Earlier this week we got our first look at raw Saints Row gameplay, courtesy of Game Informer. As part of the publication's coverage, some more gameplay has been released, this time focusing on driving and combat.
Unlike the first bit of footage, which focused primarily on exploration, it's an all-out war here. Not only are we treated to tons of fast-paced vehicular combat, but there's also a bit of emphasis regarding on-foot gunplay.
Much like the first bit of gameplay that was shown, the reception is divided once again, with 2,000 upvotes and 1,600 downvotes at the time of writing. Some of the same criticisms as before are rearing their head, such as an overabundance of health bars, but one of the latest complaints is in regards to the mini-map.
A common thread throughout seems to be based around the lack of detail within the map itself, with many hoping it will be more detailed once the full release comes around. It's important to note that the gameplay on show is pre-alpha footage, so expect some deviances when the full game launches.
That being said, it looks hugely different to past instalments in the franchise, while still retaining the over-the-top nature of it all. Whether it can stick the landing is an answer will get next year, when it launches for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S on February 25, 2022.
How are you feeling about the Saints Row reboot? Drop us a comment and let us know.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 15
Hmm, if this wasn't a Saints Row game, I'm thinking it would be received with less criticism and artificial outrage. Because the game itself looks quite fun, only the internet being the internet won't let it settle on just being fun, it has to match what's in everyone's head, it has to be what other people want a Saints row game to be, which is laughable because saints row will only be what those who created saints row want it to be. It's their right to carve out the image they want, and yeah, it's our right to say whether we like it or not, but now much of that hate is born from a knee jerk "go woke go broke" reaction, how much of that hate comes from the old playerbase who don't want their franchise to change with the times, and how much of that hate is just general dislike for the game itself.
Personally I like the look of this game.
@FriendlyOctopus You know what I find funny? I played the first Saints Row a couple of weeks ago and I quit playing it after an hour because it was so boring. You're forced to do repetitive activities in order to gain more reputation and rise up in rank so that you can unlock the next story missions. Then the story missions themselves aren't anything special, they're just more repetitive things to do. On top of that, the characters are incredibly cringey. I genuinely don't see why people would want the series to be more like these first games.
The new game already looks a lot more fun than the first Saints Row and will most likely offer a better story than that game.
As a bigger fan of the earlier SR games, this looks really good to me.
It looks a lot more enjoyable than 4 or Gat.
@Originut I mean, the activities are fun for the first few times but they don't offer enough depth for you to keep coming back and doing them. But you have to do them in order to unlock the next story missions and so it just becomes a needless grind at that point.
@LtSarge Saint’s Row only really got good from the second one onwards. The first one was a bit too much of a straight San Andreas clone with little of its own identity. It was also riddled with bugs at launch. The second one is where the series started to embrace the craziness more and developed its own unique style.
Mehh i dont know, doesnt look refreshing. It was almost like watching another fortnite kinda game lol.
I wanted another super powered game, eventho it wasnt super great, i liked it more than the precious games.
@BulkSlash Got it, I'll keep a more open mind for the second game then. On a side note, I loved both SR3 and SR4 but SR1 just felt incredibly underwhelming to me.
I like saints row 1 & 2 , creating a criminal empire to repay student loans just doesn't sound good to me
@BulkSlash Agreed. I never expected the first Saint's Row to get a sequel. It was just so bad.
Then 2 came out and it was a whole, new, ballgame.
@Originut I do hate health bars haha, they should be optional
Wow this looks really bad, I mean the trailer made it look bad enough as it is, but this gameplay footage confirms it. Graphics look bad, gameplay looks bad, they added health bars to everything, the whole game just looks like some amateur attempt at making a Saints Row title. Heck they screwed up on the most important aspect, the characters and making you feel like you are a part of some gang in a city full of criminals. This game just looks shallow and pedantic.
It's already apparent that Hipster's Row will undoubtedly be delayed to hammer some of the woke out of it or else they're in for a sales nightmare on release
I think this looks OK so far, although the amount of health bars are quite jarring and take some immersion away. Save health bars for a big boss!
I will wait for reviews on this one, my usual tactic anyway.
If on Gamepass I will check it out. Else pretty uninterested.
I must be seeing a different game, because I genuinely don't understand why it's getting so much hate. It's fine if people don't like what they're seeing - it really is - but the levels of negativity seem to be disproportionately huge when you consider what they're actually complaining about. It just seems to be another needless petty backlash in a long line of needless petty backlashes.
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