The CEO of Take-Two, Strauss Zelnick, made headlines a couple of weeks ago by suggesting Xbox Game Pass now boasted 30 million subscribers, although head of Xbox Phil Spencer was reluctant to confirm that statement at the time.
Since then, a couple of journalists with insider knowledge have shared what they've heard. VentureBeat's Jeff Grubb highlighted that it was below 23 million last quarter, but he didn't know the exact number, and now Windows Central editor Jez Corden has mentioned (via The Xbox Two podcast) that it's "closer to 30 than 20":
"I've heard it's between 25 and 30 [million]. I've been told it's closer to 30 than 20, put it that way."
Microsoft hasn't officially acknowledged Xbox Game Pass subscriber numbers since all the way back in January of 2021, at which time it was said to boast 18 million members. We're assuming Microsoft will remain quiet until that magical 30 million number is reached, which would be a major milestone if it could be achieved this year.
At the very least, it's definitely somewhere between 20 and 30 million, and it seems like it's nearing the latter.
How many subs do you think Xbox Game Pass has right now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 19
I'm fairly certain that Game Pass has already hit 30 million subscribers, Microsoft are just waiting to announce the actual number next month during the 20th anniversary of Xbox in order to tie in this accomplishment with the celebrations.
Well, if they've gone from 18m in January to even 25m in October, that's crazy impressive.
And that's before the big holiday games start to drop as well.
You can see why MS have gone all in on this strategy now with Xbox giving them serious backing with cash.
Game Pass has resurrected my Xbox One from what was a sad dusty part of the shelf. It's very nice to jump between titles I own without fudging with discs and playing new games day one along the way.
Whether it's 30 million or 20 million, does this have any bearing on me, as a individual? Will we all get something if gamepass hits a certain milestone, like a free 3-month sub?
While you can get 3 years gamepass ultimate for approx £80 (via turkey) I can't see subs going down any
I said only the other day on the original article that I thought Microsoft would likely wait for either year on year, or a major milestone, before announcing the numbers. The Game Awards is certainly a possibility too, and it would serve Microsoft well to announce the numbers then, and then to announce year on year numbers too if Halo and FH5 bring in significant numbers on that of that. It's all about showing the upward trend, as that, together with a huge membership, will bring in some big third party games straight on to the GamesPass. The revival of Xbox continues full steam ahead, and I for one couldn't be happier...
I've been paying for my game pass with my Microsoft reward points for the last few months. I got two of my best friends to come back to Xbox and get Series X's after they both got PS5s. Both got gamepass too. For me, I love game pass. I usually try every game that hits. I used to love game demos on disc, blockbuster rentals and shareware. This brings that "game testing" back to consumers.
@PhhhCough well actually the more subscribers they have then more money is available for game deals
Dont mind me i'm just here for the salty comments and the but but gamepass doesn't make the devoplers money comments.
Well I am one above the 18M mark as I subscribed to GP earlier in the year, firstly PC only but now on ultimate
Was lucky enough to land a Series X last week. Happy to be back in the Xbox ecosystem after skipping last-gen. Already I have filled up my SSD with 20 games, nearly all free from Game Pass.
One game I did purchase, however, was WRC 9, on sale for $12.49. But when I launched the game and found it had dodgy, erratic support for my racing wheel, I requested a refund, and in less than 2 minutes, Microsoft refunded me. This flat out would not have been granted to me on my PS5/4 — just look at how unplayable Cyberpunk had to be and the public pressure that was required for Sony to be fair to its customers.
While not perfect, and yeah, they are still just another big corporation — and granted they have been playing "catch up" to Sony for the past generation — Nevertheless, the goodwill towards consumers I have seen from MS in recent years I had really come to admire upon rejoining their ecosystem.
My refund experience alone was enough for me to buy future months of Game Pass ...
Microsoft Rewards and Gamepass go had in hand and these two great inovations have succefully moved me over from playstation to xbox this generation
@PhhhCough if the subscription business model doesn't work out, they will eventually cancel it. No more Game Pass for us.
@uptownsoul Okay mate
Gamepass is already forcing other industry giants into thinking about opening their gates a little wider.
I love gamepass. 😁😁😁
Game pass suits me as I like most Xbox studios AAA games like FH5 etc.
Also the Bethesda games and those studios.
The only added studios I wish was on Game Pass
Day of release is Ubisoft, then again the way the Division has gone and assassins creed next maybe not.
Idk why you guys only see the money that gamepass brings in as a subscription. Do you realize what gamepass does for xbox? It was a huge factor for me, along with many others, to make the move from playstation or PC to xbox. Do you understand what a bigger playerbase means? It means you buy games that aren't on gamepass on the xbox platform, microtransactions on games like apex,fortnite etc on xbox, games themselves already on gamepass can still be bought from subscribers, peripherals (headsets, controllers etc).
On top of that, numbers doubling in a matter of months, means the service is doing EXTREMELY well, and that's not even the end of it, with everything on it's way, and stuff not yet announced, that 30 is going to become 60 real quick. Who knows what that number is going to look like 4 years from now.
I never was a big fan of streaming-only-you-will-not-have-strong-pc-at-home approach, but being able to play on XBSX (install) and phone (streaming) is just sooooo convenient and great I cannot imagine myself not paying for GP anymore
Back in April, PureXbox put this article out https://www.purexbox.com/news/2021/04/xbox_game_pass_reportedly_now_has_23_million_subscribers saying that Game Pass had grown 5million since January's 18m...
therefore it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think GPU could be at 30m by now...
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