There were fears at one point that Street Fighter 6 might be a PS5 timed exclusive, but it seems that isn't the case as Capcom's official new trailer for the game has confirmed it'll be coming to Xbox Series X and Series S in 2023 too.
Capcom says Street Fighter 6 marks a "new era for fighting games... turning the genre on its head":
"A new era for fighting games begins in 2023! The evolution of fighting games starts with our traditional Fighting Ground, and then we're turning the genre on its head with World Tour and Battle Hub for a total of three modes where anyone can play to their liking.
No one starts off as a champion. You get there step by step, punch by punch. Take up the challenge and bring your game to the next level."
There's no word on an Xbox One release at the moment despite the game being confirmed for PS4.
You can check out the official trailer above, along with more details below:
"Street Fighter 6, the next game in the iconic series, will release in 2023! Take part in the Fighting Ground, which focuses on the classic fighting game experience with modes from previous games in the series. Two new modes will be available alongside: World Tour, an immersive single-player story experience, and Battle Hub, which will further expand the scope of player communication and engagement. Your Moment. Your Fight. Stay tuned for more information!"
Looking forward to Street Fighter 6? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 43
Whaaaaaat?! I thought for sure it was timed. Glad to see it back multiplat. Looks great!
Welp people time to put money where mouth is for wanting fighting games. Gotta buy and not wait for gamepass
I think that's the first Playstation state of play I've seen that had more multiplatform games than Exclusives
@Chaudy Believe the only two exclusives were Final Fantasy 16 and Stray. Oh, and of course, all the PSVR2 stuff.
Great news, for sure.
I guess 5 was not the investment Sony was hoping it would be.
But great news! Just hope it learns from the missteps of 5.
If it plays more like Street Fighter 3 and less like 5 than that'd be great
Looks really nice and a real current gen fighter. Like the real time commentary system, a first for a fighting game!
Glad Xbox players will get a chance to play, looks awesome!
I really like the art style, looks much better than 5.
Will definitely buy it in the future, but i'm prepared to wait.
@awp69 And even then those aren't actual exclusives will see PC releases.
I wanna know what this single player is…is it an actual campaign? That would be pretty sweet to have a story set in the street fighter universe where you meet known characters along the way…but I don’t think it’ll be that. They use the words battle hub…I wonder if that’s it…where you basically wonder around a limited area grinding some points but using it mainly to get into mp fights or whatever.
The graffiti particle effects are growing on me. Ryu looks like he’s been on the PEDS though
I've been an SF fan since I got II on the Snes, I followed the series around as it jumps about consoles.
I just didn't like 5, I have no decent idea why.
I hope 6 is better
@Sveakungen it's cross gen lol let's see how many people complain about it BeInG HeLd BaCk
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Royalblues Day one purchase for me (on Xbox, obviously). Street Fighter and Killer Instinct are my two favourite fighting franchises.
No. He's stating a point. If it really means that much to people in the first place.
Spoiler. It won't. 80-90% of the console sales will be on ps4/5 when it comes to Japanese games.
And I've seen the points he has made (from other articles). He's not a fanboy. He's one of the most grounded in reality guys from these sites. He complains about sony too.
But I guess calling someone a fanboy is easier.
Yeah. That's what I was going with. People here call people fanboy just to not enter a deeper conversation.
Removed - flaming/arguing
It's 2022.
Wow, that's a shock!
Unlike with PS5, does anyone know if x1 fight sticks work with xsxs? Since controllers do, I assume sticks do. I have a nice X1 Razer begging for this. I had to use a PS4 adapter for 5, which doesn't work for ps5, so ssfvi on xsx it's a mega win for me!
@splooshdmg giveth and taketh today. Walmart hass obiwan but now Xbox has street fighter. I win the day! 😂
Yes! I am just glad it’s going to xbox. I have been slowly putting Non exclusive fighters (unless they go to switch) on there and thinning my ps4 collection.
What a nice surprise
. @NEStalgia I think they said they do. I actually think sticks work from PS4 to PS5 to but I’m 99% Xbox ones do.
@SplooshDmg Meesa nosa know wat yousa say. Meesa just jump for joy xboi hassa the streetsa fightings!
Seriously though what timing we were just talking about Sony exclusivity of ssfv giving them a lock on the whole fighting genre and Capcom drops the sffvi on xb bombshell hours later. So much for timed exclusives?
So about Persona........ 😆. We were just talking about Japanese ties to PS outside square waning.... And FFXIV looks like Witcher 3 in an ff crossover. Probably a cool game but nothing about it seems remotely ff so far. Though I still get some xii vibes from it at least.
@mousieone I haven't tried the stick on PS5 yet, maybe the old adapters work. I thought they didn't since controllers don't, but maybe that's just for wireless? Still nice with native botton mapping on xb tough. No touch pad workaround. And ps just feels wrong for fighting games even if they have a lock on them last Gen. Sega and neo Geo will always be the fight consoles, and xb is third best.
@Ryu_Niiyama I regretted not tagging you to this when posting. Glad to see you found your way to it anyway, lol! Same for me. Xb for multiplatform, ps for exclusives. And the Razer... <3
long time street fighter fan, and I'm happy to hear it's returning to xbox cuz I hate the ps5 controller for fighting games with extreme.
It’s been so long since I’ve played a Street Fighter game. I played them back in the day and loved them. Not sure why I stopped playing them, but surprised they are only on number “6.” Thought for sure it would be a higher number but looking forward to this game.
@NEStalgia I am actually kinda excited about this one. Like SFIV and 3rd strike excited. I didn’t have the free time for V so I essentially skipped it even though I have it on PC and PS4. Hopefully by the time VI/6 comes out I will have a series x. Waiting until I can just walk into a Best Buy and snag one. I have the Razer as well but have seldom used it. But I may get Capcom fighting collection on xbone as well as switch so that may change. Here’s hoping Makoto is announced. Ryu is my bread and butter but I have begun to prefer Makoto.
This looks fantastic, big step up from V in terms of style and the Metro City exploration bits look interesting. Very glad this is coming to Xbox too, will definitely be getting it.
@Ryu_Niiyama V was good, but there was something sterile about it. And the launch was a wreck of course. 4 played better to me for sure. I'm not a deep fg expert but I can still feel when it's off or not. Wonder if this gets an arcade edition? V not having one just made it feel superfluous, but arcades matter even less now than then. 4 was still great in the arcade.
I keep hearing that XSX has been sighted in the wild more than PS5 and has been producing more units lately, so maybe it's getting closer to that moment. At least starrfield delay might help. The upcoming showcase might not, though...
My poor razer is upside down under boxes. Hopefully it's all right. I don't think I've used it for a few years now.
I'm mostly Dee Jay, and Chun, though I really switch around to whatever works for me at the moment. And V didn't have Dee Jay, so... Meh. They'd better announce Dee Jay! He's the only fighter I'm actually fairly decent with regularly, haha.
@SplooshDmg I never worry about Sega and Xbox. They have a great relationship. Heck they launched Yakuza 7 on Xbox as a launch exclusive. Who'd have thought? Except atlus but they're just weird. But Sega does have some catalog holes.
@Would_you_kindly ... Forgot about PS4.
And as far as that PSVR stuff goes, almost all those games are coming out for the Oculus Quest 2 also... I think all of them except for the Horizon game and RE8 (which they didnt even show anything, just a message saying psvr2 material in the works). And I am going to assume the rumors are true and CoD MW2 is going to have a PSVR2 mode that is exclusive too.
RE4 is already on the Quest so RE8 might come.
And that Walking Dead game, chapter 1 is on the Oculus and chapter 2 was already announced at the quest games showcase a month or so ago.
@EvilSilentFrame It's because they made multiple versions of Street Fighter 4, like Alpha and stuff. They also made a few different Street Fighter collections that had multiple games
For all of y'all saying how you like the Xbox controller for fighting games, I am surprised haha. Reminds me of playing Tony Hawk 1+2 Remake not too long ago, and not having a better D pad just sucks for that game. Like I cant use a joystick instead, not as precise or something. N I feel like for combos or whatever would be the same way.
As far as PS5 not being able to use PS4 controllers. That was proved to be a BS hoax pretty much, you can still use PS4 controllers on PS5 if you play on remote play. PS pretty much just put up a firewall or blocked it to make sure people were buying their new expensive controllers.
When I first saw the trailer I literally said, Street Fighter x Yakuza?? Hahaha
Looks like they updated that placeholder ass logo from the teaser too haha
"No. He's stating a point. If it really means that much to people in the first place.
Spoiler. It won't. 80-90% of the console sales will be on ps4/5 when it comes to Japanese games."
Using hilarious mental gymnastics one can also justify Bethesda's purchase by MS and we all know that would be utterly ridiculous to anyone looking at it objectively.
Besides, it is not for him nor you to justify Sony’s money-hat deals based on were and how many copies a game sells on a particular platform.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@dsar9012 makes perfect sense. Xbox one didn't sell well in Japan & Microsoft have stopped making them. I suspect the Series S will be a port of the PS4 versions so they can concentrate on the series X & PS5.
"funny you bring up money-hatting...when Xbox money-hats entire publishers to keep games off PlayStation, you cheer..."
There is nothing funny about money-hatting bud, and I didn't cheer when Microsoft bought Bethesda. You are making stuff up know- stay classy.
Very surprised that it's on PS4 but not Xbox One, I understand that it didn't sell well in Japan, but it's more-or-less as capable as a PS4, and devs like Square Enix didn't have a problem releasing games on it before.
I might need to buy a good PC someday after what happened with Judgement (Stadia for this one) and King of Fighters XV, possibly even Final Fantasy VII Remake or Persona 5, thanks to Japenese devs not being the best at catering for the Western market.
I've been a Tekken boy since the beginning and never played a Street Fighter game but this looks class. Will definitely purchase day one.
Still cross-gen and probably a lot of expensive DLC. Last month I bought the full Tekken 7 + all DLC for cheap & own almost every SF (except the last one). I liked the trailer though 👍
Great to see Street Fighter get an Xbox release this time. Looking forward to it.
I still don't like the font, it has nothing to do with Street Fighter and it's worse. Yes to the game, no to the font.
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