Update: It turns out that Despot's Game is no longer coming to Xbox Game Pass today, as it's been delayed by a couple of weeks until September 29th. Therefore, it's only the five games today! We've updated the list below.
Original Story: It's another Game Pass day! We already knew about two games joining the service in the form of Metal: Hellsinger and Despot's Game, but the Tokyo Game Show 2022 has also treated us to four major shadow drops as well!
Don't forget that two other additions arrived yesterday - those were the previously announced You Suck At Parking, along with the surprise ID@Xbox reveal of Amazing Cultivation Simulator for PC. Both are available now!
Here's what you can play on Xbox Game Pass beginning today:
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Console, PC, Cloud)
Choose your fate in Assassin's Creed® Odyssey. From outcast to living legend, embark on an odyssey to uncover the secrets of your past and change the fate of Ancient Greece.
Danganronpa V3 Anniversary Edition (Console, PC, Cloud)
A new cast of 16 characters find themselves kidnapped and imprisoned in a school. Inside, some will kill, some will die, and some will be punished. Reimagine what you thought high-stakes, fast-paced investigation was as you investigate twisted murder cases and condemn your new friends to death.
Despot's Game (Delayed Until September 29th)
A group of people wake up in a strange post-apocalyptic labyrinth — naked, with no memories and with a bunch of weapons. Is this a joke, a crazy experiment, or... a game? You'll find out soon enough, just try not to die first!
FUGA: Melodies Of Steel (Console, PC, Cloud)
Fuga: Melodies of Steel is an RPG where you place children, each with their own unique characteristics and skills, at different gun turrets in a tank to fight against the enemy.
Metal: Hellsinger (Series X, Series S, PC, Cloud)
Slay to the rhythm of metal and vengeance on an infernal journey through the eight Hells. Make them fear the beat. Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm FPS bursting with demons, badass weapons, and heavy metal music.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch Remastered (Console, PC, Cloud)
Journey back to the other world in Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered. LEVEL-5’s classic tale returns better than ever, with improved graphics and performance.
Which of these will you be playing on Xbox Game Pass? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 26
There's now enough Games on game pass to last me until April 2023.
Im all in on metal hellsinger, thanks gp!
If you are on the fence about Ni No Kuni, do try it. I loved it in 2013 on ps3 and played and loved the remaster all over again last year. Its like playing a studio ghibli film...
FUGA: Melodies Of Steel looks dope.
Now I have that, AC Odyssey and Ni No Kuni in my queue.
Great content this part of the month.
Ni No Kuni for sure!
Nice selection! Have been wanting FUGA: Melodies Of Steel for a long time and now I got it
And a few months ago, people were complaining that Game Pass had nothing to offer this year after delays to some titles. Still looking excellent value to me...
Metal Hellsinger is pre installed already and i'm interested in Ni No Kuni, Melodies of steel and Danganronpa (Still need to start the series). Ac odyssey i already played and the other game meh not my thing really. Deathloop is also coming next week, so where do i have to find the time to play all i want.
@BAMozzy Gamepass had a few quiet months with no big AAA releases. And 9 months and counting with no first party releases at all. You can’t really complain that some people might have been (or still are) questioning gamepass’s value this year. And I’m sure MS knows nobody is a mind reader…that subscriptions survive month by month.
Ni No Kuni, Metal Hellsinger, Deathloop...
GP is still giving me enough to play for the remainder of the year!
@uptownsoul Trouble is when talking about value people tend to place personal value on it - which is subjective. I mean one person could love every single game that’s been put out on gamepass so far this year…one person could have only been interested in one game. This doesn’t remove the personal value either feels about the service.
What can’t be argued against though is that had the likes of starfield, red fall, stalker 2 hit gamepass this year it would have added more value to gamepass 2022…remove them then logically it removes value to gamepass 2022.
Next year we should (hopefully) see more day 1 AAA releases…amongst all the indies and 3rd party late comers.
Fuga is a great game. Deserves so much more love than it got. I also think the description doesn't do it justice.
In what other game can you sacrifice a 4 year old child to become a weapon of mass destruction?
People who don’t think GamePass is a “bad value”, simple, stop subscribing!
It’s been an outstanding value for me and have played so many games that I may have never tried like Tinykin, that are outstanding. Just one of those games pays for my sub each month. I get AT LEAST four or five games I enjoy every month. Usually more. But to each their own. I get way more value out of this over PS+ Extra simply because there’s more new games. And if you look at reviews, the vast majority have been great games.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is so freaking good. There's few games I liked THAT much.
@uptownsoul Not when you paid $120 for 3 years ;P
@uptownsoul It hasn't been the best year so far. But, I've still gotten my money's worth, and it hasn't even been close. If you haven't noticed, all the devs and all 3 of the big dogs have pushed most of their big games to 2023. This isn't an exclusively Xbox problem. But even so at full price, I've gotten more than the value of the cost of 2 games over the entire year, with the service. 2023 should be a lot better, but the value is still incredibly high over this year.
@uptownsoul I'd still be disappointed, but I wouldn't cancel my Game Pass ;P
2021...Game Pass...great value
2023...Game Pass...appears to have outstanding value
2022...Game Pass...good value
There you go bro
Ni No Kuni is an amazing game.
@uptownsoul Two things can be right at the same time. I can be disappointed in something while still saying it's a good value. I know you are desperate to draw your conclusion a different way though, which is why you kept re-asking the same question... Lol, you guess our expectations are different? No, they are obviously different.
Don’t miss You Suck at Parking with all the surprise releases. It’s a blast!
@uptownsoul Never answered if I WAS disappointed. You just don't like my answer because it doesn't fit neatly into your binary thinking.
@uptownsoul Lol you're funny
@uptownsoul You talk a lot.
So, so many games and just not enough time for gaming 😒.
Fantastic value from the best subscription in console gaming- long it may continue 😀
Tried Metal - Hellslinger, and while it's nice, I can see it getting boring quite quickly as well.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a great addition, but I bought it before and stopped playing it.
It doesn't matter that much though. I'm having a great time with You Suck At Parking.
“The Berman army?” What the Fuga?
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