It's been a while since Gears of War fans had something to be excited about, so what are the plans for 2023? Well, it appears there's a new card game "coming soon".
The catch is that it's not actually a video game, but instead a physical card game made by tabletop specialist, Steamforged Games. This project was originally announced in 2020 and is being overseen by The Coalition and team Xbox.
Here's a description, via BoardGameGeek:
"Gears of War: The Card Game offers an immersive way to enjoy Gears of War in a brand new format. In this story-driven campaign style game, the decisions you make in each narrative scenario have serious consequences on the battlefield in those that follow. Strike at the right moment, making your cards work together, fight together, and stand together — and, if necessary, die together. Choose how to develop your force as you play through unique narrative scenarios, each with their own objective and terrain layout. Each win or loss will affect the contents of your deck in the next scenario, allowing success or failure to impact your experience of the game. Will you side with the Coalition of Ordered Governments and send Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago into action, or will you command the Locust Horde and unleash the awesome power of the monstrous Brumak? Throw frag grenades at hordes of wretches? Or bait a corpser into attacking you before striking it when it's most vulnerable? The choice will be in your hands."
Steamforged Games has previously worked with IP such as Dark Souls and series like Resident Evil.
This card game isn't the first Gears of War project we've heard about in recent times. Last November, it was revealed The Coalition was teaming up with Netflix to adapt the video game saga into a live-action film. It's also believed development on the sixth game is currently underway.
Would you be interested in a physical card game based on Gears of War? Leave a comment below.
Comments 26
I wish there was a digital version.
Well I know for sure nothing screams more of the Gears franchise than the non-stop frantic action of gibbing locusts with chainsaws and chunking them big beefy guns than a card game right...err right?
I can't think of anything that makes less sense than maybe an East Enders based first person survival horror battle royale game, with playable characters such as Dirty Den and Ethel with her trusty pet Willy.
Thanks Microsoft just what all us gears fans wanted 🙄
@Chuffer I didn't get that gears tactics or halo mobile games either but guess they want to appeal to the the none console crowd
@Would_you_kindly I hate to sound like a downer on new announcemts, heck 2023 need and by all accounts looks to be very potent year for Xbox. With that said...
I find it very strange that many companies seem to hand out their IPs like candy with no regard to how it is relevant to current fans.
I mean if you are a fan you are usually left scratching your head trying to make a connection as to why they are making something very different. Whats more if you aren't fan of an existing series, tagging on a franchises name that means nothing to you isn't going to make the product any more appealing :-S
It's very strange.
Thank the heavens all those businesses are force to use PC and Windows or Microsoft wouldn’t be a 2 trillion dollar company and more like bankrupt. The decisions they make suck and show why Apple and Google eat their lunch in all markets that consumers have choice vs business that is force to use the worse Operation system in the world.
These video game board games never sell well. It's always an overly complicated ruleset that takes a lot of reading and studying before hand. The problem is that most video gamers have no interest in doing that, it's why they choose video games.
Why would I play some slow boring version of Gears when I can simply play the video game?
And I'm not saying that board games are boring, I collect and play them all the time. But I would never buy a board game because it's based on a video game, and I know damn well that the average gamer would have no interest in finding the time to learn it.
Will I need all my 12tflops and my ssd drive to run this. Such fun.
@Would_you_kindly Gears Tactics was genuinely awesome and addictive in my opinion. Really underrated.
Halo mobile games (Spartan Assault right?)… not so much. But I don’t see a problem with expanding IP to include some smaller games and new genres. In fact I think it’s a good thing.
Think you are right it is a good thing.
Just at the moment on here and with Xbox after 2022 they are under a bit of a microscope with AAA game releases and making some sort of official release date announcements and game play trailers etc.
until they wake up with some official stuff and give some dates for people to look forward to any other side news for the want of a word goes down not to well.
Would rather prefer Gears of War 2 Ultimate Edition
Wonder why Microsoft are 3rd place (Of the big 3) in Video Games. Not making any Video Games is a good start.
Starting to think Microsoft wont make any more games till they get activision blizzard. The "we can't compete argument" only looks good when they're in last place.
@K1LLEGAL It's all about timing, the perfect example of bad timing is Metroid Prime Federation Force. The massive backlash came from the fact it wasn't Metroid Prime 4 or a 2D Metroid (Other M was received poorly and then the franchise disappeared for 5 years).
Fortunately announcement and release strategy meant Gears Tactics got to be seen just as a fantastic game rather than be plagued with "where's Gears 5?". However, the XGS lineup since the Series X|S launch (especially 2022) means non-traditional announcements nowadays won't get that luxury.
I agree, @K1LLEGAL, Gears Tactics was an awesome game. I've played it through twice, and am currently on an Insane run (parts of which I am dreading!). I also enjoyed the story. The only thing I do wish though, is that the game was playable in co-op as I would love to play through the game with my mate...
I just want Gears 6, Don't care for this at all..
@UltimateOtaku91 Would rather prefer Gears of War 2 Ultimate Edition
This is what I’ve been asking for for a long time. I still play Gears ultimate once every year to 18 months. It’s my favorite series on Xbox. Lately every comment you make it’s like we are mirrors in thinking HAHA
@Green-Bandit Haha I've noticed, I'm fairly new to xbox so I didn't experience the gears games originally, but I want to play all the games before the inevitable number 6. I played and completed the ultimate edition of number 1 last year and liked it, but starting the second game I just couldn't handle the downgrade to a 360 version. So now I'm holding out for either a Gears of war 2 ultimate edition or a Gears of War collection for the series with remastered graphics.
@K1LLEGAL I'm just not into those tactical point & click type games , didn't like judgement either because it was too different from the main games loved the rest of them though lol
@UltimateOtaku91 along with abit of extra cut content 🤞🏻I think gears ultimate got an extra chapter that the main game didn't have , could've just been an add on from the 360 version though
@UltimateOtaku91 well welcome to Team Green buddy, things tend to move a little slower on this side. But right now seems to be the right time to join. Things are picking up in a big way. Yes I understand i don’t like to go back to the 360 Gears game’s either and i would day 1 an ultimate edition collection with all 3. But if we just got Gears of War 2 UE, i would snag that in a second also.The first 3 are really really good and for their time they were some of the best cover shooters around. Hope you are enjoying your Xbox and i always enjoy your comments, we share a lot alike on games and ideas 😊
@Green-Bandit well I did have the xbox one for over a month when it first came out but I couldn't get into it, the main reason I got an xbox this gen is because of gamepass which is great value, and Bethesda's games. I also don't mind the slower pace in terms of releases as there's still good games on gamepass and looking forward to atomic heart next month plus I also have a ps5 and switch so at the moment I'm rarely going a month without a couple of great games coming out on each system and now having an xbox completes the set. Once xbox gets its act together and starts producing exclusives at a steady pace then yeah its going to hectic for me.
@UltimateOtaku91 i understand that. I just got done playing some of the Last of us Part 1 on my PS5 and i got GOWR, playing COD at the moment on Series X and I haven’t played my Switch much this week, but i like to lay in bed with it and play a little at night. So i own all 3 as well , but to be honest and not a fanboy, i like my Xbox the best and it’s cause of the controller and UI. I love Sony first party games, but for most games i like to play, i prefer the Xbox controller, so i buy 95% of my 3rd party games on Xbox. At this point my Switch and PS5 are just exclusives. But thats just what works for me, it’s not a knock on the consoles or the controllers. It’s just preference. I know plenty of people that would say they prefer Sony controllers and they buy their games there. Also yes, GP is a great deal and only looking to get a lot better in 2023, starts with Atomic Heart and will only get better and better. If they can close the ABK deal soonish like say April, which I’ve seen some chatter around that, granted that would take a lot of work to do in order to complete, so i am skeptical. But in a perfect world, say that happens. Diablo 4 and many others would also hit GP in 2023. That’s an insane service at that point. Throw in Forza, RedFall and Starfield and GP is leagues ahead of any other game service out there.
@Chuffer I don’t know… that Eastenders first person battle royale seems pretty apt. I’ve not watched the show in 20 years though.
Will it be 120fps?
@ParsnipHero Actually now I think about it I would totally play the heck out of it!
Also...I absolutely didn't just spend 20 minutes making this dope mock up character select screen, lol https://imgur.com/a/cTN9CyL
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