Arkane's Deathloop hit PS5 and PC last September, and was one of the best-reviewed games of 2021. The deal for its PlayStation console exclusivity was struck before Xbox acquired the game's publisher, Bethesda, but that exclusive window is about to come to an end.
Thanks to a State of Play showing of Deathloop last summer, we know that the PlayStation exclusivity deal lasts for one full year. Deathloop launched on September 14th, 2021, meaning we're about a month out from its potential release on Xbox.
When Will Deathloop Release On Xbox?
While a specific release date for Deathloop on Xbox hasn't been announced yet, we're expecting an Xbox Series X and S port as soon as it's feasible to do so. As far as we know, that's anytime on or after September 14th, 2022.
If we do get Deathloop on Xbox in the middle of next month, that'd be a huge boost for Xbox, and indeed for the Game Pass library. This will be an Xbox Game Studios release, so it'll hit Game Pass the moment it's available. Given the service's relatively quiet summer period, we're pretty excited for Deathloop's impending launch.
Will you be playing Arkane's latest shooter day one on Game Pass? Let us know!
Comments 32
Yeeessss. I ve been waiting to play it for quite some time.
It would be so cool to have it on GP by next month.
The title is quite overrated tbh. The voice acting and level design were really really good. But general gameplay loop got very boring after you've done each level once. But definitely give it a go on GP if you haven't.
I don't think Deathloop and Xbox can be in the same sentence until september 14th, so they will either shadow drop it, or announce it September 14th with an october/November release date ( which could be more likely considering they have a Starfield-shaped slot to fill in November)
@Kaloudz Doubt it, generally with exclusivity deals they are not allowed to communicate about the game on different systems until the exclusivity deal ends. So we almost certainly wont hear anything before 14 september. And we either get a shadow drop then or an announcement for a date
Hope we are optimising for series x console shame to waste that power on what is now a first party studio game.
I got this for Christmas last year and it's a great game!
I hope it's as well-received on Xbox as it was on PlayStation. I'll probably play it again on Xbox just for kicks.
Do it, bring it, can't wait
I feel like Deathloop and Ghostwire receptions are flipped. I dropped Deathloop a few hours in and couldnt get into it. Meanwhile Ghostwire had me wanting to do everything and get the Platinum along with it.
I don't think it'll be shadow drop, September has Grounded and Microsoft seems to want to aim for that 1 1st party release a month release setup. I'm leaning towards early December.
July - As Dusk Falls + Hot Wheels DLC
August - ?
September - Grounded
October - ?
November - Pentiment + Halo Infinite Season 3
December - ?
It can't be August because of the exclusivity deal and October would be rather busy for Xbox if the acquisition passes by then so they'd probably save Deathloop for December along with FH5 expansion 2.
Arkane is one of the best developers that Xbox got in the Zenimax acquisition. Dishonored games are absolute masterpieces and cant wait to jump into this one. Redfall is looking better and better as well and I can't wait. Gimme that Deathloop.
@Kaloudz yeah pretty sure I saw a post on here with what they are going to show. It's mostly deep dives in announced games. To be fair I actually prefer the 12 months approach over the here are some games you'll one day get Ina few years but we don't know when approach. Sure it's nice to know what they are working on but I prefer knowing what I can play in the coming months
Would be nice if they had an expansion ready to go, that they could drop on Game Pass with it as a "definitive edition" as well as flogging to PS users.
Something to show for the wait and to go along with their "Xbox must be the best place to play our games" - and seriously expecting close to zero bugs given how long they've had to test it and optimise it on Series consoles...
@J_Mo_Money totally agree ,I'm waiting for a announcement for a Dishonored game ..... patiently of course .....give me !!!!!!
I feel a stirring in my loins!
I am hoping this is not one of those games Sony paid for a 2 year exclusivity deal for.
Ideally, though, this does not get shadow dropped, and instead gets a bit of marketing and extra content that is exclusive to the xbox version of the game.
I really can't see them shadow dropping it. They'd be better off announcing a deluxe edition in September, building some hype and then releasing it in November or so.
@Tharsman i do t think it's a 2 year deal unless they paid for extra lately cause on the trailer for ps it said not available on other consoles till at least 14/09/22
Edit I've found the trailer on PlayStation's YouTube , at 9:41
@Martsmall indeed. I'll be ready whenever it drops!
I played it on PS5 and personally thought it was overrated. I mean it’s pretty good, just not great. Saying that if you’re playing on GamePass then there’s no reason not to give it a go.
Great news to wake up to..
@J_Mo_Money love Arkane. Wish I could get excited over redfall but have a feeling it will fall short of most peoples expectations. I just hope they haven’t simply replaced zombies with vampires. When I think of vampires they’re not mindless…I’d love it if they have personality and decent AI (communicate with one another etc)…you can do so much more with them. So far all I’ve seen though is them running at you spamming the same animation.
And they really haven’t communicated well what the benefits of team work is and how that changes the game as opposed to playing it solo - and how deep a single player campaign that then makes.
We should know more soon I guess… right now, redfall doesn’t have me.
Deathloop I’m looking forward to giving a go though.
Hopefully it will launch on Xbox supporting fsr 2.0.
Great game...top 3 playstation games I've played
I really thought we’d have heard something about Deathloop at this point, I can’t see it being shadow dropped in a month, I think we’ll see an announcement either at Gamescom or late September for release late October o November.
Just read some reviews and there seems to be some gameplay areas that need ironing out and could improve upon.
Hoping they sort them out before release and also optimise for series x.
With exclusive new content would be nice. Wouldn't mind waiting if that's the case.
Liked the look of this. Be cool to get it in games pass.
Completely overrated game. I think out of all Arkhane games, this is definitely the worst. Dishonored and Prey are much much better. But like anything it's all personal choice and some people like a loop game, the gameplay was similar don't get me wrong, but it just felt a little lacking for me.
Whenever it drops, I'm hoping it's the definitive, best optimized, all dlc included edition.
I got it, completed it and sold it last year. Definitely enjoyed it quite a bit but got old quickly. Still, if you haven't tried yet and it hits GamePass, I think everyone should give it a try - you'll have fun.
Definitely want to try it but it’s never been a game I’ve been dying to play. If I was, I would have just gotten it on Steam or something. Still think it looks fun so hopefully it hits GamePass.
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