CrossfireX hasn't been out for a full day yet, and fans are already spotting plenty of issues. One of the biggest is an aim-down-sight bug that's causing the input not to work properly. Thankfully, a fix is coming.
Smilegate has been quick to address launch concerns. In a developer update the team has listed its current priorities for CrossfireX. There are some notable bugs in here, alongside a hint at new content. Here's what the team is working on:
"We have heard a lot of great comments and concerns over the past 12 hours. Player feedback is very important to us, and we are working to address many of the issues."
- Aim-down-sight with the CAR-4 - An ADS bug is affecting this weapon, causing players to zoom in and out unintentionally.
- Aim settings - More customizable aim settings are coming, including options to tweak aim acceleration, sensitivity, dead zones, and aim assist.
- Sliding - A collision bug when sliding is being looked at, along with the speed reduction experienced while sliding.
- Boogieman imbalance - Several balance aspects are being looked into, including health recovery and XP gain while in the Boogieman state.
- Maps - Smilegate is working to add more maps to both the 'Classic' and 'Modern' multiplayer modes.
These fixes are in the works for the next update, which is currently scheduled to release in early March, although we're not sure if that includes any new maps. If you're planning on diving into the campaign instead, check out our guide on how to install it, as the process isn't as simple as it seems.
What are your thoughts on CrossfireX so far? Let us know in the comments.
[source cfx.game.onstove.com]
Comments 17
This game is bad, just bad lol
Expected it to be mediocre at best. How bad is it?
They have COD now lol.
This game is ded.
This only contributes to the definition of what a "Gamepass" game is. They need to give less broken fodder and just focus on the one or two great games a quarter with some indies sprinkled in.
Just tried the mp, have to pay for the sp. will that release at a later date for gamepass,
Multiplayer was horrible! Worst feeling fps in a long time.
Weirdly you can’t even find it on gamepass now. You have to actively type it in the search bar at the store. MS want you to forget it exists already
The first part of the campaign was supposed to be free on game pass right? Its not
Just played it. It’s broken. You can’t aim and shoot without it throwing your view back out. Did this not even get play tested before release? Seems like a pretty obvious bug.
Also, both campaigns are asking for money. Neither currently free with gamepass.
Well, it sucks for them. You can't fix games after the fact and expect all those people to welcome you back with open arms. It's done and over.
Thought one of the campaign's was supposed to be on gamepass....have to pay for both
As for multiplayer .....im done after 2 games....confused as fuk...I literally was dying in 1 shot yet putting almost a full clip into people and not killing them....that happened when I tried the modern...didn't seem to have that problem on the classic
Bug has me ***** up lol, thought it just genuinely wasn't an option to ads 😂
Didn't like it enough to play more than one match because it's kinda ***** but how can something like that be broke lol.
@StylesT @Bleachedsmiles @Tsushima please refer to this article: https://www.purexbox.com/guides/crossfirex-how-to-install-the-campaign-on-xbox-game-pass
It's currently bugged like the rest of the game.
@StylesT yeah, I downloaded it, thinking I'll give the campaign a shot. It's on gamepass, what could hurt. Turned it on, and it says I have to purchase the campaigns. [UNINSTALL] well, that was time well spent.
Not sure how is this even a surprise, it's a modern re-incarnation of a game that was made popular in 2008. as a F2P alternative to CS:GO. If it was perfectly polished it would have been a relic of the past.
ok its 2022 why in the hell is everything in this game hipfire....theres no skill its just shoot when you see and i feel like its doom 1 from the 90s where as long as your in the general direction of the enemy it hits...
Wow, I thought Halo Infinite was bad with a 6 year development and incomplete beta launch. This thing is almost 15 years old....
I was really hyped for this having watched a gameplay vid before release...I still think it has potential but it needs a lot of patches before it becomes playable.
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