Just in case you were in any doubt, Turn 10 has confirmed that the new Forza Motorsport will run at 60 frames per-second on both Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S when it arrives at some point in Spring 2023.
This information is now being highlighted on the official Forza website, where it's noted that the game is targeting 4K at 60fps on Xbox Series X, and 1080p at 60fps on Xbox Series S. Here's exactly what it says:
"Forza Motorsport runs at 4K 60 FPS on Xbox Series X; and on 1080p 60 FPS on Xbox Series S."
There's no word about whether Forza Motorsport will feature both a quality and performance mode, or whether we'll just be getting the one option, but the wording we're seeing here seems to suggest it could be the latter.
It's already been highlighted by the development team that ray tracing will be a feature during gameplay in Forza Motorsport, so it'll be interesting to see if the Xbox Series S in particular can implement this as part of a smooth 60fps experience.
Happy with these resolution & FPS targets for Forza Motorsport? Let us know in the comments.
[source support.forzamotorsport.net]
Comments 25
1080p 60fps on series s is what I ask for all games since I play on 1080p 60fps projector can’t wait to try this game.
2023 looks great for xbox. Trying to beat Elden ring and beat down the back log before the new year.
If they can get it to run on XSX at 4K/60fps with ray-tracing then I’ll be impressed!
@Nightcrawler71 They will. I'm pretty sure they will.
This game seems to be so sick !
that's good news though I hope it's not like horizon where detail vanishes and pop in goes crazy unless you do 30fps. Reacing games really shouldn't prefer 30.
@Agnostic exactly this. Now ive discovered gyro steering, Im not sure I can play a serious racer without it.
That worry aside, game is looking really sweet...
@Agnostic @Titntin we've been used to gyro steering since mk wii tough . Yeah that's the one big miss of the series consoles. No gyro. I honestly don't understand how they missed that. They're not beyond releasing new controllers mid gen though, so hope isn't lost yet.
@NEStalgia Id be so happy if they did! They wouldnt be able to take my money quick enough
@Agnostic The other use is for gyro aiming which some games like fortnite use for subtle aiming adjust. Im advised its actualy really good once you are used to it, but I've never tried it myself!
If anyone wants the real ins and outs of the gameplay shown goto digital foundry they did a deep analysis.
Some results are positive, but some trickery going on as well development wise.
Of course not the final product yet.
I can't wait for the next Forza game to come out! I've enjoyed Forza Horizon 5 more than any other car game since Gran Turismo 4 on PS2 lol. The Xbox series S has continued to surprise me with it's performance! TBH I was so apprehensive in purchasing the console due to people's comments online but in ALL honesty the Xbox series S is one of the best consoles I've ever owned. I've owned every Xbox since 2001 and I also own an Xbox series X, that being said the series S is the console I spend most of my time playing (Series S is in my game room, my series X is in the living room). I've played many games back to back between the two consoles & while the Series X is amazing at running games in 4K at 60fps what's shocked me the most about my Series S is it's ability to upscale most games to match the 4K display while continuing to run at 60fps. Now the difference in resolution is obviously noticible comparing a native 4K image to an upscaled 4K image you can clearly see the difference BUT it's not as drastic of a difference as I thought it'd be. Playing Forza Horizon 5 with performance mode (60fps) looks absolutely gorgeous on my 43 inch 4K TV & now I have Forza Motorsport to look forward to! Another thing that's perplexed me is the Series S ability to run games at 120fps in 1080p (you will have to swap the HDMI that's included with the Series S for a HDMI 2.1 cord). I've personally played Fortnite, Dirt 5, Doom Eternal & knockout city at 120fps on Xbox series S and it's freaking amazing! If someone told me I'd be able to play Fortnite with it's new Unreal Engine 5 upgrade with a resolution of 1080p at 120 Frames Per Second for the price of $299 I'd laugh & call you silly! Anyone who's on the fence or can't find a Series X or can't afford a Series X I can honestly say you will NOT be disappointed with the Series S! I'm so excited for the release of Forza Motorsport next year! I'm honestly looking forward to the plethora of games coming to these fine new Xbox consoles! Happy gaming ✌️
Guessing the Series S will do RT at 900-1080p 30fps or just drop it if there is only a 60fps mode.
Closest comparison is Watch Dogs Legion that does 900-1080p 30fps with RT or 1080p 60fps without.
@Dezzy70 everyone uses trickery to some extent, some better then others! I feel the forza devs are at the top of their game, they know the limitations and how to make their games look great.
Can't see it performing well with ray tracing on series S but then again if youve bought the series S you probably don't care much about that anyway like me lol
@djshep1973 most important thing for me will be if it has a proper single player & can be played offline
@Titntin Yeah, Splatoon uses it. One of the only of not only console shooters with zero aim assist, and the approximation of mouse look on console is probably why it's the only shooter I got into since quake on PC.
Imagine what Halo could have been with no aim assist and gyro aim.
Can't see ray tracing hitting Series S but a nice stable 1080p 60fps will suit me just fine. After GT7 being a letdown i'm itching to go back to my favourite "racing sim" series.
@NEStalgia A wheel with pedals and shifter is the only way to race. Gyros can be left to VR and shooters. Though TBH, I disable gyro for all PC games except Battlefield 4.
@InterceptorAlpha heh yeah there's that if you're seriously into it. I had the official 360 set but never used it much. The force feedback was awesome though. Can't see myself getting an expensive peripheral like that for the amount I play racing or flight games, but yeah that's the true arcade at home experience!
@Would_you_kindly agreed. It’s nice that RT is offered but yeah I’m sure most S owners won’t use it.
Totally agree Turn 10 and playground games so far this new generation are showing the other Xbox studios how to produce true world class AAA games and get them out to us gamers.
@djshep1973 Sony's excuse for GT sport
& GT7 requiring online is the FIA involvement I think it's bs but that's the excuse I hope this lets you play single player without needing online so you can play it when your internet's down or when their doing server maintenance
@Agnostic i sorta agree, though i found that the way ratchet and clank handled it very entertaining, having two firing modes per gun depending on how far you pull the trigger was very fun
4K 60 with Ray tracing! Excellent.
@Master_Cthulhu70 i couldn't agree more. Very satisfied w my series s. I was going to trade it in when i finally found a series x, but no need, because I'm happy with it. No longer searching for a series x.
@Agnostic Motion steering is a gimmick, the Xbox controller doesn't have gyros and the most realistic way to play Forza Motorsport is with a wheel and pedals.
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