Xbox Fans Are Spotting More Potential New Backwards Compatible Games

We've been waiting for a new batch of backwards compatible games from the original Xbox and Xbox 360 for a very long time now, and recent rumours have suggested we might finally be getting some in November.

Earlier this month, True Achievements published a list of original Xbox titles that were unexpectedly added to the new Xbox Store, including the likes of Dead or Alive 3, Gunvalkyrie and even Chicken Little (!):

"Looking back through our store data, we saw seven OG Xbox games added to the new Microsoft Store from the old Xbox 360 store in September, all with a strange November 30th release date.

These titles include one of the best-received original Xbox launch titles Dead or Alive 3 (which would tie in nicely with the Xbox 20th anniversary celebrations if it does get added to the program), Dead or Alive Ultimate, Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers, Gladius, Gunvalkyrie, Advent Rising, and bizarrely, Chicken Little. They have all since been removed from the store."

In addition to that batch, various fans have recently pointed out a couple more Xbox 360 games that have cropped up. These were actually first discovered by Twitter user and Microsoft Store leaker WalkingCat:

As previously mentioned on a couple of occasions, there's every chance these additions could just be placeholders for testing purposes, but it certainly seems like there's some kind of activity going on with the back compat program.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to find out, as Microsoft is hosting a special 20th anniversary event on November 15th, and we wouldn't be surprised if a new batch of backwards compatible games was announced there.

Fingers crossed!

What games do you want to see made backwards compatible still? Let us know down below.
