We've got another story to share in the ongoing saga that is the Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard today, as four US senators including Bernie Sanders have shared 'deep concerns' about certain aspects of the deal.
In a letter penned to FTC chairwoman Lina Khan (thanks Video Games Chronicle), senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Sheldon Whitehouse and Cory Booker stated that the merger "threatens worker-led demands for accountability and could create a dangerous precedent in the industry." Here's a very small sample of what it has to say:
"Workers at Activision Blizzard, following years of rampant sexual misconduct and discrimination and unfair labor practices, have led calls for greater transparency and accountability in the gaming industry, and we are deeply concerned that this acquisition could further disenfranchise these workers and prevent their voices from being heard."
The letter claims that "Microsoft’s proposed deal with Activision Blizzard is protecting [Activision Blizzard CEO] Bobby Kotick," that Microsoft is "willing to prioritize profits over entrenched issues of gender-based discrimination in the organization," and that the deal "could interfere with Raven Software workers’ unionization push."
In response, an Activision spokeperson told The Wall Street Journal that the deal is a "compelling transaction for all stakeholders, including employees," and advised that in regards to Activision CEO Bobby Kotick and any potential financial gains for him personally, no special compensation arrangements were made as part of the acquisition.
Here's what Activision Blizzard had to say in an email statement to CNET:
"The company is committed to a safe and equitable working environment for all employees and has invested significant resources to ensure we're creating a model for the industry. The transaction between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard will not interrupt any of the actions the Activision Blizzard's leadership team has implemented throughout 2021 and is continuing to implement in 2022 with regards to improving our workplace."
In addition, discussing the workplace culture at Activision Blizzard, Microsoft Corporate Vice President and General Counsel Lisa Tanzi told The Wall Street Journal the following:
“We believe Activision Blizzard will continue making progress, and we’re committed to further progress after the deal closes.”
Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has previously stated that when the deal goes through, the most "important" thing for him is to ensure that Activision Blizzard's employees "feel safe, they feel heard, so that they can do their best work".
As this is a sensitive topic, please remain respectful when discussing it in the comments below.
[source videogameschronicle.com, via wsj.com, cnet.com]
Comments 38
Microsoft is a pretty "woke" company, I don't think this about protecting anyone.
Yes, it's about money - we are talking corporations here; but it will also be a HUGE shift in work culture across the board.
Wonder what would happen if this deal didn’t go through. I just assumed wrongly it was done and that was it 😂
But surely Microsoft buying them would benefit the workers? No more kotick, change of management, most likely new contracts for employers and overall being lead by people that actually care about the staff.
Also the points about Microsoft prioritizing profits first, well let's be honest Microsoft didn't buy Activision just to change the staff and make a better workplace, of course they saw it primarily as business, but for that business to operate at full capacity they have to sort out these issues and will most likely be Microsofts first and main priority once/if the deal goes through, then the games.
@Kooky_Daisuke the senators aren't saying anything about a monopoly that's not the issue, they are concerned about of Microsoft buying Activision won't change any of the problems and saying Microsoft are caring about the money and protecting kotick.
@Dezzy70 Sony will then buy them instead 😈
Isn't Microsoft currently undergoing a voluntary, public review — conducted by a third-party law firm — of their sexual harassment and gender discrimination policies? Surely that bodes well for those with concerns at Activision-Blizzard?
After a few people were connected to kotick buying a lot of Activision shares JUST before Microsoft announced the takeover and hopefully the investigation into Insider trading will screw him a bit more ...and all the rest of the stuff that's being going on way before that
@Snake_V5 I've just had a vision of Jim Ryan desperately searching behind the couch cussions for money to buy activision lol
This is just the senators trying to score some virtue/political points and jumping in on the public concerns of Activision's behavior as well as peddling more unionization in the field, which equates to more forced funding for their party. Not much else to see here.
"..threatens worker-led demands for accountability.."
I mean a lack of accountability has been there, long before the ms acquisition.
Hope this isn't too political but feel like I need to mention this as an fyi for those not living in the US.
These senators are a part of the majority party (Democrats) but it doesn't necessarily mean they can stop it. Signing a letter like this allows them to voice their opinion but any serious action would have to be done within the Senate or House.
Firstly, I thought it had already been stated that Kotick was going to step down once the deal had gone through. I maybe wrong on that, but I'm fairly certain I had read that he was going to see the deal go through, and then step down.
Those cheering on the failure of the progress of this acquisition need to be careful what they wish for as it is well known that Activision was/is in very big trouble. This deal failing would likely spell even worse as their stocks would utterly tumble, and many of their Studios could well fold as a consequence taking with them some very popular franchises. Or maybe they would be bought by the likes of Amazon or Apple, etc., with the games then being completely walled off from the likes of PlayStation and Xbox consoles...
On eurogamer they are saying its more to do with kotick getting a payout after the deal, but who knows what to believe. From their article "A group of US senators has expressed concern at the possibility of a windfall payout for controversial Activision Blizzard boss Bobby Kotick, as part of Microsoft's proposed acquisition of his company." And "The letter points out that the acquisition process risks dampening down an employee push for accountability, and undermining it by allowing Kotick to remain in place and therefore receive a sizable payout if he leaves on good terms."
Imagine if that happened
I guess the Japanese government would not care the way the USA one does 😂
Politicians what the DUCK do they know about anything, in the UK they are so out of touch we might as well have Zippy and George from Rainbow running the country.
Eh, with 4 senators voicing concern that really isn't going to amount to much.
I wouldn't put much stock in anything coming off of this. Mid-terms are right around the corner and some senators are looking to get some brownie points from voters any way they can. Nothing to see here.
What a load of crap. Senators are amongst the worst of human scum, most politicians are, they must have also missed the note where Phil Spencer publicly stated he welcomes the union idea. Perhaps they are Sony fans? They should more concerned with the disaster of a joke party they are members of.
@Fiendish-Beaver You’re not wrong, just like how they conveniently ignore the fact Phil Spencer stated he welcomes the union idea. Nothing more then the usual low life scum politicians trying to score points for re-election, then they can go back to screwing everyone over and being the corrupt lying fraudster that they are.
@101Force Not heard that, proof?
@S1ayeR74 : It was reported earlier this year, and the results are going to be made available to the public:
How unsurprising all of the senators are Democrats. Would you like to have the government takeover the company? That’s a rhetorical question
@Dezzy70 Xbox only gamers would go back to calling activision games trash lol
Ah, Bernie. Why am I not surprised.
> Would you like to have the government takeover the company? That’s a rhetorical question
@ShinG67 : No, that's a nonsensical polarization because 1) this isn't synonymous with the government takeover of a company, and 2) as per the following article Republican opinion has shifted in recent years toward opposing the excess power wielded by corporations as well:
I’m a Progressive and cringed at this. A whole ass potential global conflict on the horizon and… ugh. Am I wrong? Am I devaluing the situation?
@101Force Only one of your links isn’t behind a paywall, and all they are doing is hiring a law firm to measure how Microsoft’s performance with sexual harassment complaints measures against other companies. Nothing wrong with that and it’s hardly a mass conspiracy or major thing. It’s very good and will help them learn. What’s wrong with that? Complaints were raised about the way they handled such cases so they are investigating it. Hardly negative and very positive.
> Complaints were raised about the way they handled such cases so they are investigating it. Hardly negative and very positive.
@S1ayeR74 : Yes, that was my point and why I said it bodes well for those with concerns at Activision-Blizzard. I'm not sure why you got paywalls though, I don't get them at all fort hese sites but if you search Google there are plenty of other sources.
@lolwhatno that's the thing, I don't "keep" insulting Microsoft, I stick up for playstation on some articles and that brings me some hate, but oh well
@lolwhatno I've said good things about xbox on multiple articles especially last year on forza horizon 5 and the gunk but as soon as I say one good thing about sony or a negative about xbox I get jumped on and get branded "sony elitist or fanboy" but I don't let it bother me as I will still comment what I think on here or on pushsqaure etc I won't cater my comments to suit certain individuals.
Also yeah pushsqaure commented to me saying my previous avatar (shea from arifureta) was too revealing lol though it was an anime character with cleavage though I've seen worse avatars on there and nothing gets said. People have avatars of street fighter characters with revealing "assets" but that's OK lol its just because it's anime and most people look down on it
@101Force Oh I see, no one really has any concerns, ignore anything a politician says as everything they say or do is designed to win them votes, they are the most shallow people on earth no matter which country they are in, usually corrupt too. I doubt anyone will pay too much attention to these senates. I’m in the U.K. so that may be why I got paywalls.
@UltimateOtaku91 Push Square being in line with Sonys ridiculous censorship policies.
@S1ayeR74 lol that's true, it doesn't make sense though seeing sony get involved into anime by buying crunchyroll, funimation and Aniplex and don't censor it (believe me they don't I watch anime frequently) but they will censor anime games.. Just baffles me
@S1ayeR74 : I wouldn't go that far. Plenty of politicians — regardless of their party, ideology, or corruption — raise warranted or legitimate issues every now and then. But (as far as I can tell) this issue isn't one of them.
@UltimateOtaku91 haha I don’t think anybody understands Sonys censorship ideologies. It’s one weird thing they do. I was glad to see them announce some new services to compete with Game Pass though as competition is always good.
@RedShirtRod going one step further Booker is a clown, he only says whats politically expedient... he will say whatever he thinks gets his name out there and gets him good PR with the democrats...im from his state and if it wasnt for North Jersey being so Blue he wouldnt win reelection... also he wants to be President one day so he can now use this as " i was against the buyout" tax the rich slogan crap... i obviosly dont like him and its not cause he is a dem its cause he has DONE NOTHING FOR NJ!!!!!!
Leaders set the culture of an organization, even if it’s by neglect or ignorance of what’s going on.
There’s going to need to be a lot more house cleaning before the culture changes at Blizzard.
Even then, the wounds that were allowed to fester will take years to heal, maybe decades.
I'm glad that this acquisition is being looked into from the workers' perspective, and not just the obvious monopolistic concerns.
There were numerous internal movements inside Activision to expose the issues in the company, and form some unions. Now so much has been put on hold because of the merger. Activision have said they won't be recognising any unions without MS's approval which wouldn't happen for a couple years once the deal is done.
Then when they're a part of an even larger organisation it'd be harder to get the leverage they need to organise and affect change.
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