Update: This patch is now available for Xbox, and you can see the updated list of improvements below.
Original story: Dying Light 2 finally launched last week, and a bunch of updates are already in the works for Xbox platforms. The majority of these updates focus on general bug fixes, although a welcome performance+ mode is also coming for Xbox Series X.
This boosted performance mode offers 60fps+ playback, with the help of Xbox's Variable Refresh Rate option. So, while it might not hit 120fps consistently, the mode will offer increased performance for those with a TV or monitor that supports HDMI 2.1 and up to 120 frames per-second gameplay.
Elsewhere, a number of issues should be resolved in the patch, which developer Techland is looking to submit this week. The full list of Xbox bug fixes is displayed below.

As shown above, there are also a select number of fixes that need a bit more time in the oven. These include death loop instances and various story progression issues, so hopefully those get resolved sooner rather than later.
Will you be trying out the new Dying Light 2 performance mode on Xbox Series X? Let us know below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 23
Again, I would argue that if there is enough headroom to offer a 60fps+ mode on Series X then it should also be possible to offer a locked 60fps with DRS that goes above 1080p. This would be far preferable to most people I would imagine.
@Spaceman-Spiff Completely agree. 120fps is nice but I expect most people will not have a display capable of displaying this. Better to go for 60 fps vrr and a target of at least 1440p with optimised settings. 1080p looks rough on a large 4k tv and 30 fps is not playable in my opinion.
Personally I do not care much for 120 fps cause I can not feel or see a difference between 60 and 120 fps. And for games like Dying Light a locked 30 fps is fine in my opinion, but I certainly prefer 60 fps.
How's about making it 60 fps on series s? I'll be waiting till this is less than a tenner like the first game.
@uptownsoul Series s could easily run this at 60fps if the devs bothered to optimise the game.
@Sveakungen there is a difference once you use it for some time. it's difficult to go back to 60 fps after 120 fps. the most important thing imo is frame pacing. I'd prefer to have a stable 60 fps than a juddery 120 fps.
Various game crashing bugs and situations that could cause infinite black screen…great. Didn’t this game get delayed? The games been out 2 days? So one would assume they released it knowing of various crashing bugs and infinite black screens…
Thanks for fixing your game I guess…
"Please buy our busted tail of a game. We'll fix it. We'll patch it. We'll provide content. Pleeeease~"
Ya, you sorry suckers, buy it! 60fps on Series X eventually! Maybe one day it will be a full game!
Waiting is once again the best option for a AAA release.
Won’t buy it until it’s actually ready.
@uptownsoul it was microsoft that marketed the series s as 1440p 60fps machine so that's what people expect it to do.
I’ve noticed it not work from Quick Resume when my Series X has been in sleep mode.
The problem is most likely Techland's 'C-Engine' doesn't allow for DRS, a bit like how over on PS5, even Naughty Dog's proprietary engine doesn't allow for DRS.
@Rangers420 On that basis people should also expect every Series X game to be 4K 120fps...
@blinx01 That's a good explanation, albeit one that would be oddly retrograde for a modern engine. Not that I would be surprised.
@Spaceman-Spiff I'm not expecting every game to run at 1440p and 60fps I'd prefer most games to hit one of those targets though. Even if it had been 900p and 60fps that would have been fine for me.
@Rangers420 That's fair enough, to be honest I was criticising the marketing for both machines more than I was criticising your comment!
Man, some serious moaners on here. It's hardly a busted game. Barely had any issues and one of the most fun games I've played in a while. Wouldn't do it the disservice of comparing it to a Ubisoft open worlder either, it's better than that. Looks beautiful too.
@thebizniznizbiz I've really enjoyed the game also the only big I have ran into is the preorder special edition weapons not working
@thebizniznizbiz Same here, excellent game so far, looks great on the SX, about 20 hours in and I haven’t experienced any bugs so far. Usual internet echo chamber blowing everything out of proportion!
Must admit I'm about 12 hours in and I've not experienced any bugs/issues yet, or notable ones. I must be one of the lucky ones.
The game is seriously unoptimized.
Digital Foundry has already stated that the problem is the console versions just use the 'High' pre-sets across the board rather than actually optimizing setting for consoles.
A Series X and PS5 are more powerful than a RTX 2060, which can run the game at 1440p 60FPS with optimized settings.
A Series S is similar to a GTX 1060, which can run the game at 900p 60FPS using FSR Quality Mode, which is available to use on consoles.
So it's all possible on consoles. It's just they've chosen to use the 'High' pre-sets for everything rather than proper optimization to maximise console performance.
100% agree with this. The issue will be when developers are using proprietary game engines that aren't optimized with Series S in mind.
However, stuff like Metro Exodus and the Matrix Awakens demo show the console is more than capable of offering a budget next-gen experience going forward.
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