With Halo Infinite fast approaching and multiplayer getting the bulk of the attention, some fans are worried about the game's campaign. The last we saw of it was during an Xbox showcase back in 2020, which left fans sceptical after its initial reveal. Since then we've heard very little of its development, but one Xbox executive has recently praised it after getting their hands on it.
In response to a fan expressing how much fun the Halo Infinite technical preview was, Xbox exec Aaron Greenberg revealed he'd been jumping into the campaign recently, which left nothing but a smile on his face.
While it's obvious an Xbox exec is going to praise the game, the campaign response was unprompted. If the campaign was in a dire state, which many believe, we imagine the team wouldn't want to be bringing attention to the fact.
Back in August, the head of creative on Halo Infinite, Joseph Staten, told fans the team will "absolutely show campaign gameplay before launch", but they just need to focus on finishing up on development. With December just two short months away, we imagine it won't be too long until we see the game in action again.
Excited about Halo Infinite's campaign? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 16
Yeah looking forward to it, I have a gamepass code waiting for both it and Forza Horizon
I have GPU so let’s download and go.
Fingers crossed it will be a Halo campaign of all campaigns.
Really hope it is great. My fav campaign so far is Halo 2. Curious how this one will measure up. Love for it to be my new favorite.
Cant wait for the campaign. I'm sorry but i dont care about the multiplayer.
I look forward to playing it in march when co-op hits.
I'd like to say this was some grandstand "no co-op no buy" line in the sand thing but frankly, I have a stupid backlog It'll probably be longer before I get to it.
Well he's not going to say it left him dissapointed lol
I think it will range from average to brilliant personally...I'm not worried about it being a disaster
I've recently played through 1-5 campaigns and looking forward to 6. BTB preview this weekend was exactly what I expected and I'm really looking forward to the release. Also really pumped for FORZA.
@StylesT Agreed. I'm cautiously optimistic it will be the best campaign from 343, hopefully by some distance.
I’m staying cool, with no comments either way.
It will be what it will be.
But of course I’m hoping for AAA blockbuster as been with Halo campaigns since day one Halo.
I will probably not touch the multiplayer aspect of the game, but am really super excited to play the Campaign. I usually do two runs one after the other, one on Hard and then one on Legendary. Legendary is usually the best way to experience each of the games. I've yet to play any of them in co-op, but might be tempted to give that a go once my Legendary run is complete. Hopefully there will be an achievement for completing it solo on Legendary, but I won't hold my breath. I think only one of the previous games has done that. What I really don't want though, is the often seen co-op achievements. Why they insist on including them is beyond me. Still, super hyped for what I hope will be a game of the millennium contender...
Can't wait for Halo..
Can't wait for the campaign and for the first time in my life I can't wait for multiplayer too. Halo Infinite Big Team Battle is just amazing.
Thinking it will range from good to awesome. Looking forward to playing it.
Didn't Phil Spencer say something similar about crackdown 3...
As a soft-reboot that is trying to figure out what people loved and do that again, I can't get excited for this one. Maybe Staten made big narrative changes but so far it doesn't seem like the franchise has an authoritative original vision. Force Awakens vibes.
I'm sure the campaign for HI is great but you'd expect an Xbox exec to say its good wouldn't you? it's not like he's gonna say I played it over the weekend and in all honesty it's Dog s**t!!
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