everything red fall was an over reaction.
I can't imagine why they'd close the studio other than to possibly relocate the employees. Even that is extreme.
When asked whether Arkane Austin would remain open in the future, Booty simply stated that it's the "plan right now"
Not fair nor encouraging at all, but what the actual f@k did Microsoft do to prevent this outcome? It would be a shame to close the studio responsible for the fantastic Prey....give them a chance you heathens!
@Sol4ris MS have helped, but Phil admitted he should have stepped in earlier or reached out. Xbox have a more of a hands off approach to all these devs, which normally works well.
Arkane here messed up, I think they should update and update and update, just keep going! If the game is in a better position in a years time great! I will wait for the 60 Fps patched, the updates need to keep coming!
Yeah, they definitely closing it down in due time. Just cant now with ABK still going on.
I hope Arkane is able to deliver their vision because I really like Redfall!
I took a break due to Tears of the Kingdom, but I'd like to return when I am done.
I saw one patch already dropped to help alleviate some of the complaints - which I think are more important than 60fps at the moment as at least the 30fps "feels good" - not perfect, but not a nightmare like Ghostwire Tokyo 30fps mode.
Close the studio that gave us Dishonored and Prey just because their latest project didn't go well? Overreacting much?
@Syndrome Who do they think Microsoft is, Square Enix?!
I doubt it. Arkane should go back to their roots and make games like Dishonored and Prey. I haven't played Redfall, but there are way more games along the same lines so I would rather them go back to what they are unique at doing.
@Zoidpilot4 either you read this wrong or I did: they basically said they have no plans to close the studio, nor even to abandon the game. They are working on fixing and updating the game. They are also likely deliver the promised DLC (they did sell a season pass.)
I would had not been shocked had this released before acquisition, Zenimax would had shut the studio down, but Microsoft tends to give projects more of a chance. Look how much work they put into Sea of Thieves despite its poor reception at launch.
Plus; he went on to state Redall has significant play activity in Game Pass, so although disappointing, they might not consider it a “failure”.
@Tharsman see that last bit of your post gets me. He says it’s well played but for what 10minutes to try it out?!
There were articles to say it had dropped out of the top played 50 games on Xbox (can’t remember where) within like 4 weeks of release.
So if it dropped that fast, how is it being significantly played?
@Tharsman that makes more sense, thanks for explaining it
@PsBoxSwitchOwner a game does not have to be in the top 50, hell it does not have to be in the top 100, to necessarily be considered to “play well”.
Here is an example: it’s well perceived that Fallout 76 was a disaster, but Elder Scrolls Online is a decent MMO. Now go to the Xbox top played games, you won’t see ESO anywhere in that list, yet FO76 is there near the end. Despite not being anywhere in the top 50, ESO still gets yearly expansions and multiple updates a year.
Well, 343 is still kicking so I doubt they shut Arkane down.
It blows my mind that people thinking Microsoft might close Arkane Austin. It's getting out of hand lately.
Let them update and see if they can pull a Cyberpunk. Game was released way too early. Bet the devs knew but higher ups ran them over.
@Syndrome Exactly this, why close them down. Seems like an over reaction to me. They gave us Prey which is a great game too...
fix the game move on. as soon as they can get away from this game and back to making the stuff they are good at the better
The fact that from their own words they seem to have considered closing them because of the negative backlash makes it seem like unless its improved by the next major update then it will happen sooner rather than later.
Well, I for one agree with SkillUp that Redfall is unsalvageable, and would rather see Arkane Austin move on to their next (hopefully single player, Arkane-style) game, than watch them bleed resources and staff just to try and steer a boat that's doomed to sink.
@Zenszulu what makes you think they considered closing them?
I just went to the original quote to see exactly what Axios posted, just in case I missed something, but this is what it says (emphasis mine)
The only point this came up was because they were specifically relied the hopes of fans of the studio that it stays open, and their reply was a clear "that's the plan right now" (keeping it open).
@Tharsman the context of the two words "right now" which means they have obviously considered it for the future. It suggests to me they are considering multiple options in the future if it doesn't get improved. I am not suggesting they have considered doing it right away but more of a we will wait and see approach.
They aren't going to close Arkane down over the 'failure' of Redfall. MS themselves have taken responsibility in part for being 'Hands off' and assuming the team were all happy and close to 'release' so didn't really want to interfere.
We know now that Arkane hoped MS would cancel it and that they weren't all that happy about trying to make a GaaS game but were 'pressured' into it by Zenimax. Redfall is a 'legacy' of that, not something MS greenlit and certainly feel accountable for not 'supporting' Arkane enough.
Therefore it makes no sense to make 'Arkane' pay for that failure by closing or even downgrading that studio. Its MS's 'mistake' and I can see MS 'supporting' Arkane to get this game 'patched' and all the extra Content promised out ASAP. Maybe even started to push Arkane into their next project to get them back up and excited for their Future, move on from 'Redfall' and the 'hurt' they received. We know the Coalition are helping...
It really makes no sense to close Arkane. It makes sense to get Redfall to the 'best' it can be and the promised content out as quickly as possible - people will still play on Game Pass or buy it in a sale so best 'fix' what they can, but also get the Studio to think about and/or even start work on their 'next' project to 'move on' quickly from disappointment
@Zenszulu I really dont see it that way, honestly. Like everything, MS execs are very careful (especially lately) to try to set statements to make it clear things change.
Only way I see them closing down the studio is if they keep bleeding talent to the point they can no longer replenish it, since this project made them lose (reportedly) already about 75% of their original workforce.
@Somebody Exactly! If Redfall cured cancer tomorrow, people would still complain and call it a failure. Mostly ponies.
@GamingFan4Lyf Bingo, you said it better than i could. I agree with you. I would just like to add my take. I actually did see what Redfall could be under the issues it launched with and yet I still played 34 hours of it and beat it solo. Staking the vampires was actually really cool, there is plenty they could do to enhance the vampires, but it was the humans that seemed to need most of the work, they had some of the worse glitches and AI problems by far in my playtime. They need a lot of attention. After that i would say continue to work on the overall game and i have said from the start and to agree with you. 60FPS should be the last thing they bring out after all the fixes, what’s the point of making a bad code run faster? Thats like putting in a more power car engine to a car that has no tires and breaks. Fix the AI and all the glitches and bugs and make the game really run well then the icing to the cake is the 60fps. If they do all that i will play it again, maybe start a new character. Honestly when a game launches in such a bad state i rarely play it, for sure not like it and almost never return, but something about Redfall made me go against all that. I am really routing for this game to make a great comeback. I can’t say why i feel this way, i should say scrap it and move onto something new like everyone else is asking, but i really feel like they didn’t miss by that much. This could be really good still, i see the potential in all the mess it launched with. Thanks for what you said as it makes me happy to see someone other than myself pull for this game. 😊
@clvr why not both which is what’s being reported. It has been said they are underway on their next title, however they can still have a small team working on patches and fixes and a DLC pack for Redfall. I want to see Redfall get 3 more big improvement patches, then drop the DLC with 60fps. If at that point they need those people to start work on the new project, i can understand that.
I'm with a few of the commenters here, the fallout over this game seems exaggerated. The game did have bugs but nothing game busting. The graphics were a disappointment for sure, but overall it was fun. I played thru it and even started over for a bit before finding something new and shiny to move onto. Granted, had I purchased vs playing on GP I might have been a tad more disappointed but I've played worse games for sure.
To me the focus on multiplayer and always online mode for single player was the most annoying aspects.
@Green-Bandit I think what really helps is that the foundation for a great game is already there. The gameplay loop isn't boring - and there is so much room there for expansion and improvement.
There is room for more varied neighborhood quests can't be expanded. There is room for dynamic "world events" that crop up - in the same way Vampire Dens change.
I do think an upgrade to UE5 would be a great choice to address getting it to 60fps and beyond. But this comes from someone who has no idea the level of effort to do so - I mean Epic claims it's easy to upgrade...but every project is different.
I think there is a lot of room to do like a reboot release in the same way that Final Fantasy XIV got a revamp release.
@GamingFan4Lyf ok you just had the best Redfall idea post I’ve seen yet. I will include i also do not know how hard it is to switch from UE4 to UE5, but i am surprised i didn’t think of this, but that is an excellent recommendation. That would really help with some of the bland look of the surroundings. I will admit the tree’s and other things in the game look rather average and yet still have pop in. That needs to be addressed. But i agree the game has enough going right to continue to fix it. I played and beat it on GP, but if they put the work in i will buy it digitally. I like the game, i just want to see 2-3 more patches the size of this one. Then 60fps at some point and i will get back on it. You had some great idea’s.
Deathloop was also a stumble if you don't like dumb broken enemy AI systems.
We played two different games because the gameplay loop was incredibly boring and had no challenge. The movement in general also feels completely off
@ZuneTattooGuy I'll take your word for it, but as far as I'm aware the general opinion towards Deathloop is positive. Also, it's a different studio; Redfall was developed by Arkane Austin, Deathloop by Arkane Lyon.
@Green-Bandit So I finished Tears of the Kingdom last night (amazing game through-and-through, by the way) and I fired up Redfall this morning.
The actual town of Redfall didn't seem overly populated - but it could also be because I liberated all of the neighborhoods already.
Human enemy AI was better as I did decide to take out 3 guys from a distance, and they at least reacted to their buddies getting popped off. Still kind of walked in a straight line right towards me...but at least they weren't overly sensitive to my approach or just straight up broken.
I decided to progress to Burial Point and holy cow there are factions fighting on like almost every street corner. That place is a mess!
I have no experience with the location pre-patch, but there is definitely a lot more enemies around there than Redfall proper.
@GamingFan4Lyf yeah in burial point they fight against each other a lot and all my comments are before the patch. Also you are correct once you liberate the town then it does get a little quiet. I heard the menu’s are suppose to be better and hit detection. Cause that was something i didn’t like. I was having to hit head shot’s in some areas or it was giving me a hit for body. As for all the glitches i will have to play it for myself to see. There was this one where when i started up a new game i didn’t have my last saved weapon load out. So i had to redo my weapons.
@FatalBubbles 343 is still kicking cause they have Halo. Which still sells be the truck load even with their massive failure… Arkane Austin doesn’t have anything to fall back to for success. While Prey was “good” it sale numbers was terrible. So they have to try vastly harder to stay open.
@Zoidpilot4 The trouble is the game tanked, there was mismanagement and misinformation, expertise issues, design issues, and allegedly a 70% exodus from the studio. The studio damn near shut itself down. The other troubling thing is MS catches are the flak, Arkane not much at all, with BGS & Zenimax nowhere to be seen or heard from.
The original vision being a single player game? Instead of this Destiny-lite Mish mash of mechanics and game direction?
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