One of the major ways Xbox communicates with fans is via the social media website Twitter. Now, as you might have heard, there's been some drama unfolding since the billionaire Elon Musk acquired the platform for roughly $44 billion.
It seems many individuals are worried about the future of Twitter, and are now coming up with alternative ways to keep in touch with fans and followers. Some members of the Xbox team such as Aaron Greenberg have already set up Mastodon profiles, and now Xbox boss Phil Spencer has created his own page as well.

In a nutshell, Mastodon was initially released in 2016 and is an "open-source" social networking server service with posting features that are somewhat similar to Twitter. Phil's not the only one jumping on board this platform, either.
The networking service has experienced a high volume of users from all walks of life in recent weeks - with the company mentioning in a post this weekend how it was "experiencing the highest volume of traffic" it's ever reached.
"Currently Masto.host is experiencing the highest volume of traffic that has ever reached the infrastructure. The service is partially degraded and I will be doing fast upgrades on the platform. These can lead to partial downtime, errors and large delays in support requests. Really sorry. Doing the best I can on my end. Hope you understand. Thanks."
So, what's Phil posted so far on his new Mastodon account? He's 'boosted' (similar to a retweet) some comments about Flight Simulator and Pentiment, and also praised Vampire Survivors once again. His recommendation is a "garlic + lightening ring" combination to dominate in-game.
"Phil Spencer: "Thanks for the warm welcome to Mastodon. I’m learning more about this place in between #VampireSurvivors runs. Garlic + Lightning Ring is OP and so satisfying.""
If we see an official Xbox page or anything similar pop up in the near future on Mastodon, we'll keep you in the loop. It's worth noting that Phil and other Xbox employees are still active on Twitter too though, with no signs of them leaving the platform right now.
Have you started following Phil on Mastodon? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 37
Hmm I might as well set up an account over there too, just in case things get “hardcore,” lol.
What's wrong with Twitter all of a sudden. I have been using it for years and haven't seen any change to it.
Advertisers will go where the people are. So will brands. Twitter data and users have been going up. The eyeballs and wallets are still there. So if Pepsi pulls out, the competition will step in and they will lose much, especially during a recession.
@Tasuki nothing it just now has an owner who’s views are seen as heresy and unacceptable so in today’s typical infantile fashion it’s seen to be ‘bad’.
I don’t care about Twitter or Masterdon so whatever. Godspeed uncle Phil.
Advertisers seek the safest environment, away from politics or controversy
Untrue brands have been taking sides on political and social issues heavily for decades. From a position on wars to abortion. And Twitter has been radically political and full of controversy for as long as I have used it. And they did not leave then. There is porn on Twitter and despite that it still has advertisers. So your comment is naive or intentionally deceptive.
Twitter is a platform facilitating hate speech and bigotry.
It has been this way for over 8 years. Two years ago I was called an Uncle Tom for adopting white children. Twitter told me they violated no rules. I received a few death threats from Twitter and the accounts never got shut down. The people being brought back were only banned in the last 2-3 years. They are not saying anything new. Advertisers were there 2-3 years ago. So your statement is true but it's always been that way.
And the blue checkmark program was stopped until the details got ironed out. It was being abused.
Elon. Separating the wheat from the chaff
It’s a platform that no matter your political leanings does not moderate death threats or dehumanizing garbage. It’s a dumpster fire. Smart of Phil to expand into more places to reach the Xbox audience.
They should get an official Xbox account.
In fact, one of the biggest concerns of using mastodon is server reliability. Microsoft should implement their own Mastodon server.
I can't imagine any scenario where I join mastodon.
@KonstantTrouble : Content assocation is a major concern for advertisers though. For example, various advertisers avoid pornographic websites despite the large user count because content association can harm brandnames.
Big nothingburger. Only catering to those who can't handle differing opinions and took their toys to a new echo chamber. When you can just copy paste posts to multiple social networks, makes sense for companies to add them to every one available.
Twitter banned people for loving their country and their God. Meanwhile actual terrorists, and people associated with terror groups like Antifa were allowed to maintain accounts. If Phil (or anyone else) cared about optics or had any principles they would have left long ago. These people are just afraid to share a public forum with those who dissent from their world view. They are cowards who would prefer that opposing voices be silenced by any means necessary. Now that they have lost a sliver of their fascist censorship, they are running away.
Everyone treating Mastodon as the fling to try and get over twitter…yet constantly messaging twitter telling them how much they don’t care about it anymore.
Meanwhile twitter is telling them to just leave and stop obsessing over them as it’s getting creepy and sooner or later one of you is gonna end up dead.
@Grail_Quest This has to be satire.
@101Force Now that is true. But Twitter is by far all about politics and hate speech. It's a small part of it. And brands can block and even make ads that do not allow comments. It's just getting a lot of attention right now because certain parties are trying to hurt Twitter.
laughable...people are weak minded individuals...free speech doesn't equal hate speech...but if u can't take the burn don't participate... I choose to not participate but people whining about makes the seed weak
leaving twitter means your for censorship......hello people..this Is land of the free and usa isthe beacon of free speech
@mac01208 : Exorcising consumer rights — choosing what media platforms you subscribe to — is not synonymous with supporting censorship.
@101Force Not universally, you're correct. People can do what they want, and they come and go from these social media platforms for all kinds of reasons. However if someone leaves Twitter as a form of protesting free speech, well, we should take them at their word, that they're against free speech. If someone leaves because there is no more arbitrary censorship of political or ideological rivals, then they're telling you they're for censorship.
point awarded
@101Force point awarded
And here I was happy Twitter was dying. There's already a replacement? Ugh.
@Grail_Quest : Leaving Twitter because you don't want to be associated with, exposed to, or seen as supporting certain kinds of speech isn't synonymous with supporting censorship. The fact of the matter is Twitter is a private platform that caters to consumers and whatever rules it imposes on that platform don't really affect free speech, they affect their consumer demographics.
I miss bebo that one was my favourite lol
What the heck is Mastodon? Literally never heard of it.
@Grail_Quest Exactly. People who are against Twitter right now are basically making statements against free speech, which is a statement that I will always be offended by regardless of parties or affiliations.
Free speech opposition is fun and games until it comes for you.
Note 1:
Despite all the comments above, I don't think Phil has created a Mastodon account because of any political difference with Twitter/Musk. I think he is creating it because of the risk of Twitter collapsing (what with them now only having a fraction of the staff etc).
Note 2:
Reading the above comments, PureXbox is in danger of turning into a political dumpster fire, which is really horrible. It used to be one of the few corners of the internet where I could (mostly) come for enjoyment and to escape the horrors of the divided political stances that are currently making the world such a ***** miserable place to exist in.
Ugh! Let's not ruin a good thing, eh!
I don’t think Phil needs to worry about Twitter going anywhere and if he really thinks that it is a bit naive of him.
The media hysteria and everyone making mastodon accounts and talking about “the end of Twitter” is just really stupid.
Twitter isn’t going anywhere. Despite the layoffs, it is still going to function perfectly fine. All social media platforms are purging staff. Facebook fired more people than Twitter and its share prices have plummeted. No media hysteria there though.
Twitter is growing in popularity. Musk didn’t spend all that money to kill it off, he’s not as radical as is being made out.
Twitter also isn’t full of hate speech now Musk owns it. I mean, most of social media appears angry to me. And Twitter is full of absolute statements that people make and try and be controversial/unique. But I haven’t noticed any changes in my feed from the usual video games, comedy and inspiration that I always get. With careful tuning, you can ensure your feed is full of the stuff you like.
So yeah, let’s not get all crazy. If Mastadon works for Phil, that’s great, I’m in marketing and diversity is strength and all, but if he left Twitter it would be naive, foolish or politically driven. And none of those is a good look.
antstephenson wrote:
I think it's more likely a statement of intent, a warning to Twitter that they are willing to go elsewhere if they don't sort their ***** out. Currently it isn't a space most brands would want to be a associated with if it keeps going down this path. As Twitter gets most of their revenue from advertising the brands are effecting voting with their wallets and firing a warning salvo across Twitter leaderships bows.
(edit) Moreover as someone else above said Phil has openly spoken out about work place abuse and other things, meanwhile Elon has literally, and publicly, told his staff if they don't crunch they are gone. Would be a bit two faced to not speak out now.
On the last point completely agree. Don't need this site to become yet another political battlefield.
@InterceptorAlpha that’s social media. Cut off one head another will take its place. The only way it dies is with an unbelievable cultural shift which lets be honest won’t happen.
@Sam_TSM You should get some sleep x
I think, I am gonna try Mastodon.
Hopefully, I'll like it...
We'll see...
Fingers crossed.
I don't post on twitter but man reading twitter is a lot of fun this day, elon musk twitter is way more fun compared to the previous blue haired freaks version lol 😂
This is virtue signaling 101 from Phil. Twitter ain’t going anywhere.
Today, I joined on Mastodon.
Hopefully, I'll like it...
We'll see...
Fingers crossed
Guess I will go create a Twitter account then, although Gab is where it is at.
@antstephenson It's not great, is it?
@Savage_Joe : That's a fair distinction and one that I agree with — social media entities should be regarded as a type of publisher — but publishers have the right to refuse certain kinds of content and material to better appeal to their preferred consumer demographic, to attract certain kinds of advertisers, or to maintain certain standards. eg: Tor only publishes science fiction, Nature only publishes peer-reviewed research, Ensign only publishes LDS church material, Penguin Random House only accepts submissions from published authors, etc. etc.
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