It feels like we've been rocking some form of the current Xbox dashboard layout for quite a while now. Sure, when Xbox One first released things looked a fair bit different (good riddance to that UI) but in the years since say, Xbox One X launched, things have felt quite samey especially considering we're now into a new generation.
So, recently we've spent some time looking back at the Xbox dashboards of old. The Blades UI holds quite a bit of weight within the Xbox community, and we've seen some amazing modern Blades concept art doing the rounds lately. Could a version of that UI return? It seems unlikely, given Microsoft's admittedly jokey response to the matter.
In fact, we're actually really big fans of the Xbox 360 NXE dashboard. Sure, we know the sheer amount of content featured within these systems has grown massively since 2008, but we're not sure things have been quite as sleek since that point. The Blades would feel a bit cramped in 2022 we reckon, but NXE? Some form of that could really work with a few tweaks.

The recent era of Xbox has delivered a decent enough user interface experience, but there are still some big issues that don't appear to be getting solved. Activity feeds have been pretty much ruined in recent years, and don't even get us started on where local and online captures disappear to once you've hit that share button...
Whether Xbox decides to look at UI styles of the past, or wants to move forward with a completely new dashboard, this writer thinks it's about time for a big OS refresh. But, what do you folks think on this one? Are you happy with the current dash, or would you like to see a big change in the near future?
Vote in the poll and let us know!
Comments 43
I like the current UI. If there are any changes I would prefer a fix to the existing system rather than a total revamp. If a complete revamp is not significantly better, then the time it takes to acclimate to the changes is not worth it.
That’s something I’d give the ps5 over my series s. Whilst the Home Screen wasn’t necessarily better it was different and felt more like an actual new console.
I'd like to go back to Xbox 360 one tbh
UI layout is fine for me. There’s so much going on I really can’t see how blades would benefit that rather than making things need a couple of Additional moves to get to.
What I would like them to do is fix any and all broken apps and links within the UI. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve clicked on something and it’s opened something else. Or on rewards page I’ve pressed to go back and it’s reopened bing or something.
The problem with the current UI is that it is useless, and the NXE shares that problem. So there's no point in trading one for the other. There's nothing on them. They show a few games, try to sell you some things, and that's it, and you go straight to the guide to navigate options and use features.
The blades and current 360 dash at least have utility.
For me, the dashboard could do a refresh, but I wouldn't want to see the actual settings app and guide totally changed or replaced.
@Richnj exactly! The main screen is useless, you can't do anything unless you pin it to the dashboard, and even then the guide is way better at doing practically everything.
Barring that, I actually like the rest of the UX, the guide, games and apps, settings, etc. IMO it's way better than the other consoles I've used. I still haven't got a PS5 so I don't include it in my comparison, but from the usual comments and seeing the PS4 UX, I doubt it is any better.
I would prefer one without ads for things on the home page
If the current UI is improved, my preference would be for the ability to pin more stuff to the home screen, more groups, more apps per group and more apps in a group to be displayed when pinned to the home screen. Just give us full control of our UI so we can make it as messy, tidy, sleek or as convoluted as we want.
I also wouldn't mind the option for custom UIs too, why not have the current, have blades, have the NXE all as options? That in addition to the above requested customisation options would give limitless potential.
Also, the article linked was quite an interesting read! It's funny how 500gb storage was a worry back then and we haven't progressed vastly in the amount of storage space (even if the speed has improved!) and the same worries are still voiced to this day
Having had all the consoles since day one.
For me keep it simple keep it Nintendo Switch like with a few improvements.
Xbox seem to love an overload of information and sometimes it’s not very intuitive either overall.
It’s ok but over complex front screen wise.
To many options etc.
Some love it that way but I don’t.
I don't understand why anyone cares about this. I spend maybe 2 seconds/day on the dashboard. What on earth are y'all doing with your consoles besides launching game or streaming apps?
Yes! Metro UI was a flawed principle designed to unite Microsoft styling across all windows platforms from mobile, computer and Xbox as if those 3 don’t have different pointing devices or screen sizes or cover different mediums. Flawed from the start.
I’d like to see something built from the ground up for Xbox designed around games and gaming.
They should have had a new UI with the release of the Series X. Thats part of the new experience/feel. It just felt like I got a One X but better rather than a new console Generation.
I also wish they would bring back the old Community Tab. I loved seeing all my friends clips in the feed. I dont really even record anymore because I have to go out of my way to share stuff with them.
Why do people want change for the sake of change? The ui works. If it works well it should work well forever unless it doesn't work well.
Just got back on the Xbox a few months ago with the Series X after a stint on the PS4 and PS5 and I have to say, I love the interface. It totally blows the PS5 out of the water with its customizability and overall usability. So I wouldn’t want it to change personally.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting them to change the dashboard and freshen things up. I actually don’t like the current one and would be happy for an update but I’m probably one of the only people that love the original Xbox One dashboard.
I would say it’s in need of an update/tweak. Add more colors, give us an option to hide the tiles on the Home Screen, and please fix the frustratingly hard to search Xbox store! Give us back the ability to search for movies/tv by genre! Why you took that out I’ll never know.
No. It's fine. Moving on.
@SplooshDmg VISTA! ME!!
I'd like them to start by removing ads on the xbox. I've not switched on my xbox in probably over a month. Last time I did, pointless ads were still there, ruining the background / wallpaper.
@SplooshDmg pfft 8.1 is butter. 8.0 is where the real fun is!
@SplooshDmg Windows 8 and Xbox Done debuted together. Coincidence?
NO it works and now i know were everything is.
PS5 got a redesign and its not as good as ps4 UI and still missing features
The UI is better than the ps5s but worse than the PS4
@SplooshDmg under Ballmer MS went from evil dystopian overlord to punchline in almost every area. There's not much to praise about his era, really....
Switch on Xbox.
Log in to account
Scroll down 2 steps, app group. Press app.
Press a single button to bring up all games, select game, play.
That's what I use the dash for, so to be honest I don't care.
I’m mostly happy with the current one, I’d just like to be able to customise the Home Screen a bit. Let me move tiles around and rejig the layout of things a bit to my personal preference, so I can view more of my customised background (which is largely blocked by the tiles in the current design). Let me place permanent pins on the Home Screen too, that would be welcome. Relatively minor tweaks like this would go a long way to improving the user experience I think.
Tbh the UI Works as it should do if I could change anything it would be the the ability to turn off the annoying system sounds
If it isn't broke don't fix it
Is It Time For Xbox To Introduce A New Game?
@Would_you_kindly This really. I really liked the 360 dashboard. Everything had its place, it was quick to browse and the game store was baked right in and a LOT faster then the PS3 store.
No, I’m happy with the current dashboard.
I'm indifferent so I guess I'd defer to saying they need a new one since people who want something new tend to be the loudest about it.
@SplooshDmg congrats on XC definitive. I'm loving XC3, myself.
"On a side note, Xenoblade Definitive is on its way to my house. Rejoice!"
You'll love it. The story is an insane roller coaster that almost doesn't make sense at times but then it does. And it's the only game in the series with a fairly simple battle system (too simple and boring at times but compared to the good but ridiculously over complicated systems in 2 and 3, especially 2 it's great!)
Just keep in mind it's ultimately a Wii game, so if the "empty MMO server" side quests get annoying, it's very much a product of the late 7th gen. I think I mostly ignored the side quests except where I needed to improve affinities. Oh, yeah, and pay attention to affinities, and remember time of day matters for quest givers to be where you expect them.
@SplooshDmg It's a slow cold start, but once you get into it I think you'll be really feeling it.
Its pretty ugly in my opinion and displaying adverts is a big turn off.
But once you figure out where things are, its functional enough. Its not intuitive at all, but neither is ps5s, so thats a goaless draw
It doesnt say welcome to the next gen, but neither do the games yet!
@SplooshDmg IDK giant robots might be a better start. Which XC actually starts with....
Actually I forgot, it actually opens hot and confusing at the Battle of Sword Valley 1 year ago as a prologue. Wastelands, giant robots, explosions everywhere. Then goes cold and slow flashing forward a year to the present time where you're introduced to the main characters and the story really begins.
@SplooshDmg Nothing is as fast paced as the Shrek Dating Simulator.
LOL on P5. Actually XC does suffer from that same phenomenon of "play for 10 minutes, cutscene for 30, play for 10 minutes cutscene for 50, play for 40 seconds, cutscene 3 minutes, then you're dumped into an open landscape with no direction whatsoever.
Ok, it's not THAT bad, but the pacing sometimes is off, and of course in XC1 a lot of the side quests are "fetch 30 widgets obtained as rare drops by fighting unnamed anonymous monsters near Big Lake, during an unspecified time of day you couldn't know without looking on the internet, then come find me, I'll be somewhere near this building in this town or I'll be somewhere totally different or not locatable at all because I only spawn for 1 hour game time (1 minute real-time) a night at a specific time in one of 3 random places, it's a miracle you even found this quest trolololol"
Followed by "Thanks, you're a real life saver!"
Reward items:
+1 spoiled turnip.
I would like to see a change. However the worst thing for me is every time I open the store or gamepass it adds it to the Home Screen I don’t like it there. Can’t be hard to change this surely.
Fixing what isn't broken will just break it. There's nothing wrong with it. Just play games, if you are spending this much time in the dashboard you are doing it wrong.
@SplooshDmg I can see that happening. The first game is excellent.
I just want folders, why it's so hard to get this feature in this generations consoles? I want this feature on ps5, xbox, and switch.
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