After months of anticipation, Xbox players can finally get their first hands-on with Battlefield 2042. The open beta is available to download and play now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S users who are signed up to Game Pass Ultimate or EA Play.
Running up until October 10, players can dive into a match of Conquest and see how the series has evolved. Anyone who isn't signed up to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or EA Play can begin playing on October 8.
Since the beta is now in the wild, raw footage of the game is now available to view. If you're interested to see how the game fares across multiple generations, we've curated some gameplay to cast your eyes over.

Battlefield 2042 Xbox Gameplay
Xbox One
Xbox Series X
Xbox Series S
Obviously, as more time is spent with the open beta, we imagine more technical analysis of Battlefield 2042's performance and graphics will surface. As it stands, the game is looking rather exceptional.
We've managed to have a little hands-on time with the open beta since it's gone live and found it a visual treat with some tight, classic Battlefield gameplay to complement it. However, not everything is smooth sailing as there are a fair few visual glitches causing flashing images from our own experience. Hopefully, this is ironed out before the full release this November.
If you're interested to see the exact beta timings, check out our guide highlighting all the relevant time zones.
Have you been checking out the Battlefield 2042 open beta? Drop us a comment and let us know.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 15
It's awesome, is basically Battlefield 4 but on drugs and that's the best thing they could have done, improving the best Battlefield game ever
@Zucaritas That sounds promising. I'm excited to get home today!
I got one round of conquest in, this morning. It's battlefield. I havent played since bf4, so it's nice to jump back in. The levels are huge. Like someone said, even with 128 players. More time with the beta, then time with the 10hr trial, should be enough for me to decide, whether to buy or not.
Played a round. It's very Battlefield 4, which isn't a bad thing. Not a fan of cross-play with PC. It's not a problem right now, but I have a hunch it'll be an issue in the future. Played on a Series S and woo boy there are graphical glitches galore. Hopefully most of them will be ironed out for launch.
It’s good fun Battlefield and I’m sure it’ll do well.
The map is very big even for 128 players as already mentioned.
Looks beautiful on the series X but plenty of bugs to iron out.
Wouldn’t be Battlefield if it released without bugs!
@oconnoclast yea it looks spotty but you have you admit the gameplay is right on point. Even though there are some graphical errors the formulas right
Few graphical niggles but nothing too bad. Map does seem quite large even with so many people. Not keen on the game mode tho. Gimmie the one with the m com boxes to explode. Then that could make it a bit better. Making full use of the map. But the players all in the same area doing the same objectives together.
Unsure whether to get on release at present tho. See what game modes are available.
Longtime fan, my favourite is BF4.. but this.. needs.. more.. time..
Push it to 2022
I hope everyone downloaded the correct version. Instead of using Smart Delivery, there is a Series X/S version and an Xbox One version. And the only way to tell the difference is the open the store entry and actually read the title.
I tried both the series beta and the og Xbox one. And I find it plays differently due to the smaller maps, helicopters seems more dangerous due to this
I played this for a couple of hours this morning but I honestly didn’t really like it at all. I’ve always preferred Battlefield over any other online FPS and I’ve bought every Battlefield day one since Bad Company but this will be the first time that I don’t. This could be due to me really enjoying the new tactical FPS in Hell Let Loose and Insurgency Sandstorm. BF 2042 just feels like CoD in comparison and seems chaotic and messy to play.
@XxEvilAshxX You can turn off crossplay
It’s lacking KB/M support so I had to use a controller (might’ve missed it though). I’m fine with Halo, the controller behaves as I intend it to. In a few matches of BF2042 I did manage to get a 2–3+ K/Dr, but aiming felt a bit clunky. Like a mouse without acceleration. I’d say my stats were based on luck. I’ve been hooked on Warzone for a year now and this is not quite hitting the right spot. But I’ll give it a few more hours of beta test, might change my mind. It looked pretty (except for faces and whimsical rag doll, and while I do appreciate that most of the stuff can be destroyed I’d rather see increments of destruction). If I buy into it it’ll probably be for playing with a select few friends. But it felt a bit stiff and dull. And at times, like while aiming, a bit arcadey. I managed to grapple a shrapnel, that was fun. Reeled me up into the air like a funicular. The grapple is not like in H:I, snappy and exhilarating, but rather a tool to scale vertically. And that’s fine. I also liked the slow parachuting, being able to equip your AR and descend slowly, raining fire. In short; I’m not thrilled, but also not bored to death. I guess it’s OK.
Potentially a great game but right now it’s a mess. Vehicles glitching everywhere, easy sniping shots missing completely, tanks hitting small rocks and bouncing around everywhere and what seems to be a very low res draw distance.
It will be great in about 6 months.
@oconnoclast agree. 100%. This is an advertisement for the game and I am not sold on the idea that it is worth $70. Needs several more months to Polish and get it ready - should be pushed to 2022.
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