Deals: All 40+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 15-22)

This week's selection of Xbox deals is now live, and alongside a couple of ongoing sales from last week, we've got a whole bunch of new ones including Deals with Gold, Spotlight, Start Your Engines and Starter Pack sales!

Below, we've included every single Xbox 360 and original Xbox game available over the next week.

Note: Some of the deals below might only be available to buy via the old Xbox 360 Marketplace, and not the modern Xbox Store. The links in the table will (where applicable) take you to that older version of the marketplace.

The majority of these deals are expected to expire on or around February 22nd.

Content Title
Content Type
BioShock Infinite Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 70%
BioShock Minerva’s Den Add-On Deals With Gold 50%
Borderlands Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Bully Scholarship Edition Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Daytona USA Xbox 360 Start Your Engines Sale 50%
Duke Nukem Forever Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
Far Cry 3 Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 70%
I Am Alive Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 70%
Mafia II Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 75%
Manhunt Xbox Deals With Gold 40%
Max Payne Xbox Deals With Gold 40%
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Xbox Deals With Gold 40%
Max Payne 3

Xbox 360

Deals With Gold 55%
Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Xbox 360 Start Your Engines Sale 33%
Prey Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
Puzzle Fighter HD Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 75%
Rainbow Six Vegas Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Rayman Origins Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 67%
Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare Pack Add-On Deals With Gold 80%
Red Dead Revolver Xbox Deals With Gold 40%
Rockstar Table Tennis Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 75%
Spec Ops: The Line Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
Street Fighter IV Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – Ultra Street Fighter IV Add-On Deals With Gold 75%
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 85%
The Darkness Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
The Darkness II Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Xbox 360 Publisher Sale 85%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 60%
Trials HD Xbox 360 Start Your Engines Sale 70%
XCOM: Enemy Within Xbox 360 Deals With Gold 80%

Will you be picking up any Xbox classics this week? Let us know down below.

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