We may be over a year away from the release of Starfield on Xbox Game Pass, but that hasn't stopped Bethesda from sharing multiple new videos, highlighting three various locations from the upcoming space RPG.
The very brief, but stunning looks, give an insight into the concept art behind three distinct locales: Neon, New Atlantis and Akila. In the short videos, the process and inspirations for their designs are shared.
If you're eager for more Starfield news, then enjoy!
New Atlantis
Outside of the E3 trailer for Starfield, and a few old leaks, little else is known about the game right now. It was said the trailer (not the videos above) was made entirely using in-engine footage, suggesting the next-gen RPG will be a looker.

Bethesda Game Studios' executive producer Todd Howard has described Starfield as "Skyrim in space". If that doesn't sound intriguing, then we don't know what does. Roll on November 11, 2022!
Thoughts on these short Starfield clips? Let us know down in the comments below.
[source youtube.com, via youtube.com, youtube.com]
Comments 23
@fraserg We need a vote option on this topic
@Porridge2215 Done!
I'm confused!!! It looks interesting but If the trailer was made using entirely ingame footage why does this look so different to the earlier E3 trailer. This looks painterly almost like animated storyboards. Have they applied a filter?
I'd say it's concept art that asset designers use to create the world. Enough content to let me decide Neon.
I'm imagining the ray tracing and HDR on that baby! Lol
@Porridge2215 Yes after rereading I see they are talking about the E3 trailer that was "made entirely using in-engine footage" not these trailers. Had me baffled for awhile as these are clearly animated concepts.
Agree Neon looks like a fascinating dive to explore. Voted that too.
Edit: Akila looks straight out of Star Wars/The Mandalorian.
@CrazyJF Also agree. However that's one of things I don't like about the "Skyrim in Space" analogy they keep giving is that one of the great things about Elder Scrolls is that it is open world, you can basically go anywhere you can see. This likely won't be that, which is fine, yet I hope it is more open than The Outer Worlds which often felt like we were being funnelled.
This is next generation only, so looking forward to this even more, no old generation limitations holding this one back.
@themightyant Maybe the thing that will make Starfield stand out is that you'll be able to actually travel from planet to planet in real-time, sort of like in No Man's Sky? That way it will actually be true open world in contrast to Mass Effect where you just select a destination and go there. Perhaps there will be other smaller planets to land on and explore, kind of like in Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time.
@LtSarge I like this idea!!!
This looks like it might be amazing. The kind of thing that anyone that plays it knows is GOTY without even trying, yet it wins no awards and linear games sweep them all.
@LtSarge @themightyant Yeah, I assume the "open world" is space itself in this case, and the individual planets are more like being within the walled city's gates a TES city/town. It wouldn't make sense for each planet to be open world, otherwise it would be an MMO with each planet the size of Skyrim.
@Dezzy70 #NOLIMITS - Can't escape first town due to bug.
Is it coming to PlayStation? I'm joking! I'm joking. No seriously though, this game is giving me fallout 3 vibes, which excites me greatly
I'm really ready to see some gameplay for this one. Seems like it will be awesome.
Ooh. Exciting!
@FriendlyOctopus Fallout 3 was terrible though, mods and New Vegas is the only thing that salvaged it...... Please be Oblivion/Morrowind, please!
@NEStalgia I adored fallout 3, though Morrowind will always be my favourite Bethesda game. New Vegas was awesome, too. Oblivion has to be the one I go back to most, though. Being able to create your own spells. Mind you, it's been a while since I played fallout 3, I guess I'll have to try and replay it before defending it hahah
I have to be honest, 'Dazzling' is stretching it for me. It basically looks like concept art, which until properly realised as a playable environment, is simply interesting and maybe something to look forward to.
As for the game itself, I absolutely cannot wait. Skyrim was fantastic (I had a single playthrough that lasted 950 hours!), and I love me some Fallout, where again I sunk 100s upon 100s of hours into the games. I'm one of those that explores every single marker on the map or that appears on the mini-map. I set off towards a mission, and then get completely side-tracked. I'm hoping for more of the same from Starfield...
@FriendlyOctopus Haha, +1 on Oblivion. To me that was their opus, they're going to have to do something amazing to top that, and Skyrim didn't do it. Spell crafting was quite insane, and fantastically wonderful what you could come up with. By the end I was basically shooting nukes out of my fingertips while flying everywhere.
I adored Morrowind, but have only 2 complaints. First was traversal was so slow through such empty wastes. Second is that, if you try to go back to it today it feels almost unplayable. The systems are just so archaic and the UI so ancient. Special game, though, all the way around.
FO3.....well....it had Billy D.....that was worth something. But....the DC wastes, the closed in corridors of the capitol area....ugh. I was so disappointed with that game at the time. To be fair, though, I'm a big fan of FO1 and 2 and the massive tone shift in the game was too much to bear. Maybe if I'd been new to the series I'd have thought of it differently, but the constant feeling of "this is NOT Fallout.....at all" prevailed the entire experience.
....I still have my Vault Boy bobblehead from the LE though....
@NEStalgia What do you think of the Wasteland series? I quite like 3. I get what you mean by fallout 3, it was the first fallout game I played so that might be why I liked it so much. Morrowind needs a remaster, but I think that will forever be a dream =(
@FriendlyOctopus I actually haven't played 3 yet! I keep delaying getting into 1st party GP games to get my fill of the 3rd party ones before they rotate out. And they keep throwing me new ones I want to play!
2 could have been good, but kind of fell in a weird time while inExile had a shoestring budget. 1 is classic, of course, and is the source material for Fallout 1 (Wasteland is Fallout 0 more or less, and Wasteland 2 is technically the real Fallout 3. Fallout 1 was really supposed to be Wasteland 2, but Fargo made it into kind of a spinoff IP partway through. It's a confusing history, and it gets more confusing now that technically inExile and Obsidian are back together under MS again.
I think 2 deserved to be more, but he'd just been exiled from the hostile takeover at Interplay, had a thin startup indie, and split his time with suing the remnant of Interplay (which is how Fallout ended up sold to Bethesda.) It came out kind of low budget and incomplete, but 3 definitely looks good so far.
Fallout needs a break. We now have Outer Worlds, Wasteland, and Fallout all trying to be the "real" Fallout, all from inside Microsoft. Bethesda is tied up on Starfield, TES6, and maintaining 76 for the next 10-45 years. I'd love to see inExile with help from Obsidian get pulled into making the next real Fallout game, though. Put Brian back on design, Tim back on writing, build on the Creation engine world of 76. It could be pretty amazing. I know they said they want to keep the 3 operating separately, but Brian has longed to build a new Fallout since Interplay went down, that (and getting employees paid) is why he sued them to begin with, not expecting the sale to Bethesda. And now has the studio and funding to do it, and the IP could easily be shifted between studios now. Wasteland is good, but it's still the "because we couldn't get the Fallout license back" series.
@NEStalgia I loved outer world's and after fallout 4 i agree with you, the series needs a rest. I really like wasteland 3, and yeah ahha, when I was playing it I kept thinking "so this is what a fallout game is meant to feel like". Wasn't aware of all the drama behind the scenes though. I heard Inexile will be working on a first person RPG, I can only hope it furthers their reputation. I'm also hoping out for a new Vegas 2 by Obsidian.
@FriendlyOctopus Yep, Wasteland is the original series, from the original creator of it....that's "real" Fallout, though without the same level of humor when it branched into Fallout. Bethesda's take on Fallout is mostly as a deadpan post-apocalyptic survival franchise. It maintains a little dark humor, but it's mostly on the fringe. The real Fallout series was never deadpan, and never about a post-apocalyptic wasteland. It was very much a warped dark comedy focused mostly on how much humans suck, even in a post-apocalypse as they rebuild even more distorted and corrupt versions of the before-times than the corruption that lead to the apocalypse to begin with. Bethesda took at and make it STALKER.... Wasteland is of course more serious as well.
There's a few franchises out there with a lot of drama, but Fallout ends up being one of the most dramatic thanks to the MS buyouts. Brian Fargo founded Interplay & Black Isle. He's the creator of Wasteland and Fallout, and largely responsible for all the Infinity Engine games (Baldur's Gate (Black Isle actually did a lot of the game while Bioware mostly did the engine and technical aspects - it was a co-production.), Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, etc.
Hostile takeovers lead to the downfall of Interplay and his ouster from the company (thus his self styled "CEO-in-Exile" that become inExile.) The new management wasn't paying royalties to Bioware for BG2 (which is how they ended up with MS for Mass Effect 1, LucasArts for KotR, and finally bought by EA), or Volition for Freespace 2 (which is how they ended up bought by THQ and never making Freespace 3 after 2's cliffhanger.) Fargo sued them, hoping to either force them to sell off IPs, mostly Fallout, so he could buy them back, or to at least get the employees paid that weren't getting payed. They ended up selling Fallout directly to Bethesda, quietly, but it did get the employees paid. Some Black Isle/Interplay employees followed Fargo to inExile, and the majority followed Feargus to his new Obsidian. inExile+Obsidian mostly equals the old Black Isle. But nobody ever dreamed they'd both end up bought my MS, which was cool enough. But then that MS went and bought Bethesda which finally brought everyone connected to all eras of Fallout and the IP back together under one ownership is surreal. Even if they're technically not working together...
It's a weird tale of a man that was the founder of one of the formerly major mega-publishers that became a small-indie, and then became a cog in a mega first party publisher, somehow reunited with his own seized/liquidated IP.
Man these are inspired by Gungan Village, Night City, and Tattooine. Hyped to visit these bad boys
Wow, how exciting. Truly looking forward to this one. Neon has the potential to be an iconic in-game location.
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