Capcom's upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake has reportedly been leaked ahead of its release date. As highlighted by well-known Capcom enthusiast and Twitter user DuskGolem, the game is now "100% in the wild" and people are already playing it.
If you're worried at all about the whole experience being revealed ahead of time (even if it is a remake), you might want to tread carefully on social media and video websites like YouTube.
Dusk Golem via Twitter: "Just as a heads-up, Resident Evil 4 Remake is 100% in the wild, seen some clips people notified me about in a few places. Won't share them, but if want to avoid spoilers now's the time to start treading carefully."
In a follow-up tweet, Dusk Golem claims Capcom has hidden "a lot" of the RE4 Remake ahead of its release, so there are still potential spoilers in terms of gameplay:
"They're hiding a lot of surprises. If all you've seen is the marketing, there is a lot you don't know. The marketing has done a good job to get people excited without actually spoiling a lot."
Our colleagues at Push Square, who are also reporting retailers breaking the remake's street date, mention how the spoilers extend to "character designs, encounters, and much, much more". So again, if you want to go into this experience fresh, be careful when browsing online.
This development follows on from Capcom's Spotlight showcase earlier this week, along with the company making a Resident Evil 4 Remake demo available. We've already gone hands-on with this small portion of the game ourselves and it's certainly left us intrigued.
Resident Evil 4's remake launches later this month on March 24th. Have you tried out the demo yet? Did you play the original game back in the day? Comment below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 14
I mean…it is a 20 year old game…
Total non story. This has been doing the rounds in the media for absolutely no reason other than because most of them are owned by the same company. A decades old game has its story leaked? Reminds me of when I went to watch Titanic with an ex-girlfriend and she got annoyed because I told her it sinks. Did me a favour actually.
I want to know what the Achievements and Trophies are.
Headline confused me ..it's a remake lol ..how much can have changed to be potentiality spoilers
Spoiler, Leon and Ashley survive and escape. How do I know these things?!?!....
Spoiler alert, Leon rescues the presidents daughter. Its a 16 year old game. Spoilers do not apply here even if it's a remake.
Also I hear another spoiler, that the female equivalent of Jackie chan, may be in the game. Shhh don't tell anyone though.
@Bricktop33 But what if it isn't the same game? What if they set it up to retcon 5 and 6 or work Claire, Chris, or Jill into the story somehow? FFVIIR did something similar. If there was a game in the RE franchise to set up significant changes for the future, this would be it.
Wasn't as excited about the demo as I hoped I would be. Still haven't decided if I'm getting it. I would like to know if there are difficulty levels.
I’m not really worried about spoilers. I agree with what everybody on here is saying, that it is an old game so the story has been out, but I don’t think many read the article above. They mentioned the spoilers were more about “gameplay, character’s design, encounters, and much much more.” That being said I’m still not worried about being spoiled. Though I’m looking forward to playing the remake, I wasn’t excited for this one. I wanted some of the older titles remade before this one.
@EvilSilentFrame Updated the article to further clarify this - but yes, the warning is mostly about the gameplay.
Who is worried about spoilers for a game from 2005?
"Leon becomes injured/incapacitated early on and the entire 2nd half of the campaign becomes Ashley's game."
^^Obviously just made that up^^
I mean, other than Capcom attempting to pull off some massive subversion of expectations (and piss off a giant portion of their fanbase in the process), I can't imagine they will stray too far from the base game.
FFVII remake made some....adjustments.
MGS2 threw everyone off when it was discovered you weren't Snake for the majority of the game.
I just don't see the possibility of any major spoilers worth avoiding. Then again, what do I know?
How can there be spoilers??? It’s a remake!! Like saying there are spoilers for the Titanic film. Spoiler alert!!! Yeah, it sinks!!
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