In recent months Xbox Game Pass has been knocking it out of the park with gargantuan releases, and that's reportedly been shown in its user base. As of April 20, it's said to have grown to 23 million subscribers.
The claim comes from industry insider Jez Corden, who shared the statement on Twitter. The huge increase is most likely due to massive titles entering the service, such as Outriders and MLB The Show 21. Not only that, but Xbox Cloud Gaming has also been heavily supported, with multiple games added, and now slowly being rolled out to PC and iOS.
As pointed out by industry analyst Benji-Sales, since January the service has grown over five million subscribers, as back then it was said to be 18 million. As the year goes on, we'll most likely see another huge increase when titles such as Halo Infinite and Psychonauts 2 hit the service.
We're around the fourth anniversary of the service being available, which has seen a massive evolution since its inception. Nobody could have predicated its quick and insane growth to this level, but it seems to just be getting started with what it has to offer. Here's to another four more years!
Are you one of the 23 million subscribers on Xbox Game Pass? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 37
That number is gonna sky rocket once Halo Infinite comes out..
50 million by end of 2022? What do you guys think? Also don’t forget the unannounced exclusive title hitting gamepass this year (as leaked by Jason Ronald).
@Senua iOS and PC streaming.. and maybe.. just maybe something with Nintendo? Easily.
I can see by the end of this year at least 40 million!
Back in September 2020, the amount was 15 million subscribers, which had increased from 10 million in April 2020, i.e. in just five months: https://www.purexbox.com/news/2020/09/xbox_game_pass_now_has_over_15_million_subscribers
Now it's increased with an additional 5 million subscribers in just three months. This just shows that the rate people are subscribing to the service is drastically increasing.
@LtSarge Looks like it’s not linear but exponential.
One thing left for them to do now is just ensure the Series X stock available in all global markets this holiday.
@Bmartin001 And if Persona came to Xbox.
I subscribed by accident.....genuinely....
This is what happens when you get into your 40’s kids!
It’s been great though and I’ve got to play various games I’d have never have tried if I hadn’t subscribed by accident. 👍
@Carck Yeah and I think the ZeniMax acquisition as well as EA Play being added definitely helped too considering the September article was published around the time Microsoft made the announcement and before EA Play was added. So now we're most likely seeing the effects of those additions.
@Senua Exactly, which means the rate can become even faster in the future given Microsoft plays its cards right and continuously makes a whole slew of announcements. In fact, E3 is just right around the corner and I can guarantee they have a lot of stuff to reveal during that time which will surely attract even more subscribers. Not to mention more acquisitions in the future as well as the possibility of Ubisoft+ being added to GPU.
That is pretty insane. I dislike subscription models, but clearly a lot of people disagree.
They should also say how many of those are on free trials/£1 deal and are given away free with phones/gadgets etc as I doubt there would be 23 million full paying subscribers
It’s great to hear and hopefully working well overall for Microsoft I have GPU.
However I know it’s business is business but I have noticed in the UK and some other countries the only way to get a series x is through All Access which forces the GPU for two years.
A bit cheeky really Microsoft.
Well that's good growth!!!
I can see MS making more and more deals - whether 'exclusive', timed-exclusivity or just day 1 launches (like Outriders and MLB) to keep growing and of course, the extra money coming in will help fuel those deals too...
I like to own my games (generally) and much prefer buying Physical too but Game Pass just makes sense to me. No way would I have bought the Medium, Outriders etc but I can play these on Day 1 and decide whether or not I want to own these after they leave. I'm not buying less, but getting a LOT more games for my money and experiencing many more games I wouldn't of played at all - even if they were on sale.
Very impressive!
Haters gonna hate here but they will still foolishly cheer on something as unnecessary as who’s got the most console stock and thus more sales. 😂
There are 2 likes on the Resident Evil-Sony anti-consumer deal article and now it’s clear who are behind that. 🦄🤮
A trillion dollar company doesn’t invest their billions just on $1 mouth-freshener ads. Have you ever heard about platform retention? You do realise that there will be a point of time when Microsoft makes so much cash (in billions) every month from GP, that kind of money can be spent for almost every titles available.
@Dezzy70 That's just the current situation with Supply and Demand issues. Only GAME in the UK is doing the All Access option when they have stock but if Amazon, Argos or any other retailer gets stock, you can buy 'just' the console outright.
All Access is an alternative and relatively affordable way to buy - a monthly fee over 2yrs to BUY the console and have GPU for that time. At the end of the 2yrs, you have a Console and can decide whether or not you wish to keep GPU. Its better for 'some' than paying £450 for the console, maybe buying a couple of games too instead of paying £35 a month and not having to purchase any game at all because you have access to ALL the games on GPU.
Literally, you could buy an All Access Series X with access to ALL the Game Pass library and spend just £35 that month to do so instead of paying £600 out to buy the console and a couple of games to play on it. If you want to play any AAA game online too on day 1, you need a Gold subscription on top as well.
At a time of financial crisis, paying out just £35 a month - albeit for 2yrs - is better for some than trying to find £450+ depending on whether you actually want new games to play on it, whether you want Gold, Game Pass or Game Pass Ultimate (+EA Access, Gold and other Perks) etc.
If that isn't 'better' for you, wait until other retailers get stock in...
@Dezzy70 maybe yeah it’s cheeky buuuut at least you know it’s humans getting the console. It’s a good a way to scalper proof them.
People are stuck indoors and cash is tight. Gamepass let's you play on PC, tablet, phone and console for dirt cheap....it's very lucrative.
Never thought of that. That’s is great for scalper stopping.
Perhaps even to buy a standard console interest free credit purchase could be used.
It would help slow scalping down.
Why do we all on here, come up with the solutions.
Was not complaining I did stay business is business and use the word cheeky.
Anyone the main point is, it stops scalpers in their tracks does All Access. So that’s good.
Also it only £28.99 a month for two years and interest free. It’s a great deal.
I think its time to invest some money on Gamepass stocks!!!!
I have a series x with All Access with GPU
so no need to get up tight.
Yes they will, when Sony will tell how much money they spend money- hating all their timed exclusives. Including the RE8 shenanigans😅.
That’s the only bad thing Microsoft has happening at the minute is stock of the series x in the UK and elsewhere. Imagine if stock was freely available, they could have really taken advantage
@Sol4ris So I'm about to be hated on for saying this but what's the problem with Sony doing this? Microsoft can go buy mega third party developers and keep their games exclusive but sony cant buy third party timed exclusives and exclusive content? Sony clearly dont have the money that Microsoft have, so this is the best Sony can do at the moment and the only thing they can do.
Both Microsoft and Sony are going about their own way of doing things this gen and obviously the longer the gen goes on things will change but right now sony see a way forward on timed exclusives whilst Microsoft see a way forward with gamepass.
I gotta admit. They haven't dropped any major game and it's this high. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets to 50m at the end of the gen and that's a good number.
@UltimateOtaku91 I rather know how many are from xbox and how many are from pc than who are on the one dollar deal.
Because if this was only 23m from xbox users, that's half of xbox one consoles. Half of xbox community will be subbed to this.
@LiterallyDoNotCare this is most likely everyone on every platform from xbox, pc and android
Also is that 23 million subscribers current subscribers? or just the amount of new users that have gamepass since it launched
@LiterallyDoNotCare also let's say this gen lasts 7 years, I'd expect way more than 50 million subscribers after 7 more years especially since its coming to smart tvs and ios, plus the billions of people who use smartphones, surely should be reaching 80-100 million current subscribers after 7 years
@UltimateOtaku91 It's active users my dude. I'm even surprised. Didn't know there were that many hardcore gamers that are able to play 300 games. Maybe gamepass converts casuals to hardcore gamers?
Most console gamers are casuals and don't play/beat many games. So I'm surprised is this hight w/o major games out.
@UltimateOtaku91 Nah. Mobile market won't be big on this. They don't buy consoles in the first place. They will remain with their smaller one dollar games.
Gamepass attracts only pc and console guys. Not mobile/tv only owners.
@LiterallyDoNotCare that's pretty good then for active users, I think the £1 deals plus free year subscriptions with gadgets have really boosted this a lot, I mean I got a year's of ultimate free with my Samsung galaxy s21 and so would of everyone else who bought that phone and that's sold millions, I cant complain though as that made me buy a series S to use it with
@UltimateOtaku91 didn't know that was a deal.
The only way I could get a Series X was to get it bundled with 24 months of Game Pass. Having skipped Xbox altogether last generation, it's been incredible value thus far.
After owning every PlayStation and most Nintendo systems, I got my first Xbox courtesy of the Series S. Game Pass is awesome—I’m enjoying my first play through of Halo, get to keep playing MLB the Show, and I’ve already tried several games I never would have bought at retail. Some have been great, while others I played once and deleted. The series S with game pass is a great entry to Xbox for those of us new to the system.
Incredible success still growing. Mental numbers.
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