Although CD Projekt is under fire at the moment for all sorts of bugs, glitches and crashes in Cyberpunk 2077, it seems Night City is doing just fine in terms of sales.
According to a new report from Bloomberg, the Polish company's latest release has already shifted 13 million units, as of 20th December. This same figure factors in the number of refund requests, digital and physical sales and covers all platforms the anticipated title has been released on.
Cyberpunk 2077 had already recouped its development costs on pre-orders alone (reaching 8 million) and just last week, the game was pulled from Sony's PlayStation Store. Microsoft, however, decided to keep the purchase option live.
CDPR's previous hit - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - is estimated to have sold 28 million copies as of this year.
Have you contributed to Cyberpunk 2077's sales so far, or are you holding out? Tell us down below.
[source bloomberg.com, via kotaku.com.au]
Comments 54
Big L for the organised haters.
I'm glad people are able to enjoy it, but I'm still happy I could get a refund. The game wasn't what they advertised, no ifs ands or buts about it. I'll pick it up again once the price is low and the updates are high
The game is gonna sell over 25 million easy..
Most successful beta test ever?
It’s all wrong
They did drop the boulder (ball feels like an understatement here) on this one, but in time people will only remember that it's a really good game. Let's just hope this is a wake up call for the industry because if this happened to a lesser developer the fallout (pun intended) would be really ugly.
This game won’t surpass 20 million units anytime soon. Many of these copies are Christmas presents waiting to be opened, and the majority of the copies were sold on last gen hardware. If sweeping bug fixes aren’t done FAST, the return rate come January could be staggering
I’m not a hater, I was one of the few lucky ones to get a Series X, and the game is forgivable and full of promise. But the Xbox Series lineup, while being the definitive console version, will probably have the smallest user base playing this game of the 7 consoles it was released on, and the 2 largest user bases (PS4 and One), has a fundamentally broken version of the game.
CDPR deserves scorn. These sales numbers should not be praised at all
Good for them. And as long as they actually fix the problems with it, they'll deserve it. In 6 months time it'll be an awesome game.
@Senua Speaks volumes about the state of social media. It's full of very loud people who only speak for a minority while acting like they represent the majority. They simply come off as being more popular than they really are due to the way they get promoted and how many sites feed off it for clickbait. It's like the media decided they wanted to hate the game and they ran with whatever momentum they could in that direction, while all the people who have been happy all along are a silent majority.
The amount of units sold has got to be down to it being close to Christmas, also I’m hearing adds on the radio all the time claiming it to be the “must have game” so any person will hear it and assume that’s what their partner or child wants.
The game never interested me from the start so I never bothered picking it up but I’ve seen videos to know never pick it up unless it’s to be played on a decent PC
@JayJ @Senua you guys are kidding right?
The game which nobody spoke ill about and was the most hyped game of all time before release, then releases in a broken state.
Is slated by reviewers and gamers alike sat with 55 and 59 metacritic for PS4 and Xbone, but its organised haters?
Digital Foundry (who I know Senua worships) massively criticised the game in their videos, but its still organised haters?
After CDPR insisted multiple times just in the last year that the game was running great on base consoles, for a game that was developed to be a PS4/Xbone game, that then released and runs like s**t. They straight up lied to sell this many copies.
But its organised haters? Clickbait and loud haters? Merry Christmas and I hope you regroup your brain cells in 2021 😂😂
As if to prove me right, the game has sold like crazy.
For anyone that believed the Marvel brand was universally stronger than anything else, and would have a bigger audience than a CDPR game in the video game market, see above.
I'm surprised that it's done so well given the amount of negative coverage since launch, but at the same time I'm not surprised. The CDPR audience (especially on PC) and the hype following this game is massive.
I'll add to that number in a few years, after the game is finished, as I do with every title.
@Jacko11 Well that was a really unnecessarily toxic response, you're a fine example of the kind of nastiness that social media attracts. It's a good thing that most people aren't like that and would rather just enjoy a video game they like.
So that's 13 million people CDPR have wronged and owe an apology for releasing such an false and broken game?
Stick to making witcher games please 👍
@Richnj the game had 8 million pre orders so that's alrwady 8 million people they tricked, so the other 5 were people who bought it during launch week and most likely didn't know about its issues.
Be interesting to see how much more it sells over the next few months
@Jacko11 obviously they haven't played the game on the Xbox one/ps4 otherwise they would be part of the "haters"
@JayJ do you honestly think that was a toxic response 😂
You wouldn’t have survived an MW2 lobby if you think that was toxic. Infact i’m not sure how you survive day to day life 😂
Considering you’ve been here since the end of 2017, you must have been living under a rock. Because thats U rated compared to some stuff said on this site.
I've bought it, day one.
But I didn't put the disc in my console. Not yet.
I'll install the game in three or four months. Ironically, when I'll decide myself to use the disc, it will probably not copy any data from it. Everything will be downloaded, I guess.
@Jacko11 Wow look at the internet tough guy flexing his e-muscles here! Seriously dude, grow up, you reek of cope and immaturity.
@Jacko11 Just to pitch in here, I wholeheartedly agree with you and I don't know what those two are on about. It's like they've been deliberately ignoring the countless amounts of articles written about the state of the game. If there's anything organised here, it's people like them who go around and defend a game that was clearly released too early. The facts are all there, people who choose to ignore them are just trolls, pure and simple, as seen by one of them who's resorted to making things personal with you since he doesn't have any actual counterarguments to your statements. Just ignore them if they keep doing this, they're not contributing to any discussion whatsoever.
@JayJ it seems you have found your mountain and planted your flag.
You clearly can’t take criticism, are insulted by the faintest of jabs and are incapable of reading any online articles which 100% support what I said in my first comment.
Bundle up this winter my man, delicate ones like you need the extra layer.
@LtSarge its incredible tbh mate.
The facts are all over the internet and you only have to play the game on base systems yourself to see it clearly.
You really wonder how some people manage to convince themselves they are right and are incapable of seeing reason and fact. Baffles me.
@Jacko11 Alright well I have better things to do than argue with some keyboard warrior in an article about a video game they apparently hate yet can't stop obsessing over. I'm just going to ignore you now, you clearly have nothing of value to share.
@LtSarge Oh wow it's almost like some people are capable of forming their own opinion about a video game and don't need to rely upon what some other people tell them to think. Just a little reality dose for ya; you are going to encounter a lot of people who have opinions contrary from what some articles or internet mobs have to say. That is called life, and it is not up to you and someone you agree with to decide what people are allowed to say and how they are allowed to think. The entire basis of conversations here is for a diverse group of people to share their opinions, if you can't handle that, well it sounds like you are the problem.
@JayJ just curious, have you played cyberpunk 2077 on xbox one or ps4? If so then how did you find the game with its bugs and broken state?
And if not then why are you defending the game?
@JayJ You are free to state your opinion, just as much as I'm free to tell you that you're wrong because that's my opinion.
@UltimateOtaku91 Yes I have put many hours into it on my Xbox One X. While I think the game is quite buggy at times I also think it's a ton of fun and has a lot to offer that I personally enjoy. I am also the type of person who is fine with taking it slow and waiting for it to get patched up as I have no shortage of other games to be playing right now. It's the type of thing where I put a few hours into it here and there out of interest to check it out but I see no need to obsess over it even though I enjoy it because it is going to continue to be a better experience with every patch. That is also why I am happy to keep the game, I have been really enjoying the story and I can appreciate all the work they put into the world they created for the game. Plus I am no stranger to this type of game launch, it's an experience I have been though with numerous Bethesda RPG's. I simply enjoy this type of game, and apparently the performance on Xbox One X has been notably better than most platforms.
@UltimateOtaku91 from my part CDPR needs a huge thanks. I finished the story, 30h of campaing and loved it. I almost experienced no bugs on my playthrough, had only 1 crash, and 1 bug that I need to restart part of a mission, but nothing I hadn't found on other games. Game was great to me, I don't feel deceived at all.
@LtSarge Hey fair enough, but you need to get over yourself if you think your opinion is the determining factor of who is and isn't correct. I mean it works fine for your take, I certainly can't argue with that, but you should try to be more tolerant of contrary opinions.
@JayJ I feel like the same can be said to you. Jacko11 stated his opinion and instead of focusing on that you decided to latch out on him purely because of a small insult at the end. If you were truly tolerant, you would've simply ignored the little remark and responded to his other arguments instead. But you didn't, so you should start by taking your own advice before telling other people how they should behave.
@LtSarge Well now you are just trying to gaslight me to support the type of aggressive attitude you have been endorsing. My goal here is not to argue with people but to simply say what I think and discuss things with people who are more open to different opinions. Jacko was being really aggressive and attempting to berate me for liking the game based upon what some outside sources had to say. While I suppose he is free to do that, not putting up with that is not intolerance. If someone is going out of their way to be argumentative you can't deflect onto the people they pick a fight with as the agitators, that is simply intellectual dishonesty. This comments section is not intended to be an avenue for you to practice your attempts at cyber bullying over a video game, and people shouldn't be expected to put up with that.
@JayJ the game must run better on ps4 Pro/one x then as on the standard ps4/xbox the game runs poorly, crashes a lot and has quite a few bugs. I think for the people on those consoles their complaints are valid and are right to be angry and and want a refund, whilst the minority on the pro consoles or the next gen consoles seem to be getting a better experience.
Like you said the game will eventually get patched and a more finished product, I think most of the hate comes from the fact the developers knew the game was in a bad state and still released it and to make it worse they wouldn't let reviewers release reviews for the base ps4/xbox one versions of the game.
@eduscxbox what console was you playing on?
@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah I gotta agree with you there. If people are trying to play the game on a platform that is struggling to play the game then by all means they are entitled to their discontent and a refund. CDPR should have been more transparent in the launch-spec PS4/One performance issues.
@JayJ Not really. You ignored all of his perfectly made arguments and just focused on the insult. Your post would've been acceptable if you had responded to both his arguments and his insult, but you only responded to the insult, thus making you look intolerant. It's quite simple really.
@JayJ @LtSarge
Guys, chill. Tis (almost) the night before Christmas I hate to see some of my favourite contributors here go at each other. It's just a game, let's not forget that. CDPR lied about the state of the game, people bought it on a number of platforms, some people feel deceived, others are happy. Refunds are issued, game is still playable and will be sorted in time for next Christmas. Investors and devs are pissed at management at CDPR, gamers are pissed at CDPR devs and management. Bottom line though: it's just a game, let's be nice to each other
@LtSarge Okay now you are just doubling down on the aggression. Bottom line is you really need to work on your people skills if you don't want people getting defensive. Don't be picking fights with people if you are going to complain about that, you can't act like you're the victim when you're the agitator.
@gollumb82 Thanks, I don't like to get like this, I normally try to avoid unnecessary conflict. I agree, this is a stupid thing to be arguing about and there is nothing to accomplish by acting this way. Sorry for getting worked up.
@JayJ It's genuinely hilarious how you keep telling me how I should behave as if you're the perfect one here. You must be a very humble person in real life, with no self-reflection whatsoever. Everyone should strive to become more like you, the perfect human being, right?
I generally have no respect for people who keep trying to point out flaws in others but aren't willing to point out flaws in themselves. You have zero self-awareness, which makes you a very annoying person to have a discussion with since you'll never listen to what the other person has to say about you. Consider yourself added to my ignore list.
@JayJ not once in any dialogue between me and you did it once say you had played the game, so thats new information you failed to provide before you decided to ignore the facts I presented.
“Really aggressive”, please tell me which part I was “really aggressive” in. Also you want to talk about “intellectual dishonesty”? Take that up with CDPR who have done exactly that, of which you failed to engage in a dialogue with me about funnily enough.
And as for your words towards @LtSarge, you have also failed to acknowledge his clear direction for you to address the genuine criticism for the game which both he and I have made, and are instead retreating into a hole having stated an opinion with little to no backing.
I think you need to learn how to adapt your people skills into having an informed dialogue on a topic.
@gollumb82 I understand your thoughts on the matter though this stems from one party being unable to defend their argument and present valid thought towards it.
If I say “EA is the worst company” but cannot back up that statement, then its potentially an unnecessary and uniformed opinion. The case is the same here, a point was presented but it couldn’t be backed up. Then when called out on it, gets all upset about it. Sums up debate in 2020
Idk, just my take.
But a Merry Christmas to you and yours 🎅🏻
@UltimateOtaku91 I've Played on Series S.
But before we get on next gen vs base consoles, here is some extra information about my time playing:
Despite performance being a little better, I was subject to the same bugs and glitches(had lots of graphical glitches, they just don't bother me enought to stop playing) than the base consoles (The one bug I need to restart the mission was later on patch notes for 1.05 for Xbox One) as there is no next-gen upgrade so far, so basically I am running Xbox One Fat / Xbox One S version through backwards compatibility.
@gollumb82 @Jacko11 I don't want to end off on a sour note here, so I'd like to wish you guys a Merry Christmas as well!
@JayJ @LtSarge @Jacko11
You know, we all have these spats in the comments sometimes. As long as we remember these companies don't care either way and that we won't ever get a medal for defending/attacking them or the guys who do so in the comments it's all good. We share a common hobby so let's just agree to disagree on certain points Thank you for the wishes and have yourselves a Merry Bug-free Christmas 😀🎄
Sounds about right. The average game console owner doesn’t know about this, won’t bother to get a refund or is unable to (many retail locations don’t allow refunds on opened games). Pitchforks will always be fringe complaining, for good or for ill.
@JayJ @LTSarge @Jacko11 @gollumb82 @John117 Let's nip this in the bud now and get back on topic. Thanks everyone for resolving this respectfully and agreeing to disagree
I used my refund to buy Valhalla instead. A save bug wiped an hour's progress, but there have been no other bugs and the game feels much more polished. That will keep me entertained in the months CDPR needs to fix the major bugs and AI issues. I hope the Series X/S optimizations are not too far away. Maybe by summer.
I really enjoy my time with the game. And have to say I have played way buggier games. Game is wel worth a play right now. (at least on next gen.) Exited for what they will add in te future =)
I’m not surprised it sold so well.
From what I read & hear, it runs great on PC and fine on XSX/S.
It’s PlayStation fans that are losing their minds about the game because it runs like ?!$& on their consoles. And since only about 10% of their own fanbase bought God of War, I’m pretty sure most of them don’t even care because they are too busy playing Fortnite, FIFA, or COD.
Loud minority.
Preach on, man.
I had to ignore that Jacko troll long ago because he is a waste of oxygen.
My advice would be to do the same.
@Senua not really. they got their refund for a justified causa. Unlike other games getting hate for no good reason (tlou2).
@JayJ the game doesn't work. How can you applaud that or be fine with that?
how can you play something like red dead or god of war and be ok with this?
@Richnj it's because pc players are accustomed to early access games, so broken games is nothing new to them.
dayz, rust, warframe, ark etc... all broken and unfinished games but were top of the charts on steam.
The haters must be dying inside congrat cdpr.
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