We've been seeing great news about Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S sales throughout the year across various regions, and in the United Kingdom specifically, it sounds like it could even become the best-selling console of 2022.
This is according to Chris Dring of GamesIndustry.biz, who reports that "just 20,000 units" separate the Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, and therefore December is going to have a massive influence on the winner.
"Which console comes out top in the UK in 2022 is going to come down to December. Currently PS5 leads but just 20,000 units separates the 3 main platforms. I couldn’t call it."
November helped a lot with sales of Xbox Series X|S in the UK thanks to Black Friday week, with saw both consoles discounted across various retailers. In fact, 40% of all consoles sold during that week were the Series X and Series S.
We'll keep an eye out for the final data at the end of the year, as well as more information about how well the Series X and S have sold in the US, Japan, Europe and various other regions. In any case, it sounds like it's been a great year for the two consoles in the market, especially in recent months!
What do you make of this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 24
I'm going to say the Switch will come out on top as the new Pokemon game is out which could shift more units in the Xmas/Post Xmas season.
PS5 is probably the most popular one but glad we’re seeing some PS3/Xbox360 competition (lots of people I know who are usually buying a PS are also thinking of buying a Series S). Switch is also popular but I think their growth is coming slowly to an end.
If Xbox can keep their stock up, and Series S continues to be discounted i'd expect it to pip both Nintendo and Sony.
Switch is still selling but slowing down a little & PS5 just can't seem to get enough stock for some reason, it's still always sold out other than a few places with large bundles or by request.
Regardless this is great news for Xbox.
@PhileasFragg That's a good shout to be fair. The new Pokemon sold a staggering 10 million in 3 days despite being a very buggy, and averagely reviewed, release and continues to sell. (Compare that with something like GOW:R, which was Sony fastest selling first party game EVER, but 'only' sold 5.1 million in a week.)
Nintendo are specifically Pokemon are just on another planet sometimes. I've heard it stated that it's the highest grossing media franchise of all time now eclipsing Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Star Wars. Whether that is true or not is really beside the point, it does bonkers numbers and is in that ballpark.
Only if they drop the price back to
Series s £189
Series x £420
That sold loads but it’s all slowed down now even PS5 can buy now UK today, so they not shifting that fast now, like they used to.
@themightyant Pokemon is what got me to buy my first Game Boy Pocket back in the day so it's a real system seller. Xbox doesn't really have that big holiday exclusive to move sales their way this year.
UK can buy a PS5 today and collect today in a couple of main stores. GOWR bundle disc console.
Game seem to have PS5 in stock all this week and last week. Bundles not too bad maybe extra controller.
Not sure why but seemed to have slowed down for PS5 since Black Friday. Normally any stock is gone by the end of the day at the latest.
@PhileasFragg It was Tetris (best game ever) and Mario Land for me. Pokemon never quite got it's claws in, despite loving RPGs and even liking the cartoon. Played a few Pokemon games over the years but they always just felt the same. I just don't get it. lol. My friends kids are all Pokemon obsessed right now though it is crazy how big it is.
I agree exclusives DEFINITELY help but Xbox has Game Pass, I believe that might just be enough, Microsoft are changing the landscape here.
And here i was told they just sit on shelves at the local store. Another myth debunked ...
@themightyant look at you throwing out the Tetris praise lol
@Dezzy70 Thanks. I had a quick look at a few stores and it does seem there is a little more PS5 stock than I thought. But still most major retailers are sold out, only have larger bundles, or are on request. e.g. Amazon, John Lewis, The Game Collection, Hughes, Very, AO, Box etc.
That I looked at only Game, Argos & Currys have it available to buy today on it's own, or with 1 game, but that is much better than most of the last 2 years.
Will be interesting to see how this pans out. Good on Microsoft for being in contention.
Just was surprised to see PS5 still there and most of this week, I wondering if there is a slow down, definitely not the mad panic to buy like earlier this year. You had about hour to get one then sold out. Now you get a few days. Some Smyths toys stores have some over from the weekend.
GOWR bundle UK.
@J_Mo_Money Tetris is gaming in it's purest form, it even made my mum into a gamer briefly.
I remember her saying I couldn't take my Game Boy into school and when I came home found her not able to put it down and not wanting to give it back. I think she had been playing most of the day. Sneaky, lol.
Pretty impressive seeing as they don’t have their exclusives out yet, when those start to drop MS could make back lot’s of marketshare this generation. Starfield needs lots of marketing and some fancy console and controller special editions. RedFall controller in black with red blood and fangs on it, something like that, I ain’t the marketing guy, as you can clearly see. But those could move numbers and get some hype around the exclusive titles.
@themightyant is it still the number 1 selling game of all time? You can essentially play it forever and in different variations.
@J_Mo_Money I believe Minecraft is the most selling game of all time (238 million copies sold as of 2021) but Tetris is still one of a tiny handful that have breached 100 million.
Yes never gets tired. Especially that gameboy version. In fact I found my Game Boy last year in a box at my parents house, slotted in 4 AAs and it’s still working. 😄
@themightyant only to last a few hours and be green and dimly lit to where you can barely see the screen. ah the old days.
Switch is likely to win due to parents buying consoles for kids; the whole ‘Nintendo is for kids’ nonsense aside it simply has the most recognisable IPs and the fact that no TV is required nor anything more complicated than a micro SD card in addition to a new Pokemon game all but assures. That being said, it’s now 5 years since those kids got a Switch and for those looking to upgrade to a next Gen system the Series S is a great deal, especially with Gamepass (and the fact that it also can access Netflix/Amazon/Disney +). I say this as a Series X owner and dad myself. Both my little ones have a Switch Lite and it is perfect for them. However, the Series S is a great machine for not much more than a Lite and less than a ‘full’ Switch. The PS5 is still hard to find and (like the Series X) is priced at a premium.
@themightyant I love a bit of Tetris, in fact Tetris Effect is easily one of the best games I played on the PS4.
It's great to see Xbox up there competing, sure the PS5 has had stock limitations for most of the year but its up there with Switch on merit and we have 3 very healthy console options for all tastes
@carlos82 Still have many of those Tetris Effect tracks on my playlist. The euphoria I experienced when completing the main game, the synergy between gameplay, visuals and music is hard to top. Pure phantasmagoria.
That all said as damned good as Effect was in other ways, I think the actual pure gameplay was better and more replayable, on the Game Boy version.
@themightyant have you ever tried this in VR? Those feelings you described are magnified when playing it that way
@carlos82 I haven't. Bought PSVR Day 1 but it made me feel pretty ill, so sent it back. Weird as i've never even felt slightly ill playing games.
Hearing that newer tech solves some of that, and many have to build up their tolerance to it. But look forward to giving it another go. Can only imagine the deeper immersion VR brings. Transcendental.
@themightyant to be fair when I first started I couldn't play the likes of Resident Evil 7 for more than a couple of minutes in VR, standing up helped and playing games where you're static like this or Job Simulator helped get me used to it.
Hopefully you can get used to it in the future as even relatively simple games are completely transformed in VR
@carlos82 I only played RE7 for a few minutes as I was scared ****less. lol. That demo where you were tied into a chair, and the hands...
But yes that's the plan, I liked the little I played a lot!
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