You might want to chew me out for this one, reader, but I'm not what you'd call a "Halo fan". Have I played (most of) the games? Sure. Could I tell you the story details of the campaigns or name the famous maps in the multiplayer modes? Nope. For whatever reason, Halo passed me by in the early years, and I never really caught up.
In recent years, I've been using The Master Chief Collection to try and improve my Halo knowledge, and while I have enjoyed playing bits of the campaigns at a time, they haven't really captured my attention in the way they probably would have 20 years ago. The multiplayer is even harder to get accustomed to, not just because it feels a bit dated, but also because of the fact that every time I jump into a game, I find myself matched against far better players than myself and end up quitting out of frustration after half an hour or so.
However, I've been taking part in every single Halo Infinite Technical Preview so far, including the one we just experienced this past weekend, and I can happily say I'm on board. The multiplayer is tons of fun, even when I'm struggling to keep up with everyone else, and the addition of bots is a massive plus for a relative newcomer like myself.

I can't describe it as accurately as a passionate Halo fan, but there's something about the movement and gunplay in Infinite that just feels right. The pacing seems quicker than the classic Halos, which suits someone like me who has leant more towards the likes of Titanfall over the years. The vehicles also handle surprisingly well, and most importantly, I've yet to come across a map that doesn't feel meticulously handcrafted and well-designed. Yes, I'm still propping up the leaderboards in most matches, but I also feel like these maps give me room to breathe as I try to improve my skills.
And of course, the addition of the Academy is pretty helpful for someone like me. I'm really not familiar with the weapons in Halo, so having the ability to practice them ahead of time is excellent, and the option to jump into a no-stakes battle with varying difficulties of bots is the perfect way to help me learn those maps and get around the frustration that comes with getting killed over and over again in multiplayer. A very welcome feature for sure.
Whatever happens from now on, I can confidently say that I'm very excited to jump into Halo Infinite's multiplayer on day one, and I've never said that with a Halo game before. What the campaign will be like remains to be seen, but if 343 Industries was hoping to convert some non-fans with the technical preview, they can consider me converted.
Are you a Halo newbie? What did you think of the Halo Infinite preview? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 21
After reading this article I’m kinda looking forward to Halo Infinite myself now. I’ve never been that big on the Halo games, and I’m even worse when it comes to the multiplayer aspect. People jumping as soon as you start shooting at them (something that seems to have also seeped into CoD MP) I find extremely annoying. However, this article means I may still be converted!
@FraserG I am not sure if you can answer this, but being a CoD multi-player for years, how easy it to go from CoD Multiplayer to Halo Infinite? Is the Time to Kill slower? Is there loadouts like CoD or is it just people.scrambling for a gun when they spawn in?
Having only played the original Halo, didn't think I would get into this, but played it on the weekend. It is pretty amazing. Just simply a fun game. Really looking forward to the campaign now.
I'm a Halo fan but gave up on the competitive seen on Halo 3 after doing a bunch MLG matches with my clan. It was way too hard, and still is imo, to pick up the MCC and not get totally obliterated online. I have to agree with Fraser here on this game doing so many things right now & make people feel like the game is more balanced. Can't wait for the launch
I’ve never enjoyed Halo multiplayer but having played the beta over the weekend it was an absolute blast.
Everything just seems right. The maps are beautiful. The guns are varied, punchy and sound superb.
Movement is great and vehicles are fun to drive/fly.
Game modes on BtB are fantastic.
I can’t wait for launch….roll on December 8th!
Didn't check it out because I'm very cautious of my very aging XB1 (it sounds like it's on its last legs), but from what I've seen from videos the multiplayer is looking solid.
@Nightcrawler71 Yes!!! The bunny rabbit crap is annoying AF. Been saying for years they need to add in if you jump at all then you're aim reticle or such expands incredibly. Would even out helllalot of game.
After playing last 2 weekends I'm highly in favor of increasing time to kill. Seems just tad too fast.
I really enjoy a well fought gun battle. Not the wink you're dead stuff.
Haven't tried it but glad to hear it's getting such great feedback...I'm not a huge halo fan but I enjoy the games and I detest the hate ps fanboys give the game....wanting it to fail so badly
I don't like competitive shooters at all. I don't play them often enough, so mostly it's just spawn/die/spawn/die for me.
I had the BEST time with Infinite. That's the best recommendation I can give lol
I'm looking forward for Halo Infinite, but I only played the multiplayer flight one afternoon. That's not because I did not like it, but because I recently discovered how fun is State of Decay 2 and that game is sucking up the entirety of my time.
I tend to think I’m past the competition of multiplayer games. I still love winning but having fun and being entertained are much higher on my list of needs. The halo preview satisfies my itch. I can be top three or bottom three. It’s fun and the gameplay feels right and tight.
@Magabro Understandable. Once I started playing SoD2, the same thing happened to me. I just went back to complete the Trumbull Valley map. I can’t wait to see what they do with SoD3.
Infinite has been so much fun all three weekends. I’m really looking forward to launch and starting the next Spartan journey for real.
As a non Halo fan and this being my first one, the gameplay is nice but the horrible TTK makes it really bad. The game would be awesome if the soldiers didn't have the shield, other than that the movement and weapon handling is nice, sadly the guns are ruined by the enemies being literal damage sponges
@Zucaritas play Swat. That's a game mode in Halo where Spartans have no shields and can be killed with a single headshot.
@Magabro wow that sounds great, is that mode only reserved for launch, right?
@Zucaritas it was not on the betas, but swat is a staple of Halo multiplayer, I fully expect it to be present at launch.
@BrilliantBill That is very reason I'm strongly against having mouse keyboard on Xbox in any form. Yes they say will not be put into regular games. But certainly allows for the no skill, no life cheaters to find easier ways y to mod Xbox for mouse keyboard play in other lobbies/matchtypes.
Yep. Sore topic for me.
Is warzone from H5 coming back or a similar game mode. I kind of enjoyed that
@BrilliantBill Noticed this weekend in the Battlefield beta happening a lot as well.
Can not state enough or often enough how I do not want keyboard and mouse on Xbox at all. Ever.
It will ultimately lead to people finding easier ways to hack or mod their Xbox and ruin the game for countless players.
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