We were treated earlier this week to a new batch of Xbox Game Pass additions for June 2022, but you may have noticed that the list stopped at June 7th, rather than around the middle of the month as would usually be the case.
That's probably because we've got some more secret titles on the way soon, with the big Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase taking place on Sunday, June 12th, and the Xbox team has hinted at some "surprises" to come:
"We’re not done for June, so keep an eye on The Wire or PC and Xbox Game Pass Twitter and Instagram for more games, more release dates, and possibly a few surprises now and again. We’ll see you on June 12 for the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, and back here soon! Cheers!"
It's not just the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase that is worth looking out for next week either, as the Summer Game Fest Showcase also occurs on June 9th, with a few other events taking place throughout the week too.
Basically, then, we're expecting some additional Xbox Game Pass titles in the near future, hopefully including a couple of unexpected releases (GoldenEye 007, anyone?). It should be an exciting month for Xbox Game Pass!
What games will we see, and when will they be revealed? Tell us down in the comments below.
[source news.xbox.com]
Comments 52
Rumours are once again out of control. FF7 Remake on Game Pass. I doubt it, but definitely going to have some nice additions. Remember last year they added Yakuza Like A Dragon and some more Bethesda titles. If I was to take a guess, I'd say maybe the Judgment games get added and possibly Cyberpunk 2077.
FF7 Remake looks far fetch... but who knows!
hope Final Fantasy VII Remake comes, ohhh that would make the internet very interesting that day.
Given how all signs seem to be pointing towards Square Enix being acquired by Sony, I'd guess if the Epic exclusivity is longer than 6 months (i.e. if it doesn't release on Xbox in June) that it never comes to Xbox.
I’d love to see them get FF7R on the service, or at least on Xbox. Same with Persona 4G and 5/5R. I once asked Koei Tecmo if the Nioh games could come to Xbox and they said it’s a possibility, so seeing the remastered collection drop on Xbox would be great to see one day.
Hopefully they can land some major third-party deals to cover up the absence of Starfield and Redfall. Just imagine the reaction to seeing “Day One on Game Pass” for games like Gotham Knights, Hogwarts Legacy, Steelrising, The Callisto Protocol, Saints Row or Modern Warfare II.
@Chaudy @Sveakungen @Ashadelo. Final Fantasy games have been coming, and going, at one every 3 months. Last one LR: FF XII was in March, so if that release schedule isn't finished then one is due in June, and we're out of most other mainline options. We've also just passed the 2 year anniversary of FF7R's release. So it SEEMS like if it's ever going to happen now is the time. Personally I still think unlikely but much stranger things have happened.
I don't think FF7 Remake for Xbox will ever happen to be honest. Square Enix seem to have a greater affinity with Sony and PlayStation than Microsoft and Xbox. I also heard that Square Enix weren't happy with the sales of FF15 and FF15 Pocket Edtion on Xbox. There games simply don't sell enough on Xbox to make it worth it.
I do think though however that they should still do it since the game has probably made as much money as it's ever going to make. Xbox is the only platform that it still hasn't graced yet and I'm sure that it would still sell some.
I couldn't care less about Final Fantasy (any) myself and have a PS5 in any case. Obviously though its too soon for Deathloop or Ghostwire to Shadow drop into Game Pass for June...
I wouldn't be surprised though if we did get some 'smaller' games - like Goldeneye N64 Remaster, Grounded (full release) or something like these.
Obviously MW2 (or CoD in general) won't be on Game Pass as A/B are not owned by MS yet and Sony still has their deal for CoD - which is not expected to run out until 2023's release.
There is a chance that MS may have some 1st party games coming, Forza Motorsport, Hellblade 2, but I think we will see some big 3rd Party games coming in 2022 to Game Pass.
So excited for this june 12th showcase..
@Snake_V5 Square-Enix isn't happy with the sales of anything, ever, though, so I take their sales disappointments with a grain of salt. Plus launching on X1 wasn't so different from launching on WiiU.
I know there were reports that Arise didn't sell well on XB and did best on PS, though I'd like to see the North American numbers specifically, since world skews things a lot. I just find it hard to believe at this point with where Sony is headed and how XB is growing that in XB-heavy markets, PS is still a lock for Japanese games. At this point I think of Xbox as more weeb-friendly than PS despite some niches like Falcom still being stuck there. PS seems to just go out of their way to showcase how much they hate Japanese content. Other than Square, anyway.
@Grumblevolcano IDK, on the same token, with Sony so keen to extend everything beyond their own consoles, I'm not sure if a Square buyout actually means exclusive-everything at this point. PS fans would riot with MS taking Bethesda exclusive if Sony didn't take Square exclusive....but Jim's funny like that.... Though honestly I think if Sony bought Square, they'd basically go even further down the FF-KH-only + mobile route, and abandon most of their other content, so I think "Sony buys Square" would end up meaning "Square just died", even, maybe especially, as a PS5 owner. And it would be a dark, dark day as a Switch owner. Heck, I'm not even sure DQ would survive past XII. Either that or nothing changes at all other that FF/KH/Maybe-DQ exclusivity and they really buy them for their Asian mobile business.
@themightyant Don't forget the bombshell possibility of FFXIV MMO. Square already said an Xbox version is happening but they don't have a timeline, so that would be a massive out of the blue announcement that was technically already announced. And it would even be Sony-proof if a buyout happened since they certainly wouldn't interfere with subscription MMO-growth. TBH it's more likely than 7R since it's actually announced without specifics, and who knows what the weird inner workings of 7R are. Not likely happening now since there's no rumors even, beyond the OG statement, there's always the possibility.
@NEStalgia Did they announce FFXIV for Xbox? The most I saw was YoshiP saying "I feel bad for saying the same thing every time, but we are still in discussions with Microsoft, and I feel like our conversations are going in a positive-like tone." Though perhaps I missed a more definitive announcement, but google isn't showing much else. Regardless it's a good shout and a definite possibility.
@NEStalgia I think Sony's strategy for non-mobile will be:
@themightyant I can't remember links or exact quotes, but there was something (heavily paraphrased from memory) on the lines of "it is planned, but there is no timeline for it" or something to that effect. Now, IDK if that was said before or after the quote you have. Wish I could remember the quote for it. I know the words "no timeline" or "we don't have a timeline" were in there, though. The word "timeline" was directly in the translation for the quote I'm thinking of. But it was a definite confirmation they intend to do it but hadn't really gotten into actually doing it or planning on a release calendar for it. It was maybe about a year ago, because I remember thinking this was shortly after I tried it on PS5 when they dropped the PS5 patch and just couldn't get into it and was excited that maybe I'd get into it more if it gets a "fresh" start on XB so I'm not jumping straight into an already mature player base.
It still feels like this is too early for it if just a year ago they had "no timeline", and there haven't been rumors. But it's definitely a possibility. After all PSO2 came out of nowhere. And Japanese studios are far better at being tight-lipped than Western leaking ships.
Now, strategically, if they're planning on a Sony buyout, a big Xbox drop of a recurring payment platform isn't going to make conversations go any smoother. OTOH it would raise their share value quite suddenly so they can wring more cash out of Jim, and that's a very Square-Enix thing to do....
@Grumblevolcano Better summarized as "Square just died."
@NEStalgia How can you think Xbox is more Weeb friendly when there's clearly more Japanese games on PlayStation than Xbox? Heck, PlayStation is Japanese to begin with. Xbox sucks for Japanese games even though I'll admit there trying.
We saw a lot of Bethesda stuff drop into gamepass before the acquisition was approved...we gonna get some Activision/Blizzard titles added this time around? At this point I'm thinking FF just ain't coming to Xbox at all so just expecting nothing on that front. Really looking forward to watching the show, kids really want to know when Slimerancher 2 is coming so hopefully an update on that.
I think TMNT Shredder’s Revenge will definitely be put on Game Pass day 1, and I think it will happen the day of the June showcase.
It will be interesting. I did see someone say on Twitter that FF7 remake was no longer appearing under PLaystation Console exclusives, so may be there is something in that.
Maybe we see something on Plague Tale launching soon.
@Snake_V5 PlayStation isn't Japanese. They haven't been for years. Back when they were, yeah, they had a whole Japanese "anti-Nintendo" vibe about them that I loved, but those days are long gone. They're like 30 miles away from Microsoft. Sony Corp, the parent company, the electronics company, the insurance company/bank, is Japanese, but they have as little to do with PlayStation now as they do with Sony Pictures/Columbia/Tri-Star. Layden was the last one pushing to keep it Japanese, and vague internal politcs lead to Shaun "quitting" and then spending years liking everything on Twitter that was negative against Jim Ryan, lol, and Shu was banished to the indie basement. First thing the now-American PS did was kill off their Japanese studios and censor Japanese content to suit American politics. It's just a blue Xbox now. Which is ok. I like the green Xbox, and the blue Xbox, but they're both Xboxen....what was once PS is now just melded with Nintendo.
Back when they were Japanese, they were absolutely my #2 behind, even tied with, Nintendo, with XB in distant third. But now that they're both American? Honestly, like I said, XB seems more weeb-friendly than PS. It's kind aiming for that nerdy-gamer market while PS is on a campaign to purge themselves of the nerdy weeb image to cozy up to the cool kids of the mainstream Western market, formerly the "360 dudebro" market, but modernized.
Seriously, if you flashed back 15 years ago, and showed all of PS's current exclusives. Horizon, Uncharted, modern brown GoW, and somebody told you you were watching an Xbox conference, you'd believe them. It'd still be interesting games, but it all feels like what XB was back then more than what PS ever was.
TBH, I don't see that much on PS in terms of Japanese games that isn't either also on XB, isn't preferable on Switch, or isn't ultra-niche (anime-licensed games, etc. which often aren't that great.) Other than the Square stuff Sony pays for exclusivity on. I mean I look primary for Japanese games as default, and still end up spending most of my play time on XB. Most of my play-time after FH5 was Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus, and still working on completing FFXV and Yakuza 0 (darned cabaret minigame), and all of it I've been doing on XB. I think Jedi: Fallen order is the only non-Japanese thing I've played on XB since December with FH. Oh and I'm doing AI: Somnium now because @SplooshDMG and @MousieOne are bullying me into it while it's on GP I'm not sure, this gen, if I've actually played ANYTHING Japanese on PS5. And I'm not sure I've played more than one thing not-Japanese on XB. PS5 I've played R&C rift, wrapped up Deus Ex MD (because it runs terribly on XB), Kena (ok, it's set in Japan...so there's that), GoT (Ok, also set in Japan....but it's Western...) Some Horizon1 (still working on it). Returnal, Deathloop. Does dipping my toes into the first part of Demon's Souls, as remade by a UK company count as Japanese? Maybe, though I don't really like Souls much, I always just play like an hour or two and never touch it again.
Oh I played Guardians on XB, so there's another Western game there.
But bottom line is, as a primarily Japanese games fan that also plays Western games, I just don't find too many incentives to boot the PS, and when I do, it's mostly for Western games I want to play. Most of my Japanese games end up on XB, or of course, Switch, which is the default obviously. XB just feels more "home" for a traditional nerdy gamer, even for Japanese games these days. PS throws a menu of social video feeds in my face when I start a game. Everything about it just feels like it's made for a market that's not "traditional weeby nerd gamers" even if there's some titles like Falcom's etc. games that aren't on XB still. But most of those are more ideal on Switch (short of Ys9's terrible performance on Switch, though it's so fugly on PS5 too I might actually go back to it on Switch.) Honestly the only Japanese game lineup I have on PS now that will eventually eat a boatload of time is the entire Trails of Cold Steel anthology to work through....but even more of that is coming to Switch, so IDK.
I don't mean to say I don't like my PS, it's just that I see it as an almost totally western games console now, while XB is an everything console. There are a handful of Japanese games I can get on PS that I can't get on XB, and none in reverse, but the list is so lopsided in Switch's favor that it's almost a non-consideration at this point.
I’m not bullying you Tama is https://twitter.com/somniumwiki/status/1486905659765534721?s=21&t=85PIKKHo_iJMMDRv7nnPmg
Shredder’s Revenge on GP day 1.
@BlackMayge yesssss
Sadly it would probably be games I already own. I really fancy some AAA day 1 suprises
@NEStalgia AI Somnium is freaking awesome. Plays great on xcloud as well with the touch controls.
@NEStalgia Sony is a Japanese company, they made PlayStation which makes PlayStation a Japanese console.
@mousieone Mrrrgrrgrrr...
@SplooshDmg XB still misses too much, and I really don't understand why. Like I said, I know Arise sold way worse on XB, but I still wonder specifically for the NA market how that worked out. Obviously if we're doing global, and these games sell better in Asia than anywhere where nobody owns an Xbox, that skews what things look like per-market. And I also wonder what the trends show, and how much of it is a legacy, where everyone still assumes "PS has all the Japanese games". Convo I had on Push last week on the topic someone listed games in support of that, without even knowing half of the list (Yakuza, etc) is also on XB, and the other half is also on Switch, with the only exceptions being the moneyhatted Square games, and Persona.
If it's about lack of sales on XB while sales are still OK on PS, I also wonder how long that will continue with PS very clearly shifting gears, and has been for a long time.
Personally, if XB didn't offer a fill of Japanese games, I probably wouldn't be here, since that's 75% of what I gravitate to, so it says something about how well they've been doing on that front. That said, I tend not to go for those ultra-niche, anime-licensed, or obviously low budget types of games, and I know PS still has its share of those that XB doesn't. But I also wonder how long that will last. There's PS4 momentum continuing, but PS clearly isn't really a welcome home for that content anymore, and by the time Nintendo has new hardware, there may really be no more incentive for Japanese devs to put games on PS than there is for XB. Nintendo comes with their market built-in, plus PC....why bother?
When I look at my own library....seriously, I have very very little in terms of Japanese content on PS from the current time period. If big games like Tales revert to PS-only I guess that would move me back that way a lot. But currently, most of what I want comes here, and the few things that don't are rare. FF7R, FFXVI, DQXII(?) I assume are Sony-paid. Rune Factory 5 is Switch-exclusive (even though it runs abhorrently.) Persona....maybe? I don't think I have anything else Japanese in my PS library newer than early PS4 releases that's not Cold Steel, which I only got because of the PS4 remasters of the PSP games, and the only reason that's not on Switch, where it's better, is because of publisher rights conflicts. I'd buy remasters of PS3 games...but....
Persona, moneyhat games, and.....really not sure what I'm missing between XB and Switch that I need PS for in terms of J-content. Western is another matter. Lots of Western exclusives on PS.
I'm not thrilled about that, but that's where it is. If MS loses ground and J-content drifts away again, then, I'll end up migrating more spend, but I'm guessing more towards Switch 2 and not PS5 for that content.
I do wonder, though, if there's a lack of market for Japanese content on XB, I wonder why that is. PS has habit from older gamers, but I can't imagine so from the new service gamer crowd. Not sure why XB has a hard time building that market. They definitely are trying.
@Snake_V5 By that standard, Naughty Dog is a Japanese game studio(owned by the same Sony Corp via SIE subsidiary), American Movie Cinema (AMC) is a Chinese theater chain (owned by Wanda Group China), and Cadbury is American chocolate company (owned by Mondelez, the spinoff from Kraft Foods, USA)
It's not like Nintendo where Nintendo of America is little more than a regional sales and marketing office for a Japanese company. PS is a subsidiary under Sony Corp without it's own listing on the stock exchanges, but is otherwise its own company operating mostly independently. At worst it's an American company. At best it's a "Global company". Nothing about SIE/PlayStation is Japanese outside of its earnings statements. Being a subsidiary of a company HQ'd in Japan, or America doesn't make that subsidiary Japanese or American outside tax purposes.
I get the sentiment and emotional attachment to PS being Japanese, I share it, but.... that's in the past. It's as American as Xbox and Atari now. I wish it were Japanese again. Watch, if they buy Square, watch them yank it farther to the West than it already was.... If it were Japanese there wouldn't be the beams of light and self-censorship from Japanese devs targeting PS. When Nintendo gets the racy stuff and PS gets a accidentally-creepy watered down version....we kinda know where it stands with Japan...
@Snake_V5 you mean the console that was designed by Mark Cerny? The company that’s headquarters in the USA? That’s lead by a British president? I mean Sony is a Japanese company, but it’s a little like thinking Crunchyroll is now Japanese just because Aniplex owns them.
I get what you are saing about Square not being happy with it's Xbox sales... But Square seems to NEVER be happy with any games sales LoL.
I know for a fact that Square is not 100% happy with the sales of FF7R as a whole right now, they were expecting a mega blockbuster when they were sinking all that time n money into that game.
I think it would be a safe 3+ million in sales on Xbox by the end of the fiscal year of 2022, or they could get a nice upfront paycheck from Phil to put it on Game Pass... That doesn't sound like too much of a stretch now that it has been two full years on PS, it being on PS+ already.. they can't be getting many sales off PS anymore
@SplooshDmg I own a Nintendo for the Japanese content. It may not get the “big global” games but it still gets most of the niche and AAs which is honestly the bulk of Japanese content anyway.
@NEStalgia Thanks for ruining my 25 years with PlayStation, I've been with them since day 1...
@SplooshDmg Yeah, I do get that to a point. But I also wonder how much of that is a legacy issue starting to break down. We're kind of trailing the industry's present going by data from releases past, and we've yet to see the full effect of Sony going 150% in on Western late in the PS4 era, and now into services into the PS5 era how the demographics might change. Yeah, you're right with the timed exclusives. It does have an effect. I mean, whichever platform gets those JRPGs I'll be there so it mostly doesn't matter. But at the present moment, I just can't think of PS as anything but a Western game box that I have a few Japanese games on. By end of the gen maybe that changes, not because PS does well by Japanese games, but just because it's a default due to insufficient marketshare on XB. But I think Switch 2 will honestly put a broadside through that whole setup with an increasing number of Japanese devs ignoring both XB and PS. Switch 1 restricts their content. Switch 2 will be just beefy enough to do what Japanese devs have been doing, which is just about all their budgets will allow, and the market is pre-paved for them. Why bother with the others?
@Snake_V5 LOL, I feel ya. I do. Right there with you. It's taken years to come to terms with it myself. I felt the walls closing in the day I read the press release they were moving to CA and promoting Jimbo, and the horror has been even worse than I feared. I've mostly come to terms with it now. It is what it is. And Nintendo's still Nintendoing what Nintendoes. Plus a lot of what PS did. There's still a platform of choice for Atlier, it's just red and not blue.
@NEStalgia Yeah... I thought you'd laugh
@Snake_V5 At least if you want to blame someone Japanese for the fall, you can blame Ken Yoshida (not to be confused with the ever-awesome Shuhei Yoshida that was banished to the indie basement), Kaz's Japanese HQ replacement, a guy so Western he calls himself Ken, who came from Sony Finance, their banking, investment, and insurance division, who decided to make PS fully Western to chase the dollars instead of yen. If that softens the blow....it doesn't, but I tried?
Also, I have 3 Vitas.....so joke's on me...
@BlackMayge TMNT Shredders Revenge has a June 16th release date I am pretty sure, so seeing as they havent put out the GP games for mid month... that is a very logical game to be put in their... That would be huge for me haha!
@SplooshDmg Gust isn’t a great example. They put Nintendo to shame; I mean so does Capcom but Gust games are pretty. But honestly for games like Story of Seasons or Rune Factory? I’d rather the cozy experience in bed. VNs are same way, which you don’t need 4k60 for games like Code Realize =p and the Switch port of Groove Coaster is better than the PC one. Granted, I also think it easier than the phone one.
Anyway you’re thinking one type of Japanese content and I’m think on the whole
@SplooshDmg I don't think JRPGs are unpopular. I think other genres became more popular to a wider market. A WRPG like Baldur's Gate selling 1M back in the day was MASSIVE overwhelming success. Now 5M on a JRPG is considered mediocre while GoW breaks 20M. The market for JRPG market didn't change, it even grew, it's just there's more opportunity in other markets. And Japan stopped buying console games, so there's that...
I still see PS as a Western game box. That's not to say it doesn't have Japanese games, but everything, and I mean everything, it hangs it's hat on excepting mainline FF for whatever odd reason is as Western as Halo. I just don't really see a difference between the two. First half of PS4 and before? Absolutely, mountainous difference. Into the last third of PS4 and beyond? They're clones. Just peppered with a different assortment of those Western games and/or Japanese games.
I will still say that PS is the obvious fighting game box between the two. They did carve that niche.
Good points on centering on GP. I get that that's the platform more than the console, but the overall platform is certainly bigger than 150 games, and that is too much focus there, you're right. And I'm hoping you're right that if they can land some hits it'll start turning it around. It might not hurt that as MS is doing that, PS is making a hard pivot to the pew-pew-sandbox world.
Switch is a weird one because it's both not enough in so many cases, and also more than enough. I tend to have a more negative opinion of the Switch hardware when I'm not using it than when I am. The new OLED model, in terms of hardware, seriously is nice too use. Nice to hold. Nice to look at. It surprises me that it's Nintendo, then again, it's a Samsung display so there's that. And there's a lot more metal on it. It's much more like premium smartphone design short of the joycon. It has real glass. I always THINK I hate it on the big screen. But I've been playing the new Kirby all month without ever thinking "this is so ugly, I wish it were Xbox". What I do notice are the 10fps animations of any object more than 5ft away. But that doesn't need overwhelmingly more powerful hardware to solve. It needs better AA, but I have to say the new Kirby has actual AA...something rarely seen from Nintendo. One more hardware iteration should be all it takes there. It won't run HFW and Starfield. It doesn't need to. It has the Japanese games XB never had and Sony is throwing away... I bought Ys9 on PS after buying it preorder on Switch and it was a low-FPS mess. Then I played it on PS5 and realized it's still hideous on the big screen and not really better than Switch, just without being stuttery. Honestly might just go back to it on Switch, it runs smoother on PS but looks better at 6.2" OLED.
@MousieOne I just wish RF5 wasn't a slideshow on Switch. It's literally an exclusive, and it runs like it's a third party afterthought.
@SplooshDmg my statement didn’t meant imply platforms. I meant genres. Either way no offense was meant. I get that we have different tastes
My comment earlier was meant that I know Xbox doesn’t get the games so I got elsewhere.
That said I’m sick of people justifying a lack of an Xbox port of a Square game with “poor sales”. I guarantee you Babylons Fall didn’t have great numbers but they spent money there. Even with Sony money, Square spent too much on that game. They had no issues excluding Xbox for NTWEWY and MS would helped with the marketing. I mean they go out of their way with Japanese titles. They even promote Kemco. Instead, the game gets no marketing.
As for comparing, I meant saying Gust games aren’t pretty… I mean they actual are
@NEStalgia don’t get me started. My friend bought RF5 and I bought Sophie 2. She was absolutely jealous.
Meh. I have FFVIIR on my PS5 and can't be bothered to play it there, so a Gamepass release is meaningless to me. My money is on Goldeneye. If that happens I'll absolutely lose my mind in the best possible way.
@SplooshDmg In one way falcom is a good example of ps losing ground with Japanese devs though. The have always been ps only. They announced a few years ago they were doubling down on ps only, but theyll consider switch if someone else does the porting, which NIS did. Then they announced they're taking the switch ports internally. A company so single platform to Sony they announced it formally, is now multiplat formally. Ok, not Xbox, not also not Sony exclusive anymore. Maybe Ms could sway them in time. With a check if course.
I do think though that the potential to build a market is there and Ms has been trying hard for it. Breaking what psychological lock exists from the exclusives isn't easy. A game like arise shouldn't sell so much better on one platform than the other like it did. It's not a natural market for it. Xb definitely isn't the 360 stereotype anymore, but it seems like the market buys like it is.
The problem with Pioneers of Olive Town and Mineral Town not performing is you can't cultivate an audience with one game. It's literally the only Story of Seasons game on the Platform, and came right before several big hitters, FH5/Halo. That's the problem with these companies; they try one maybe two games and then wonder why it doesn't do as well. Capcom put Phoenix Wright on the platform, and it's like one of a dozen VNs on the platform. And it's a late port of DS game without vocals. I wouldn't be surprised if Ai: Somnium did better than Phoenix Wright despite one being Yakuza, on the other hand, is the perfect example of onboarding a new platform correctly. They brought the entire system over, and then the newest game. Surprise Surprise, Yakuza actually does better than other Japanese games. And Like Dragon is a turn based RPG so that's not an issue.
FALCOM isn't the one that announced that; it was NISA. NISA notoriously doesn't do Xbox. FALCOM has a different issue. They are just now internally developing for Switch. For Switch ?!? They used to be a PC only developer and were extremely slow to adopt consoles when PCs were on the decline.
But yes the sales are a lot less. Considerable. I still think the audience even in the 360 era was “ cultivated. 360 could have gotten there but they stopped etc etc
Why bother now you know? It just won’t get the sequel.
@SplooshDmg it’s not exactly semantics. Falcom doesn’t move to new platforms easily. The transition from PS only to adopting Switch has taking time. And that seems like a no brainer. A company like that is never going to swap to Xbox. They barely started Switch.
NISA made the English version of D6 timed exclusive to Nintendo. The worse performing version. They didn’t even have a PC port. NISA not NIS, BTW, does some stupid things.
NISA and NIS are basically two separately companies at this point. In fact, NISA ported over Falcom games to the Switch to the west before Japan. And if I recall it’s NISA publishing the Crossbell Switch duology in all countries not NIS. NISA paid Falcom to make Switch version.
It does matter because NISA is the one that put coming to all platforms. Falcom wasn’t even involved in the Switch port.
And I’m not shaking my fists at Japanese devs like Falcom or even Marvelous. Because it’s pointless.
Square is another matter entirely but that has two with a lot of choices they e made in recent years.
@SplooshDmg mountain out of a molehill? I didn’t mention Falcom you did. Nor did I mention the “coming to all platforms”. And when I brought up Marvelous it was in reference to my Switch not Xbox. In all cases, I’ve tried to route the conversation back to Square Enix and basically their mishandling of the company these days.
@SplooshDmg I’m not really sure how many at Falcom know Xbox exists as a platform. The XB1 sold 120k units. Wouldn’t surprise me if they thought MS was done with consoles.
NISA, on the other hand, canceled Xbox ports before and has taken GP money for Windows PC D4. If they had wanted to; I’m sure MS would have given them money for the D4 Xbox GP port.
Hence why I don’t think it’s “semantics” to feel like Falcom really had no clue and NISA does. However, I can see we aren’t going to agree there.
Moving on
As I said Square has done strange things. The new Valkyrie game that’s exclusive looks awful. The Star Ocean game looks 100% better in comparison. Babylons Fall, also exclusive, is a trash fire, and it’s has live service elements l. Diofield Chronicles looks okay ish but not a live service which of the two wouldnt want the live service like game to be on as many platforms as possible? The Chrono Cross Remaster has Xbox port but new SaGa remaster, which has other games on the platform doesn’t. All this tells me is that’s it’s not about low performing sales at all.
@SplooshDmg Diofield Chronicle had enough money in the budget for an Xbox port but Voice of Cards didn’t? Sure they are both new IPs but one is backed by Yoko Taro. Even if they are both in the niche genre realm. Card games might be more niche than Tactical RPGs, but Yoko Taro’s name carries weight. And really I can’t see the sales of Diofield being all that high; let alone higher than Voice would have been. I feel like it’d be at best the same; but It leaves me wondering how much is about low sales? Again, the Xbox version of Diofield can’t possibly have high expectations.
Food for thought on the current state of Square Enix.
I think it will be the Activision games to Game Pass.
I’ve been saying for the past few months that Goldeneye will be at the Xbox show. Hopefully “available right now”.
With the random Re-Listing of Sonic '06 (SEGA has been a big supporter) the impending acquisition of Activision-Blizzard and the new string of PS1/PS2/PSP Games on PS4/PS5 I'm calling it now, BackCompat/FPS Boost coming back announced at the Showcase and a bunch of the announced games will be on game pass (basically I expect a bunch of the older Crash/Spyro games that are still up on the Xbox 360 Marketplace to be added and put on Game Pass since it's all Activision owned technically)
@themightyant I doubt ever. Been in the mill for what, 6 years, 7? And nothing.
Shadow Run , 3 editions incoming in June !!!!!
I am excited about the upcoming XB/Bethesda games show on Sunday, but at the same time also a bit apprehensive, as I don't want to be disappointed by setting my hopes too hight. Too many promises, trailers, delays and chats with devs about upcoimg games and not much happening. I sincerely hope this time I'm wrong and that they really surprise us, we need something good coming with the world in the current state it is, something to take one's mind off all of it, and take us on a magical ride in some new games. We need a little break from reality out there atm, right?
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