There are a lot of great entries in the Forza Horizon series, but one that's not exactly readily available anymore is the original 2012 Xbox 360 game.
According to multiple reports, it resurfaced on the Xbox store this weekend and was available for purchase for a brief amount of time before being pulled:
This open-world racing game was originally delisted in 2016. It also got an enhancement upgrade in 2018, allowing it to run at a 4K resolution on supported Xbox.
Did you see this listing yourself? Do you have the original Forza Horizon in your Xbox library? Tell us down below.
Comments 18
Maybe it's getting relisted soon? Missed out on the DLC before it was delisted. I've been playing Horizon 2 on 360 off and on and as barebones as it is, it's still pretty fun. People still play that more than the original amazingly
I actually have been playing the Original the last few weeks, got it back when it was free with Gold. Still a fun game to this day.
The 1st Horizon is such a good racing game. Still has my favourite soundtrack of the series, the lack of Drivatars is a plus in my view too. An absolute classic of the genre.
@Tasuki Still my favourite in the series. Playground nailed the whole fictional festival schtick so well the first time around each entry since had watered down the concept (although 5 did resurrect the idea somewhat)
Obviously the rival NPCs are a big part of this but I find its the little details like them being name checked by the DJs, the races all having proper little outposts instead of just floating videogamey text over a track, the way the festival is going on around the garages when selecting cars and such.
And oh how beautiful Colorado is in its late summer/early fall look. FH1 is still a looker to this day and had the best sunrises and sunsets this side of Horizon Zero Dawn. In FH5 you can barely tell the night has fallen.
Addendum: it's the 10th anniversary this year. Maybe it's getting a rerelease for that?
Personally I've been hoping Playground plan on completely remastering the map and offering it as DLC for FH5.
The one I REALLY want is the FH3 Hot Wheels DLC, played it at a friends and it’s wonderful. Sadly bought the FH3 Ultimate pack before it was delisted but confusingly that didn’t include some of the larger DLC like this.
A remaster where the game plays the same but a few very specific songs from the soundtrack are removed would be fantastic.
It would be great if newer players would be able to get the game digitally, replacing some songs should do the trick. I wonder if those that got it now (if I had known I would have tried) will keep it or have been refunded.
One is a great game I’m gutted I missed the DLC. Two and Three are also VERY good games. Four and Five don’t quite capture the magic of the first three. Still very good games mind you.
Wonder how you catch things like this, I've always wanted to have it digitally but I've had to settle for my old physical copy. At least I bought the DLC back in the day so I got that.
@pip_muzz I’ve played all of the Horizon games, but not very knowledgeable on the meta. How do Drivatars perform differently from AI?
One of my favorite 360 games. A surprise hit in 2012, imo. I thougth it would be ok but there were other racing games that year I was more hyped about. Then the games released and FH 1 simply destroyed the competition.
@Grumblevolcano I assume we are talking about L*stprophets?
@Wilforce Drivatars are derived from actual player racing data. This means that they behave more like people racing online. They crash into you a lot more, use your car as a brake when turning or sometimes just blast off into the distance for no reason when racing.
The AI of the first Horizon Game, whilst not perfect, felt a lot less "elbows out"
I wouldn't say no to a remake for its 10 year anniversary.
@pip_muzz this. 100 times this and the worlds aren’t invaded by people or ghosts in the first two. I approve of that too.
@pip_muzz Huh…. That explains why sometimes Forza games feel like no holds bar death matches.
A remake of this would go down a treat...
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