Arma Xbox Update

Arma Reforger surprise launched on Xbox Series X|S earlier this month, and we've mostly enjoyed what we've played so far. This stepping stone towards Arma 4 is a platform for the developer to build on, and that work has already begun.

Patch is currently being deployed on Xbox, and here all the changes it brings to Arma Reforger:

Arma Reforger Xbox Patch Notes

  • Fixed: UI: Temporarily disabled tooltips (not used in the game at all) as a hotfix for a crash during game exit
  • Tweaked: Proper handling of a download error for a bug where there were no files to download
  • Changed: Raised the maximum connection limit in RplNet to 256 in order to match server config limits
  • Fixed: Added missing view geometry to several models
  • Fixed: Typo in the Instagram web link
  • Fixed: M88 injured materials were still using the wrong texture
  • Fixed: AI sometimes did not see players in very dark areas, even up close
  • Fixed: Possessed AI had bad collisions
  • Fixed: Broken character movement when changing items while prone
  • Fixed: GameConnection got stuck when PrepareReload happened in a state other than Ready
  • Fixed: Crash when a world reload happened just as the stream was being prepared
  • Fixed: Deletion during loading not properly modifying RplScheduler's spatial map
  • Fixed: EnableStreaming(Node) not working properly with layering
  • Changed: RplScheduler's budgeting considers the amount of streams the client has open when opening streams
  • Tweaked: Improved replication / RplScheduler / BattlEye logs in order to reduce spam and improve informational value
  • Fixed: Stretched character arms when using the mounted turret on M1025
  • Tweaked: Horizontal aim limits on M1025 turret to match aimspace values
  • Fixed: Conflict: Levitating fireplace
  • Fixed: Conflict: Levitating radio in Lamentin

The update brings with it a little server downtime, roughly three hours if everything goes to plan. Once those three hours are up, Arma Reforger is expected to be live, with the above changes applied.

Have you been playing Arma Reforger on Xbox? What do you think so far? Let us know down in the comments!
