UPspec gaming, the company behind the Xbox Series S xScreen attachment, has overhauled its shipping processes to make the product more accessible worldwide. The move mostly benefits American customers at present, with the move to a US-based shipping system from the previous Australian location.
The upshot of the move is that shipping is now much cheaper for US customers, which probably broadens UPspec's market quite a bit. We thought the device was a great little accessory for Series S users when we went hands on earlier this year, especially if travel is part of your regular gaming routine.
UPspec is also making positive changes for customers globally, which is a bonus. Worldwide postage now calculates shipping and tax expenses at checkout, making the whole process a clearer one for potential buyers. This isn't a particularly cheap accessory, so it's great to see the company be more upfront about costs before shipping out to customers.
The xScreen is now back in stock online for anyone who's looking to pick one up! Over here in the UK, pricing before shipping is set at £219.
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Are you thinking about grabbing an xScreen? Let us know below!
Comments 14
Had mine for a few months now. Pair it with a Jackery or decent power station and it makes weekend getaways just incredible.
How is it in the sun? like does it deal with the glare well?
How long can you play it when it's conencted to your power station?
I don't really see this fitting into my lifestyle since it will rely heavily on having access to wifi. My on the go gaming is usually in a car or at the family cabin. My Steam Deck and Switch are much better suited for offline gaming and the form factor is much better for traveling.
@Somebody I´m agreed, plus we still with online DRM on Xbox and his hight pricce not help.
A thing this product keeps making me think about: we might not get an XBox portable handheld (at least not one that isnt meant to be a stream client) but maybe, by the end of this generation, we get a super-thin Series S with a built-in screen and sold as a laptop-style portable.
@After10Ben It depends on the power Station and the battery capacity. But the XbSS with XScreen maxes out around 89 wph usage on high end modern games with no internet use (that ups the power use). I'm only using a baby Jackery 240w currently. Havent decided on which to upgrade to yet. So I get around 2.5 hours use of continuous use on battery alone. You can lower that to around 64 wph by playing 360 games and a tiny bit lower, like 2wph, by muting the Xscreen and using a headset.
@Stoned_Patrol It's not an Oled screen so it will get dim comparatively in the sun. But oddly I found the white glare reflection off the console to be more distracting.
@Krysus 🤣🤣🤣good to know I'm not the only one. I have the bluetti portable power station(268wh), with a portable monitor(15", 30w), and the ps4 hooked up to it for outdoor adventures, as well. Lasts me about 3.5hrs. #GamingOnTheGo
@PhhhCough I experimented with PS4 use, but found continuous use pretty taxing with the power draw. I can hit around 141wph with Horizon 2. That's nuts imho. I 'was' considering finding a slim and putting an SSD in it, try and get the draw lower, but ended up going with the Steamdeck instead and avoided the problem entirely. Just have to wait for Sony to release everything on PC for my portable PS5 dreams to come true.
Edit: Blueetti's seem amazing! I'm considering the 2k Lithium Phosphate as my next upgrade. Even the best Lithium Ion Jackery doesn't have half the lifespan of the LIP's.
@Somebody Switch is by far the best off grid gaming anything. Stupid low power consumption, even while docked. Steamdeck is, good---ish. Wish they would stop messing with the settings constantly. I used to get 3 hours from Days Gone on a full battery and now it's barely 2. Even still, it's amazing tech. Portable PS5 forever!
@Tharsman doubtful. Xbox will likely go farther in on the Xbox PC App tho and quit teasing with the small amount of 'Play everywhere' titles.
@Krysus my main complaint about the Switch is the lack of 3rd party support. It's sad that 360 games like bioshock and the first 2 borderlands games were major Direct announcements. It's really outdated hardware. It's also kind of a joke that Skyrim is full price $60 on switch but like $10 everywhere else. I love the steam deck though.
@Somebody I agree on all points. The Joycons would be my biggest hardware complaint. Such total garbage.
I bought a Switch Lite and I don't use it much to be honest. The Steam Deck looks more appealing but I want to see if there's a version 2. It's not just a question of power because I still use my 3DS. Switch tries to be a modern console but doesn't reach the minimum standards. Even the screen is rubbish, in my opinion. The OLED version might be better but I'm not buying more overpriced Nintendo hardware with rubbish joy-cons. No, because I have a Wii U and the best Switch games are Wii U games and the best Switch exclusives will be available in better form in the future, e.g. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and 3 have serious performance and graphical issues on Switch, and those are first-party games. Switch is the most disappointing Nintendo console.
The xScreen is a nice option for those with a Series S that want part of the portability of other consoles.
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