
Topic: Pure Xbox Community Game Club | Now Playing: Road 96

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I just looked at the GP list and I can't think of a solid vote to add that fits the criteria. Since we're in the last week of February, I thought it'd be a good time to get the discussion going. I guess I'll toss out some votes but I'm not over the moon thrilled with these choices except the first one..

  • gears 3
  • inscryption
  • neon white
  • lonely mountain: snow riders( recent addition to the service)



Could be worth waiting until later today to see if any smaller indie titles are getting shadow drops

Currently playing:
Avowed πŸͺ„βš”οΈ | Series X

| PS5

Xbox Gamertag: KratosRises3468


Good day gang! I hope we’re all well. Apologies for the late update, it has been the school holidays so haven’t had a great deal of free time. Anywho, let’s have some suggestions and votes please for the month of March πŸ‘

Thank you all for your continued engagement.

Gears 3 (NbyN)
Inscryption (NbyN, TMA)
Neon White (NbyN)
Lonely Mountain: Snow Riders (NbyN)
Moonlighter (NbyN)
Road 96 (TMA, Bal, CN)
Balatro (CN)

@ZeD @Dydreamr @crippyd @Balta666 @NintendoByNature @Ricky-Spanish @Pastellioli @themightyant @HelloCraigo @Challenger-UK @Chaotic_Neutral @BeyondKnight @RaZieLDaNtE @SeveralSheep

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Balatro could be a good title for March game club

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.


@PeaceSalad I tossed a few votes the other day.

I'll add to it one more after seeing it's sequel be announced yesterday.

  • gears 3
  • inscryption
  • neon white
  • lonely mountain: snow riders( recent addition to the service)
  • moonlighter

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



@Chaotic_Neutral It is possible for anyone to play it under 10 hours though #video-game-crack

@PeaceSalad I am actually playing Ninja Gaiden 2 Black but got sidetracked while I went back and played the original for the first time. Might be a few days late adding to the discourse!

Oh and i'll vote for: Road 96 and Inscryption

[Edited by themightyant]



@NintendoByNature Aye I’ve added them to the post pal πŸ‘

@themightyant Non problem, I look forward to reading your reaction. Votes added too.

@Chaotic_Neutral I’ll add the vote, friend but like Ant says it may not be the best timescale wise.

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@PeaceSalad I didn't realise it's a time sink, I seen that it's dropped onto gamepass and that it has great reviews.
I will also vote for road 96 although I'm going to have to pry myself away from Monster Hunter lol

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.


@Chaotic_Neutral @PeaceSalad in theory Balatro is listed at just 7 hours on How Long to Beat… but a completionist run… or if you get hooked as many do… is listed as 200!

[Edited by themightyant]



Road 96 has got my interest in the past so let's add a vote to it!



I struggle to play/watch/read a sequel before the first entry, so before playing Ninja Gaiden 2 Black I decided to Play Ninja Gaiden Black. Visually it is beautifully upgraded to 4K on Series X, it makes a 20 year old game look comparatively lovely. Initially however I did not like the gameplay much. Especially the second level with the horses and the horse boss which you can't see coming and rush in to attack you with little warning. I don't mind hard games - i've platinumed most 'Souls' games - but it has to feel FAIR, early on Ninja Gaiden Black was not. Early on it's just not fun and I decided to drop it and move on...

I posted those comments on a forum last week but another commenter suggested the game gets good from the next level, when you get to Vigoor capital, so I decided to persevere for a bit... and i'm glad I did, as i've now rolled credits.

But I feel very mixed on the game. The combat is fantastic, and when it all works in harmony and you are chaining charged ultimate's together to decimate rooms it's VERY satisfying. This is usually against low level ninja goons and you have a wide range of creative expression in these moments. But that is the minority of the time, at least for a new player, most of the time the game is a much more frustrating experience.

Bosses in particular are usually about finding one or two moves that actually work against them without exposing you to getting hit (almost always jump, flying slash, repeat) and don't allow the same amount of creative expression in the rest of the game. It's more about survival and looking for a window to jump, slash, retreat, jump, slash, retreat. I didn't find that much fun at all. This is all the more frustrating because of the brutal difficulty of some of the bosses, where a couple of mistakes and they would combo you for half your health.

But I did enjoy aspects and in fact found many parallels to the Souls genre. Glad I played it but won't be going back for mastery. I have little enough hair already without pulling out more. Onto NG2 Black.

My score: 6/10



Ninja Gaiden 2 Black - I'm guessing i'm past half way through (level 9) and am enjoying this a LOT more than the original. Perhaps it's because I am now "Ninja Gaiden Certified" having completing the first one, but it seems to have evened out many of the worst difficulty spikes from the first game and it's just a much smoother experience overall. Far more often I am chaining charged attacks and having fun eviscerating rooms in stylish ways. It doesn't seem very stressful, in fact i've hardly died. Bosses seems more flexible too, not just limiting us to one or two moves, there's more room for experimentation without one or two mistakes signalling doom. It's not just abusing Jump and slash endlessly.

There's also a lot of quality of life improvements like being able to swap weapons on the fly, without having to delve into menus, which naturally leads to more experimentation. Though I still find I default back to the Dragon Sword. The story is still schlocky B-movie fare, like the first game, but I didn't really come to Ninja Gaiden for the story. Yet i'm glad each time the cinematics end and they give me back control. A fun game so far, should finish it over the weekend.

I forgot to check the "watch this topic" box so missed your discussions on the game. Following up now.

NintendoByNature wrote:

It's funny, while the game is hard, it's not as hard as I thought it would be.

While I am tentative to have a view because I haven't finished.... so far that has been my feeling. I was warned about the difficulty of the series but haven't actually found it too bad so far. There are some clear parallels to Souls games about blocking, taking your time in places, and choosing carefully when to attack and when not to.... basically don't get greedy. But I really like the charging attack mechanic where after killing one enemy if they drop a soul you can charge must faster and unleash a very fun flashy attack with i-frames, and you can chain these to have a brilliant time racking up 50+ combos easily.

That said this all falls apart against some tougher enemies and bosses. The game feels at it's best to play against grunts.

@Balta666 Yes the landmines were awful. Until I figured out the blocking dodge by chance. Still an unfun game mechanic, getting juggled by mine after mine, seemingly with no obvious way out.

Favorite weapons anyone?

I almost exclusively used the Dragon Sword in NG1 and have done the same in NG2. Though the flails are lunar staff are better for crowd control and the flails allow big combos. Haven't tried much else, am impressed by the number of different moves for each.

[Edited by themightyant]



Rolled credits on Ninja Gaiden 2 Black. I definitely preferred it to NG1. The game remained a lot easier than I was expecting, I hardly died and always had healing items on hand. That infamous staircase was a lot of fun as I equipped the flails for crowd control and racked up several huge combos, the largest 200+ hits chaining charged ultimate's with dodges and shuriken's to keep the combo going. A lot of fun.

That said I don't think the whole game is all that memorable. Even the morning after not a lot is sticking in my mind, it's a super stylish hack and slash, and I enjoyed it while it lasted, but that's about it.

My score: 7.5/10



themightyant wrote:

That said I don't think the whole game is all that memorable. Even the morning after not a lot is sticking in my mind, it's a super stylish hack and slash, and I enjoyed it while it lasted, but that's about it.

Easy to agree as you mention a staircase I already do not remember πŸ˜‚

[Edited by Balta666]



@themightyant Yes mate, currently a clear winner. Will do a full update later today, been a bit rushed off my feet πŸ‘

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Good day gang! I hope you're all doing well. Democracy has prevailed once more and you have chosen Road 96 as your game for March. If you haven't played the previous 95 entries in the series well that's just tough scheiße.

HLTB pegs it at around 7 1/2 hours and for the completionists out there, 9 1/2 hours.

Enjoy everyone πŸ‘

@ZeD @Dydreamr @crippyd @Balta666 @NintendoByNature @Ricky-Spanish @Pastellioli @themightyant @HelloCraigo @Challenger-UK @Chaotic_Neutral @BeyondKnight @RaZieLDaNtE @SeveralSheep

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😒

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@PeaceSalad Thanks mate, especially for all the organisation it's very much appreciated!

Sorry (not sorry) for the nudge earlier, i've just finished a few games and wanted to start asap before I get stuck into something meatier that distracts me.

Looking forward to Road 96 although I know very little about it, going in pretty blind.



Well as I was about to finish Avowed (and getting a lit bit bored to be frank), I have started the game last weekend and as today was a bank holiday here (carnaval or pancake day as some will know it at least in the UK πŸ˜…) i kind of finish it and got my 1000 GS πŸ˜‚.

Road 96 is a game I definitely don't hate but also not too fond about either. It wants to be replayable for the sake of length but it gets in the way. In my opinion it would work much better as a linear experience. The reason is that to be able to see all stories to the end you will need to replay many scenes which are very slow paced including transition scenes that you never can either fast forward or skip (therefore I only 100% one of the stories as it not mandatory for achievements).

Also I would like way more details in the story setting up as it is never clear why the things got to the way they are and why only teenagers are trying to escape their reality.
Said that what is there is interesting enough although a bit troupey and it was a good one after a classic RPG

[Edited by Balta666]



I checked some gameplay and unfortunately this one isn't for me. Have fun this month, see you in April!


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