The rumours were unfortunately true! After it was suggested that (timed) Xbox console exclusive Stalker 2 might be getting delayed until later in the year, GSC Game World has confirmed it will now release on December 8th, 2022.
In a message posted on social media, the developer explained that the "decision is not an easy one," but the team are big believers that "development should take as long as necessary, especially in the case of such a project":
Yesterday, the game was gaining heat on social media after a Ukrainian YouTuber stated that it would be delayed until later in the year, which led to a GSC Game World Community Manager asking fans to wait for official information.
Sadly, it did end up coming to fruition, and so now we're going to have wait until late in the year to get our hands on it. The silver lining is that it's looking great so far, so fingers crossed it ends up being worth the wait this December.
Surprised by this, or were you expecting a delay? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 43
I guess they baked all the NFTs in already and have to do a redesign since they, thankfully, backpedaled on that after the backlash.
I'm always a fan of companies that are willing to delay their games to fix them though. Good on them to see it.
I'm thinking a lot of the 2022 games are going to be delayed just like this. This is probably the first of many.
@Chaudy yep. At this point, I just consider these dates placeholders until the next delay. Cyberpunk still hurts though, so please delay as long as you need.
To be expected. Take every release date with a pinch of salt this year. And then throw some more salt on top of that.
Its not surprising. I think a LOT of Studio's had expected the world to be back to 'pre-pandemic' situations and their release date was based on these teams to be at full capacity.
Its these delays and extra time that is needed that is probably pushing a lot of Publishers into NFT's to offset the extra 'costs' they have had to incur. Another 'year' of paying staff, paying overheads on keeping the studio open (rent, electricity, insurance etc) etc all adds up and that 'extra' time may not equate to a lot more sales so the 'profit margin' is significantly lower.
However, the backlash to NFT's can result in far fewer sales. I just hope that the game exceeds expectation and that brings people in to prove to publishers that quality and belief in the games is far more 'rewarding' than resorting to NFT/MTX's as the main way to recuperate costs.
@DrJamesOxford now I start believing a date just after two delays
My backlog is so ridiculous, I'm not even mad.
The comments on the previous article have disappeared for me? And these two articles are the same anyway?
It sucks but if it means a much better game like Halo Infinite, so be it. I was getting a bit concerned anyway that not much had been shown.
@Gamer83 yeah true, really enjoyed Halo Infinite. Was actually a bit sad when the campaign ended because it was just so much fun. Hoping Stalker give a similar experience
Better done right, than right now. Hopefully someone is in the process of porting over the first one. 1:1, or remaster, whatever. Be nice to play, before the sequel.
Already called it in the prior Rumour article.
It will eventually become an early 2023 title.
This may push this game out of game of the year consideration. Game Awards at least. If not ready then don’t release.
@Cherip-the-Ripper The rumour article has been redirected to this one — it always seems to be the way that we write a story about a rumour, and then an hour-or-so later it gets confirmed!
The redirect is just to clear up any confusion.
I think there’s going to be a fair bit of this. The Pandemic effect.
I find it encouraging that MS aren’t rushing these games out the door. If the devs need more time they’re giving it to them. No matter how much that hurts short term it’s essential for the long term credibility of the business.
They'd have to port it, remaster and then remake it for it to pass muster. I still remember how awful it was on PC back in the day. Graphics were outdated at launch, bugs galore and clunky movement, poor gunplay. Hopefully this delay will help deliver a much better experience this time
I true sequel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; the first game was delayed 2+ years from its original 2004 release and was a buggy mess when launched.
Just hoping this delay eliminates bugs rather than create them. Hopefully we can get our hands on Atomic Heart before this drops.
What a shame - stalker was a much needed strong title early this year, and looked good besides!
If you want to compare with the opposition, it makes early this year look pretty weak for major titles.
I'm sure MS will buy up some good 3rd party stuff for Games pass to keep us entertained while we wait!
Take the time to release a finished product. Personally I don't care if the entire gaming industry doesn't release a game for a full year, i have enough to play. But i know that's my personal situation and not everyone's.
Not great timing for Xbox.
We got Sony showing new HFW videos for Feb release 2022.
We got Nintendo showing new Kirby videos for confirmed March release 2022.
This year will be the usual Xbox drum beat.
Nothing major exclusive AAA until Christmas 2022
An increase in sales around November/ December.
Back to normal for the Jan to October the following year.
Joking a side I am expecting in 2023 some steady AAA exclusives through out the year as their studios hopefully will be pumping those games out by then.
Time for Phil to pick up the phone and call FromSoft to fill in the gap
Erm well that's not good, tbh that was the game I was looking forward to playing the first half of the year on gamepass and since my series S is purely for gamepass and xbox exclusives I see no reason to renew my subscription at the end of February until starfield releases. Or unless they put ubisoft plus on gamepass
Perhaps they'll pursue some larger Game Pass acquisitions to compensate. Just trying to find the bright side here!
I guess Lost In Random will have to replace it then, I do wonder how this works given that Microsoft was probably banking on its april release. @NEStalgia Yeah lol Cyberpunk boutta be a stunner when it finally releases.
More indie trash to fill in the cracks till then /sigh.
@Dezzy70 HFW was supposed to be a mid-2021 release that got delayed to Holiday 2021, that got delayed to early 2022. It's already the very late release of last year's game. Not exactly an example to hold over other games meant for early 2022 that are now delayed.
Only Nintendo's actually on schedule, but, of course they are, they released next to nothing for the past 2 years. XGS was active in comparison. Dreamcast looks active next to Nintendo first party at this point.
@Cherip-the-Ripper @FraserG I think it's some kind of glitchy behavior with the software running the site, I've seen that on Push a few times where comments made in the OG article just get lost into the ether when the article is updated and redirected. The earlier comments remain but the ones made between a certain point in time and the time it's redirected just vanish.
A shame, but to be honest, my backlog is so disgraceful i'm not even upset.
Not really holding over HFW over another game being delayed.
Was just stating what was happening in Feb and March game realise wise exclusive on PS5 and Switch.
Anyway it will probably be a big PS5 and Switch year 2022 for me so Xbox can take their good time and maybe 2023 will be their time when the other two might be quiet.
@Dezzy70 Yeah, heck, I'm still on an endless backlog on two out of 3 of them. If GP gets some more big 3rd party games on board that will be ridiculous in terms of backlog. I doubt I'll buy HFW or GoW2 until 2023 at the earliest though, I'm SO over Sony's pricing, so I figure I'll buy everything a year or so later. Nintendo...well...no point holding out.
I kinda hope a lot gets delayed from 2022. It was going to be s overcrowded with basically all of 2020+2021+2022 games release all in 2022.
I’m uncertain if this delay qualifies as bad news
It’s news for sure though
Take all the time you need, get it right, and get it right right outta the gate
HFW and Kirby day one for me.
Such opposing games but both great in their own right for me.
Also as there is exploration and adventure and very good quality overall, which both seem to be I’m very happy.
So that’s Feb and March sorted, not including any third party games.
Dying light 2 and Elden Ring.
Just enough time for them to backtrack and reintroduce nfts then like a rash.
@Clankylad Im still on the fence about Elden ring I want to buy it but I am afraid it will be more frustrating then anything else Dying light is also coming out and if it is a s good as the first game it is a cant miss for me.
@FraserG Whether it was a mess up or intended, all the comments from the rumor article have been deleted now then since you did the re-direct. I would say not that big of a deal, but I had 3 responses to my post show up in the notifications while I was at work and now i have no way to know what they were.
@Microbius I bounced off souls games for yrs until I sat down with sous 1 360 and decided to beat it whatever. I did, it was amazing. Game almost gets easy if you level up enough.
@NeutronBomb I am watching videos of the Beta or whatever they called it. The game looks good but I have never been very good at stealth and it seems like that is almost a requirement. I will decide when it gets closer and see how far into dying light I am.
My backlog is that big at the moment that I just shrug my shoulders when something gets delayed... I would go as far as to say a tiny bit relieved that I have more time before something new comes out! 🙄
@Alpha_Pulse Exactly. And backlog aside Feb/Mar is/was so overcrammed with top releases that it would have been impossible to keep up even if we had zero backlog.
@KilloWertz Apologies for that, we'll do our best to avoid this with rumour-turned-confirmation articles in the future.
@themightyant agreed. Just Elden Ring and FF Origin will keep me busy for the first quarter.
@FraserG Thanks. Another +1 to say i'd prefer to keep the old articles. Possibly a quick line at the top of the original article linking to the new one. But never a straight redirect.
@themightyant Good to get the feedback, thank you. That's likely what we'll end up doing in most cases 👍
So what exclusives are we getting prior to Starfield in 2022 now?
Is it only Redfall??
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