We've known for a while now that former PlayStation exclusive Oddworld: Soulstorm was coming to Xbox, and now we know it'll be arriving in late November in a special 'Enhanced Edition' for Xbox One, Series X and Series S.
This edition (which is also heading to the Epic Games Store, PS4 and PS5) will feature "improved gameplay mechanics and motion code" compared to the original launch, as well as all previously released updates.
In regards to pricing, the game will be available in digital form for $39.99 at launch, with a Day One Edition (physical) retailing at $49.99, and a special Collector Edition available at $149.99. The latter includes an exclusive embossed metal case, 9” Abe figurine, 160-page art book, three art prints, a mining company keychain, tattoo and tribal stickers.
(The Day One Edition also comes with the exclusive embossed metal case.)
"The Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One Collector Edition and Day One Edition physical versions of Oddworld: Soulstorm Enhanced Edition will be available for pre-order beginning today. Pre-order either version, or both, at participating retailers and you will also get access to the game’s Original Soundtrack and a Digital Artbook."
"Oddworld: Soulstorm is the evolutionary story of a revolution. Explore massive cinematic scale and 2.9D environments filled with breathtaking visuals. Scavenge for supplies, craft weapons, arm your followers, solve puzzles, and learn Abe’s true destiny while safely delivering all of 1,000 followers to freedom. Failure means the eradication of his entire species."

Interested in picking up Oddworld: Soulstorm for Xbox this November? Tell us down below.
Comments 14
Got it free with plus for ps5 and just really couldn't get into it. Found it boring and tedious. Definitely one more for fans of the original
Don’t bother. I like Oddworld games but played this with PS+ and it sucked IMO. A shame.
I've tried and tried to get into oddworld since I was young and just could never get into them. Always seemed clunky and unclear.
@awp69 I'm sad to hear that, I'm a fan of the originals too, what's bad about this one? Did they change the gameplay too much?
I loved Oddworld when it first came out back in 1997 (I think one the PlayStation 1, if I remember correctly). Many happy memories of my first two children, aged about 8 and 9, asking me to make Abe fart continuously! Now, with my Grandchildren being 7 and 9, I wonder if they would be similarly easily amused (and perhaps me too!)?
From what I've read, people don't seem to love this game in the way I did back then, part of that may simply be down to the enormous amount of games we now have at hand, and the fact that we are absolutely spoiled for choice, however, even though I already have the game (for free) on the PS5 (though I have yet to play it as my back-catalogue is monumental) I will be looking to pick it up on my favoured platform, the Xbox. Though I buy everything digitally these days, I will be looking to get the Collector's Oddition, if I can work out where to get it in the UK as the figurine is sublime.
Def interested in this for sure.
Not paying that much for it
Strangers wrath is still one of my favourite games. The oddworld universe always looked great but the game play of the originals (I still have odyssey and exedus Ps1 games) hasn't aged well.
As I've said several times before, I believe third-party exclusives will become less common as time goes on. They won't disappear, of course, but they will be less common.
I actually liked it, but the controls were a bit complicated at times and the game was buggy AF at launch. Now, however, it is fine. Could use some more checkpoints, it better be a free patch though.
@Halucigens couldn't have put it better myself, always loved the graphics, and the idea, but, boys, the gameplay !
Loved the originals, but damn this game wasnt good. And I was another who got it through plus. I honestly would not waste your money.
Where can I pre order one of these in UK? any Ideas?
Hi any ideas where I can pre order this, in UK missed out last time, thanks
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