We've been waiting for a new batch of backwards compatible games from the original Xbox and Xbox 360 for a very long time now, and recent rumours have suggested we might finally be getting some in November.
Earlier this month, True Achievements published a list of original Xbox titles that were unexpectedly added to the new Xbox Store, including the likes of Dead or Alive 3, Gunvalkyrie and even Chicken Little (!):
"Looking back through our store data, we saw seven OG Xbox games added to the new Microsoft Store from the old Xbox 360 store in September, all with a strange November 30th release date.
These titles include one of the best-received original Xbox launch titles Dead or Alive 3 (which would tie in nicely with the Xbox 20th anniversary celebrations if it does get added to the program), Dead or Alive Ultimate, Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers, Gladius, Gunvalkyrie, Advent Rising, and bizarrely, Chicken Little. They have all since been removed from the store."
In addition to that batch, various fans have recently pointed out a couple more Xbox 360 games that have cropped up. These were actually first discovered by Twitter user and Microsoft Store leaker WalkingCat:
As previously mentioned on a couple of occasions, there's every chance these additions could just be placeholders for testing purposes, but it certainly seems like there's some kind of activity going on with the back compat program.
Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to find out, as Microsoft is hosting a special 20th anniversary event on November 15th, and we wouldn't be surprised if a new batch of backwards compatible games was announced there.
Fingers crossed!
What games do you want to see made backwards compatible still? Let us know down below.
[source trueachievements.com]
Comments 29
Jet Set Radio Future.
I KNOW this is very complicated from a music rights perspective, but still.
EVERYBODY (well, kinda) who's into the backward compatibility program is waiting for this game.
I can still play this game on my 360, thought. But for most people, this game is just a memory. Please, bring it back, Microsoft !
"Understand, understand ! The concept, the concept... of love !"
@Bobobiwan I never got to play the original or future so either would be amazing for me
Tenchu Z would be amazing. I'm playing it on my old 360 in between games but to have it come to series X as playback compat would make life easier.
Also Max Payne 3
And Harry Potter, including prisoner of Azka something bam?
Also, I want to give another go at the two Matrix games. With Matrix 4 just on its way, I don't know, maybe it's possible !
@Bobobiwan The only way there would be a licensing issue is if Microsoft wanted to list it. If they just added BC without the requirement to list the game for sell, there wouldn't be an issue.
@Bobobiwan Its not just that. How hard would it really be to put Rez on the B/C list?
Looks like they are bringing out the big guns with those titles.
All those games seem not very good though, except Dead or Alive.
There is quite a list of games I wouldn't mind seeing come to BC - although if I had a choice, many of those I think I would prefer to see a remake/reboot.
I also feel that many of the games I would like to see return are out of MS's control due to developers, publishers and licensing issues. For example, would we see any 'Marvel' character games like Activision's Spider-Man 2 as Activision don't have the license - and don't think they hold the James Bond License either. Talking of Activision, I'd love a reboot of Darkwatch more than I'd like to play that via BC.
I am sure that 'many' of us have games from the previous generations we have many fond memories of but some are best left in past. Goldeneye was my 'favourite' game but its 'unplayable' by modern standards. I can't believe I used to play that on a 28" CRT with 3 others, staring at my 'tiny corner' and knowing where EVERYONE else is because I can see their 'corners' too. Playing at a constantly fluctuating 10-18fps and with 'broken' character balance - things that are 'unacceptable' today so I'd rather keep my 'nostalgic' positivity intact than revisit and wonder what I ever saw in that game.
That's why I'd rather see 'reboots' or remakes than just adding more games to BC. Until all games are on BC though, there are bound to be people wanting more added. I would love to know that 'every' game is playable - just for preservation. I don't know if its 'reasonable' though for 'every' version of 'Fifa', 'Madden' etc needs to playable either. I can't think why you'd want to play Fifa 01, 04, 05, 09, 12, 15 etc when you have 20, 21 and no doubt 22 coming up, even preserving the 'online' modes if there are no online servers active. I am sure there is at least 1 that would for their own reason and that opens up another 'discussion'....
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. 'nuff said.
@Thelastjedi2007 You can still buy Jet Set Radio from the marketplace and play it via BC. Worth it for the soundtrack alone!
@Shigurui for real thanks dude
Fahrenheit and legacy of kain defiance for me 😋 iv looked a fair few times in the past to see if theyre bc....
Edit: oh ***** dino crisis 3 since i bought it on 360 and wasnt backwards compatible then so it was a waste of money. I know its meant to be ***** but id still love to have a go. And onimusha 2
Rallisport 1 & 2
The Amped games
Project Gotham Games
The couple of Star Wars games that have made it yet.
Max Payne 3
(Any rockstar that haven’t been done yet TBH)
SSX Tricky
Simpsons Hit and Run.
True Crime games
That’s the first lot they should work on…
I want the EA Lord of the Rings action and strategy games. I know they're likely in license limbo but if anyone has a good enough relationship with Warner and EA to get it done, and the money, it's Xbox.
I wonder if it will be 20 games added
@RavenWolfe81 the third age and battle for middle earth 2?
Just give me Eternal Sonata, please MS...
Oof. The Last Templar is a truly awful game. If true that's some serious waste of resources.
I would like to see Viva Piñata: Party Animals added.
@FriendlyOctopus I was playing argami 2 9n gamepass and whilst I enjoyed it, alot. it made me want to play Z again.
@abe_hikura That's what happened to me 😀
I want more people to play Gunvalkyrie, so that they can be impressed when I tell them I beat it. That game was hard!
God, please be true, still so many older games that never became backwards compatible. Now the backwards compatible team doesn't need to work on backwards compatibility for the Series X/S anymore, let's see more games added. Still really want to play The Last Remnant, Splatterhouse, Scarface: The World Is Yours, and the Project Zero (Fatal Frame) games on my Xbox One X.
CAPCOM VS SNK EO for the og Xbox please?! Can’t see it happening but that running on series X would be a game changer!
Still one of, if not the best 2D fighter ever, it’s aged so well.
Project Gotham racing, juiced one and two, maxpayne 3 or remaster them or even still bring out totally new ones but with the same feel as the old 🤗
Sonic Heroes, Red Dead Revolver, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Riders 1, Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, Crash Twinsanity, Crazy Taxi 3, Need for Speed games from OG Xbox and Xbox 360 only, Buffy Chaos Bleeds and Burnout 3
Fingers crossed. There are plenty of 360 games already, could be more, but the OG Xbox is too light.
they to put splatterhouse xbox 360 version on market place i still have mine but uable to play on xbox series x it won't play my disc copy i have from 360 version it really suck the only way to play. is to buy xbox 360 console really sad
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