Microsoft has been offering an on-and-off $1 month trial for the hugely popular Xbox Game Pass service for a very long time now, and interestingly, Sony's PlayStation Now alternative appears to be (temporarily) adopting a similar strategy.
The difference in PlayStation's case is that this is (so far) a very limited time trial, available from March 26th to March 29th, whereas Microsoft tends to keep the Xbox Game Pass offer running indefinitely. Here's a look at Sony's offering:
Like Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Now is a service which offers hundreds of accessible games, with all of them available to stream, and some of them also available to download locally. The service has historically struggled to compete with Xbox Game Pass, especially as Microsoft's offering has grown substantially over the past few years.
PlayStation boss Jim Ryan stated last year that the idea of putting new first-party releases into a Game Pass model wouldn't make financial sense, but the brand had "news to come" on a response to the success of Microsoft's service.
Have you tried PlayStation Now? How would you compare it to Game Pass? Let us know down below.
Comments 57
It's still a no contest, Xbox Game Pass blows Playstation Now out of the water..
Good start but still needs alot of work all these consoles need a Netflix style of service it's the way of the future the way x box has done it seem to be the blueprint on how to do it right.
This is great, hopefully a good amount of people give it a shot. I've loved the service since I've had it!
$1 too much until they stop forcing you to stream PS3 games...
In a year tops, Sony will have a service pretty much just like Game Pass, and Sony fans will say it's the greatest thing ever lol
My qualm with psnow is the streaming quality of the older games, even with a wired fast connection. Don't know why ps couldn't adopt ms's vision of BC, either download or insert disc. Other than the older games, I've no interest in it. I normally buy the newer games, either on sale or as ps hits.
Please make max payne 3 available with BC
PS Now is a total joke.
It's just funny to me how people don't seem to appreciate the intense competition and pressure Microsoft is giving Sony. After completely dominating last generation, Sony has become lax and arrogant and think they can get through current generation with minimal effort. Thanks to Microsoft, PS fans can expect greater things to come for PlayStation. But no, apparently Game Pass sucks and PS fans don't want the option to subscribe to a service where you can play 350 games for €15 each month.
It's going to be fun revisiting this topic in a couple of years when PlayStation Game Pass comes out and everyone finally realises how great this model is.
Lol nice article to promote console wars 👍
People need to remember that playstation now came first and offers a larger library but gamepass offers first party exclusives day one which makes it more ideal.
Im enjoying gamepass at the moment and will probably never get playstation now again atleast not until sony offer first party titles day one.
But... We have to face facts without gamepass xbox would be irrelevant and dead, Sony without ps now on the other hand would have no effect
@UltimateOtaku91 Nonsense Gamepass came too late to save the Xbox One if it was such a failure Microsoft would have already thrown in the towel Xbox without Gamepass would not be as good but it would still be here.
As for console wars it's a well known fact that PS Now is a joke compared to Gamepass.
Are they really warranting a comparison though
I always thought Game Pass was better compared to something like Stadia without the extra paywall for games. This article also conveniently forgot PS Now actually predates Game Pass by like...a little over 3 years? The only thing they really have in common is that their games are set on rotation and that's it
@GateCrasherUK well last gen sales of hardware and software say otherwise....
I agree ps now is trash but to put an article about it on an xbox website is just asking for a console debate again, it clever as it draws views and comments which probably help this site, heck even pushsquare haven't writ an article about this promotion yet.
@GateCrasherUK Well to be fair even though Game Pass didn't really save the Xbox One and is doing way better on the Series X, at least during that time they also had a PC alternative since they were attempting to integrate that into their ecosystem as well so it still made enough money to keep the service from being a complete failure
I just don't really think Now and Game Pass should really be compared because they don't really serve the same purpose. This article just sounds like a cheap attempt to start console wars in the comments
@TheFrenchiestFry if anything playstation now paved the way for gamepass to be the reason it's so good now.
Xbox watched playstation now for 3 years and saw where it could improve
@UltimateOtaku91 PS Now is still pretty rough but I guess Sony never really sought to put effort into making it a valuable proposition since enough people buy their consoles to begin with that they were more than likely going to buy the games outright rather than relying on a streamed version of them in the case of PS4 stuff, which comprises a good chunk of the library
@Spjnextgen I really can't see Nintendo doing this, the sales figures their games have are ridiculously high, games like mario kart 8 and animal crossing selling over 30 million each, they currently don't need a gamepass style service
At the moment I feel Gamepass is better largely due to their exclusives being on the service and remaining on there, plus backwards compatibility games able to be played natively. It wouldn't take much for Sony to make PS Now at least on par with Gamepass but whilst their exclusives sell so well that won't happen
@carlos82 plus gamepass gets some indies and third party games day one aswell such as outriders, something playstation now doesn't do
@TheFrenchiestFry and yet we’re all posting...
PSNow are comparable in the sense it’s the same service but I agree with you when looking at the purpose of both PSPlus is much more in line with what GP is trying to offer. It’s also where you can make comparable situations like Destruction All Stars vs Outriders.
I’m more interested if Sony ever combines to two services.
@UltimateOtaku91 as @Spjnextgen says there is absolutely no value for Nintendo to do so when their games sell so ridiculously well. Services like this are a great option for those that want them but shouldn't necessarily be the norm, Xbox had to go down a different path due to the situation they put themselves in. I think we're a long way from subscription services being the dominant way of playing games
“But... We have to face facts without gamepass xbox would be irrelevant and dead, Sony without ps now on the other hand would have no effect”
Surely you can appreciate the difference between being dead last in a competition, and being irrelevant and dead.
Contrary to your assertion, PSNow has an effect on Sony, ie the $1 trial they are offering mentioned in the article.....
Sony has to do something for PSNow to look relevant or at least make it appear like they are, because Game Pass seems/is all the talk at the moment.
@UltimateOtaku91 yeah they're definitely pushing their service harder, Sony could easily replicate that should they wish but as far as indies go, Sony have been pretty poor in promoting them much at all recently
@UltimateOtaku91 Xbox would be dead without Phil Spencer not Gamepass. Gamepass is a pivot but Spencer actually pointed out that MS hasn’t been treating Xbox as a viable pieces of their company. Literally, he’s the reason not GP; he convinced MS to keep Xbox before Gamepass was a thing. Satya Nadella confirmed this.
@UltimateOtaku91 @carlos82 Sony is awful with how they treat their Indie partners. Kena being on of the few exceptions. I hope that gets better. MS and Nintendo are both trying to breath the life into a scene.
It’s one my biggest reasons I’m into Gamepass; their indie content is top notch.
To me streaming is still a no go. I have a good internet connection and xCloud works on and off, lags, freezes, artifacts all over the place. Game Pass lets me download games and play them with quick resume and with auto HDR (can make older titles look much better). Nice try Sony, but this is still no competition to Game Pass.
PS Now was originally the answer for PS3 back compat and hasn't really moved on since then in all honesty.
Sony don't even support the service themselves as they should do. They should at least have all older first party games available.
No God of War, Spiderman, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Remastered, Gran Turismo Sport etc.
Says it all when I have a better selection on my PS5 with the PS Plus Collection...
@mousieone they were pushing them for a while but now only seem interested in the biggest games, even with their own studios
Where is this ‘Sony is awful with their indies partners’ coming from, genuine question. I was under the impression that MS was the company that indies used to complain about, although extraordinary strides have been made to rectify this by MS, making the Xbox platform fantastic for indies now🙂.
@Sol4ris Honestly I don't think PS Now was ever meant to be in direct competition with Game Pass
I always thought that PS Plus Collection thing on PS5 was supposed to be what they used as an answer to Game Pass' value proposition, since it actually functions pretty similarly. PS Now was more of a solution for the fact the PS4 wasn't backwards compatible with past PlayStation consoles since that was one thing the PS4 was under scrutiny for early on, but PS Plus Collection similarly curates a bunch of highlighted PS4 games, tied to a subscription that you get as a perk for subbing to that service just like Game Pass but right now at a smaller scale
I can pull up more but it’s been a long while since Sony’s really be into the Indie scene. They have restarting their initiative, so things may turn around soon.
@carlos82 exactly. Once they didn’t need them and they let Vita go bye bye Indies
munches popcorn while reading the comments and booting up my Ps3 for the first time in years
The two fellas complaining about the article starting a "console war" are the two going back and forth arguing with everybody else. LMAO!
It really the same thing is it... where are it's day and date exclusive AAA games then?
@blinx01 Actually I believe all of those games were actually on the service at one point but unlike Game Pass even the first party content goes on rotation after a few months
I think it would be way more sufficient if the first party stuff just stayed accessible on the service for good but I guess they think it could potentially cut into their hardware sales since Now is also on PC and mobile to my knowledge
If they kept all older first party titles as permanent fixtures of the catalogue, I'd probably subscribe.
Even if the requirement was for them to be older than 24 months, that's still a decent excuse to justify the monthly price.
@TheFrenchiestFry I can assure you the intent wasn't to start console wars in the comments! Discussion and healthy debate? Sure. But nothing more than that.
The comparison arises from both services offering access to a library of games for a subscription fee. They obviously have their differences, but even Jim Ryan recently quoted PS Now as "our subscription service" when asked about Game Pass.
My apologies if it came across as "cheap."
@UltimateOtaku91 Nintendo have been doing this for a long time so they are a different case hope you are playing MHR this weekend I love it.
@Spjnextgen playing it as we speak lol add me if you like my friend code is on my profile on here
I'm Australian. PS Now doesn't exist in Australia. About 4 years ago Sony said it was coming, haven't heard anything since.
@UltimateOtaku91 And console sales are irrelevant to this discussion and irrelevant full stop only Sony are concerned by hardware sales.
@CrazyJF It's almost like competition is good for us consumers. Each company tries to one-up each other and as a result their products/services improve and ultimately consumers win. That wouldn't happen though if Microsoft wasn't giving Sony a run for its money. If Microsoft hadn't made Game Pass, then this "competing service that does even more than Game Pass does" would never occur. You do realise that right?
Psnow was a complete and utter joke for almost 4 years. They didn't even pretend to make it a good value until game pass game along, and then after a delay Now went from "lol what kind of idiot would pay THAT much for.... That?" To something actually decent. Because gamepass appeared. It's funny how many Sony fans will hate game pass, praise now and berate anyone who disagrees by telling them theyre out of date and now stopped sucking...... Without every realizing that's because of game pass.
It’s going to be so funny when Sony launch their Gamepass alternative and rest assured they will, Jim Ryan has already hinted at such. The Gamepass hating Sony fanboys are going to be shown to be the biggest hypocrites out there when they all sign up day one.
@Trainer Haha, true. Sony fans used every excuse in the book to discredit cross play as well, now it's talked about like it was always great and a no-brainer. 🙄
There are many parallels to politics in this too.
I Tried PS Now again last month and it's still no way as good as Gamepass Ultimate in both games available and the user experience. On another note as a retro gamer I wish you could either use antstream on the Xbox or something similar.
Tried PS Now and streaming games doesn't compare to playing it locally, until they fix that issue GamePass is the much better value.
It's no surprise this one brought out the Sony fanboys. I'd argue PS Now is more like Netflix than Game Pass. Not from a content standpoint, but since it's actually streaming.
@BleedingDreamer all PS Now games are downloadable except PS3.
From my perspective (who plays on all platforms) there’s so much disinformation and fanboy BS in these comments.
Ultimately there’s a reason I’m been subbed to Game Pass for 3 years straight, and already signed up for another 3, yet I only occasionally sign up to PS Now for a month
Yet in defence of PS now and to correct some misinformation:
They’re different, there’s room for both
PlayStation Now is a cloud gaming service, raised because of backwards compatibility reasons. Comparing it to Microsoft Game Pass thus is futile. If you want to compare it, compare it to xCloud. If you want to compare something to Game Pass, you have to take PlayStation Plus instead.
People who compare last gen sales numbers and state any stupidity along the lines of "Xbox dead", "Xbox failed" and so on, need to get their heads checked. If any device is sold ~50 million times over several years, it most certainly isn't a fail by any stretch of the imagination. Stop measuring against Sony. Gamers who buy an Xbox know exactly why they do it.
@UltimateOtaku91 will do bro
@lokozar you do know that on playstation now you can downlaod ps4 games to the system and even play without Internet and Sony offered that option before Microsoft did
Most of the PS4 games, yes, and that was a reaction to Game Pass. Game Pass exists since mid 2017, PlayStation Now downloads since late 2018. Might be, that they plan on merging Now and Plus in the long run. In any case, it really doesn't matter who was first.
I DO know however, that you seem to be wrong in here. You were actually the one promoting console wars. You're trying to defend Sony in the typical shady way. I guess, people talking about Game Pass instead of PlayStation Now and Plus, even though the PS4 was sold around 100% times more often, is just a clever ploy on behalf of MS, an elaborate conspiracy, right? There is actually nothing to it, eh? Except, ... you know better! And somehow that annoys the crap out of you. It makes you afraid. Could you please take your suppressed frustration and move back to Pushsquare, where you belong?
And yes, I DO know, that you said "good things" about Game Pass. But that's just a distraction you can point at, after you squeezed that badly concealed spite and disgust right through your gritted teeth.
Now, go ahead and deflect my words back at me. Come on, you know you want to ... Let me help you out: "Dude, you're all wrong. I'm not mad. You are! lol"
Tell you what: Yes I am mad, mad at people like you, trying to shiftily take a dump all over good things ...
I have finished my rant ... Good night, Sir!
@lokozar just wow....
I defended sony as I'm a life long sony player and saw that people were just bashing playstation now out of pure spite and without facts, people who didn't even know ps now came 3 years before gamepass and has a bigger library of games etc
Second why would I be scared of gamepass being good, I've been using gamepass over the last few months and clearly stated it was better.
And I will stick to my comment about xbox being dead without gamepass, all everyone talks about this gen is gamepass, every xbox move is geared towards gamepass, the series S is basically a console just for gamepass, bethesdas acquisition was to bolster gamepass. So yes without gamepass xbox would of been irrelevant this gen but the fact is that gamepass exists and is great value and so will be xbox's saving grace this gen, I never said that was a bad thing though.
Ugh ... First off: It's "would've" not "would of" - because it comes from "would have" and you shorten "have" as " 've ". Fix that! ... Before you ask yourself: Yes, feel free to correct me as well, if you catch a mistake. I'm always thankful for it.
Secondly, I don't believe that anyone here bashed Sony or claimed that Game Pass was first. You just lashed out reflexively. People like the Game Pass. You claim to like the Game Pass. So, you should understand positive comments about it. You should also understand if and why people are criticising Sony's offerings. These are legit concerns anyone can voice. We don't need Sony fanboys to play this down. Heck, not even Sony or Playstation gamers need Sony fanboys to play this down! Sony has to move its ass, otherwise this exclusive-is-all-approach will break the neck of the company in the long run. It already seems to dawn on them, seeing how they relax their stance towards PC releases. This article here just touches on one other indicator.
Thirdly: You need to understand something. When MS said, they don't compete with Sony, that wasn't a joke. When you refer to Xbox, you still mean the plastic boxes we put in our homes. However, that's Sony centric thinking. It's actually the platform MS is selling. An ecosystem. The plastic boxes are just meant to be access points to said platform. Same as the PC, the smartphone, and whatever comes next. All of them are access points. Would Sony allow Game Pass on their consoles, MS would stop building plastic boxes. So, your statement is somewhat wrong. Xbox would not be dead without the Game Pass - the Game Pass IS Xbox! ... For the largest part at least.
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