It's been an incredibly tough period for CD Projekt since the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 last week and it may not necessarily get better anytime soon.
The New York Times has now published an article about all the drama, and at the very end, it's mentioned how lawyers in Warsaw, Poland are currently considering a class-action lawsuit against the company.
"The immediate future looks dark for Cyberpunk’s makers — perhaps even darker than the future they built in Night City. Refund requests are pouring in by the thousands. Lawyers and investors in Warsaw are circling the situation, contemplating a class-action lawsuit against the company for what one attorney described as potential criminal “misrepresentation in order to receive financial benefits.” Many gamers are swearing off playing Cyberpunk entirely until the company fixes all of the problems."
It makes reference to a forum post by Mikołaj Orzechowski - a partner in the Polish firm and supposedly an investor in CDPR. Here's the full translation, courtesy of Google:
"In connection with the recent events - and in particular the suspension of the sale of the CYBERPUNK 2077 product, we are currently analyzing, together with the law firm's team, the grounds for bringing a class action together with the notification of the possibility of committing a crime under Art. 286 of the Penal Code. - misrepresentation in order to obtain financial benefits"
In addition to this, a PR from a New York firm has also announced it's investigating a "potential securities class action lawsuit against CD Projekt SA" and asks investors to reach out if they've experienced losses.
If we hear any further developments, we'll be sure to let you know. Yesterday, CD Projekt Red rolled out Hotfix 1.05 for Cyberpunk 2077. You can see the full patch notes in our previous post.
[source nytimes.com, via pcgamer.com]
Comments 31
Not asking for a refund, I trust them that the game will be fine to play in some months on my XSX. The game plays well allready and will be better.
I hope gamedevelopers will learn from this. Don't call releasedates before you are 200% sure that you will deliver a good game. And after all, why was Cyberpunk delayed with an extra 3 weeks? They need far more than that.
I wouldn't be surprised if they due to all the financial losses and maybe in combination with a lawsuit we won't even get the xsx patch or further fixes because they don't even exist anymore ... just a thought.
This is the pinnacle of releasing unfinished, buggy games that need multiple patches to fix, that we’re expected to pay good money for.
Hopefully this is a turning point, devs have got away with it for too long and we as gamers have just kinda gotten used to it when it should never have been this way.
I’m being optimistic, in reality nothing may change.
If they are offering refunds are they then going to have to pay people for the time they wasted? Or is this just for the lawyers trying to make a quick bit of cash?
@GrimR1vaL They have tons of money, and more to lose if they don't fix this mess. They ain't no indie dev, and indie devs don't lie and extend review embargos past release date. I honestly think the leaders at CDPR know they screwed themselves in the long run but planned to leave and just wanted the pre-order cash now for a fat bonus before they join some other corporation next fiscal year. It's the only logical reason for releasing it in this bad of shape. They could have had more day 1 sales and there's no way they'll sell as much DLC now that they have a bad name. But if they were planning on collecting a big bonus before jumping ship next quarter it makes sense. I've heard of businesspeople making decisions like this before. Like, businesspeople literally saying this plan will screw the company next year but I'm joining not_this_multinational_corporation next quarter so short term profit let's get that cash bonus.
F*ck man, don't completely ruin the company, when it can be fixed. I hate lawyer situations like this and the opportunists that come with them, they're real vultures!
It has to be a lesson for future projects. And for all compagnies.
This is the end of the "day one patch" road.
I love CDP. I have a copy of the game, not asking refound. I trust them to fix the damn thing.
But this logic has to end.
Finish your games before putting them out in stores, man.
@Carck so just let them pick on the bones then and throw the baby out with the bathwater?
I understand what you're saying, but we also need to make sure this doesn't effect the developers livelihood and the consumers that still want more from this publisher in the 'near' future or even love the current game.
R.I.P CD Project Red. Maybe i'll just buy two copies of Cyberpunk as a collecters thing. One physical copy and one digtal copy to have on my account.
People need to stop preordering games, and wait to see the reviews. All this hype that you need to play day 1 is pure marketing. Also Microsoft and Sony need to take some of the blame. They approved this game to go on their stores. I get the impression that Sony is more anger about having a spotlight shone on their terrible refund policy.
Let it be a lesson for Bethesda game studio, Ubisoft, EA, Activision, WB and take two.
Maybe it is for the better and all of these companies stop playing us.
@Kohaku I doubt the developers had much to do with any announcements. We now know from a released conference call ( https://www.cdprojekt.com/en/wp-content/uploads-en/2020/12/call-transcript_en.pdf ) that this whole drama seems like an executive decision gone seriously wrong. The developers seem to be as upset as the general public about all of this.
@raymccrae amen! 🙏
@Kohaku you need to face a class action lawsuit if you trust them at this point
They actually deserve to go out of business. EVERYTHING they did was wrong and unethical. they lied while developing the game with last minute delays after saying they wouldnt. working employees overtime after they said they wouldnt. they knew the game was broken and deliberately hid the truth just to take people's money then bragged about how much money they made. im happy for all the hell they goin through right now they deserve it
Lying to the public is one thing.
Lying to investors, that's a whole different realm of liability. You just don't lie to investors. Withhold information? Sure. Lies about the state or a product? That's a lot of trouble.
They clearly lied about the game and knowing the issues with last gen software they deliberately held back those copies from review. They lied in order to hit financial targets for yeyat end...they will definitely have some sort of legal issues as they are a publicly traded company.
The main problem is that people believed the marketing. Never believe marketing. Trust your own eyes. I always used to buy Assassin's Creed games on release but didn't have an Xbox One when Unity came out luckily. Not pre-ordered an Xbox One game since I had it due to that game. Always best to wait. You play a better game and pay half the price.
Damn. I hope this doesn't affect future patches/dlc, etc.
CD Project Red went from the most loved gaming company to the most hated..
@Reverandjames Having played both games on my Series X, they are not at all in the same league on terms of bugginess. Assassins Creed Valhalla was far more polished and far less buggy than Cyberpunk 2077. That is saying something considering that Ubisoft is usually the culprit here.
Upon reading this story, I really couldn't care less about investors. I hate that the gaming industry treats them like gold while treating their customers like trash. Investors have it easy in life, they make money by gambling on things. They don't have to actually work a 9 to 5 and make the products that make the world go round. Shame that there are far more laws to protect investors and not consumers.
Wasn't it a given they were going to get sued out the wazoo for this? Intentionally hiding the product screamed criminal misconduct from the start.
I figure by the next year, 2k, thq, maybe Amazon or Google buys cdpr for auction block prices.
Sony can have them, but i doubt they want them. Ms has Bethesda, they don't need the other buggy wrpg company too.i don't see cdpr staying independent after this debacle though. The loses and lawsuits will leave them in quite a hole.
I'm keeping my receipt in the box.
Don't want a refund, but depending on how this plays out.
My copy is from Walmart and they aren't offering refunds anyway.
If CDPR decides to screw over console players, I'll join a player suit.
Let's remember there are investors, a bunch of them, behind a high budget game like this. I don't think this is all the company's money, even though they've made a lot of money with their good past releases. Please, correct me if I'm wrong
Investors don't accept being fooled or misled. These are the guys behind the lawyers in this case. And although it can make things really bleak, they're not to blame for this time
I don't think the company needs to go under or the developers need to lose their jobs, but the executives green-lighting these decisions and making the public statements do need to be held accountable. I don't own the game, but only because I was waiting for the actual Series X version of the game. Every game suffers from bugs, so I would have probably bought it anyway. I bought the latest Assassins Creed and then let it sit until the second patch came out. It's not smart and doesn't make sense, but I think a lot of people work that way these days.
Not sure if this is worth a class action. Just get a refund.
Investors will get their money back once this is patched up. Just give the devs time to fix it.
This is utterly pathetic and just an excuse to milk money from a situation.. it’s no worst then other games like Fallout 76.. and they are offering refunds. This is nothing then free loading lawyers and consumers that are greedy and selfish and just want to be richer, even if it ruins a company loses those who are innocent in this their jobs, and wrecks the game for all gamers.
That American mentality of I’ve burnt myself with my coffee I’m suing McDonalds attitude.
Lawyers being lawyers.....
“There is blood in the water. And the sharks will come.”
People in Twitter cheering this, yet then you see the one or two comments: "When will we see the Witcher 3 X/S patch?"
We'll be lucky if CDPR survives.
What a bunch of babies, if this was a real thing then every incomplete game that needs patching would get a lawsuit like this, which is sadly over 90% of new games apparently.
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