Rare is currently hard at work on its new game Everwild and is still busy providing regular updates for Sea of Thieves. What about some of its older IP, like Banjo-Kazooie and Conker - will any of these characters ever make a return?
In the same Kotaku interview, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer said this decision was entirely up to Rare while also noting the positive response to the revival of the Battletoads not long ago:
“I leave it up to the studios in terms of the things that they want to go work on. I have a lot of respect for Rare and the work that they do. They do like building new things, and they’ve seen success with Sea of Thieves. I think they’re really excited about Everwild. But also the response to Battletoads was nice. And I think [partner studio] Dlala did a good job with the game."
The last time Conker and Banjo-Kazooie were really sighted was in the Rare Replay collection. Although, Banjo-Kazooie did appear in Nintendo's all-star brawler Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a DLC fighter and is receiving an amiibo makeover next year.
Phil also mentioned how he is often sent emails asking similar questions about the revival of older IP:
"My inbox is full of: ‘Let every studio do new [intellectual property].’ And also: ‘Why have you brought back Crimson Skies and Blinx?’"
Would you like to see Rare bring back its bear, bird and squirrel in some new adventures? Are you looking forward to learning more about Rare's new IP, Everwild? Share your thoughts down below.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 33
Rare's IPs alone could have done a lot to help the Xbox One's exclusive lineup but all we got was a super cheap Battletoads game.
It's great that Microsoft doesn't force their studios to make anything (as long as their name isn't Lionhead) but to own all those franchises and do nothing with them is such a waste.
@LX_FENIX Slowly glaces at Sega
I completely disagree. Phil shouldn’t force his studios to make games they have no interest in making bc that leads to crappy games & unhappy development teams.
And the issue with Lionhead was more of a Mattrick problem. Phil wasn’t fully in charge when Lionhead was making that Fable game that nobody wanted.
Yes, Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IP. And I’m sure if a team felt passionate about doing something with those IPs, they would be working on them.
I'd kill for a new Conker or Banjo game. We need more 3D platformers on Xbox. I loved New Super Lucky's Tale and A Hat in Time and Yooka Laylee, but that's about all we got this generation.
Yeah, I'd like a new Banjo! Or Conker! Recent Rare games don't appeal to me at all :/
A new BK made from the ground up in a lush 3d world with super tight gameplay for both young and old like a Mario Od would help bring some younger gamers to the Xbox world. Especially with the series s entry price to Xbox world. Create a big fuss about it a special edition series s for launch etc.
Ow yes!!! But I think they should co-produce it with Playtonic.
They should buy Playtonic and give them 3d and 2d platform games to make like BK and bring the younger generations to Xbox world.
@Dezzy70 I don't think Playtonic wants to be bought since they want to have complete creative freedom over their projects. However, Microsoft should definitely outsource IPs like Banjo-Kazooie and Conker to Playtonic instead. That way they'll remain independent and can work on these series however they like.
I was hoping for Banjo-Kazooie after Sea of Thieves. It's about fu**ing time.
Most of the people who worked on those games are gone at Rare.
Imagine if they gave Conker to Double Fine? I think they'd so a great job with that series.
Then maybe with the right funding, they could out source Banjo to Playtonic?
This is the issue with Xbox, lot's of great IP's sitting dormant that could be revived to bring a new audience to the consoles.
@LX_FENIX well said 👍🏻
@blinx01 Banjo-Kazooie designer works at Rare and Grant Kirkhope is always ready to be hired. Rare and Playtonic could work together for this one. Rare helped Dlala develop Battletoads.
Sometimes you need someone like Yoshida and tell Santa Monica that god of war looked like crap, so they ended making it better and got what we got in the end. He needs to pressure their studios more. 2 years since many of their studios were acquired and they are all still in early development, hiring leading positions
@Lupaie79 you're right. When people think of Rare, Banjo and Conker, maybe that's Playtonic they should be thinking about. A big part of the old Rare feeling is there. A partnership could be a step in the right direction
The Battletoads game got a positive response? Not from what I have seen. Anyways I would like to see Conker get a new game.
@John_Deacon Yes that old nostalgic feeling just need a touch of refreshment. The new guys always wanted to reinvent the genre resulting in a misfire like Nuts & Bolts. Just a touch of paint, some current gen controls is just enough to have a winner at hand. Look at how Ratchet and Clank, Spyro and that Bandicoot character are rocking the show and reaching new and old audiences. Brilliant stuff!
As someone who bought into Xbox hoping we'd get Banjo-Kazooie (and other) games from Rare, yes. I would love to get more of them. It doesn't matter who makes them, I want new entries.
They need to get someone else to do it then, and they're in danger of missing the boat if they wait too long.
It's time for Banjo Threeie.... Long overdue.
A modern Banjo game would be epic..
From about a year ago: https://www.destructoid.com/stories/rumors-are-flying-that-microsoft-s-set-to-acquire-yooka-laylee-studio-571571.phtml
@JayJ I thought the game would be utter rubbish but looking at gameplay of it... It actually looks pretty good and is pretty funny. I'd recommend giving it a look.
Don’t forget Perfect Dark.
@tobsesta99 Yeah I played that new Battletoads game with Game Pass and I was not impressed, the humor really juvenile and a total miss for me and the gameplay was mediocre at best. I think it really lacked the charm of the original material, and it seems like a lot of people felt the same way. Nothing wrong with enjoying it though, seems like some people liked it as well. It got a mixed reception from what I saw.
@JayJ Honestly the whole series is juvenile with its humor. I can see why people wouldn’t like it in this game since it’s more in your face. The Dark Queen’s design is awful too.
Other than that, I was pleasantly surprised with it. Hopefully I get to play it soon.
It really would be a waste if they owned all of those great Rare IPs and never did anything with them. Rare themselves don't have to make the games, but they really do have to try something with Banjo, Conker, Perfect Dark, etc, eventually.
@graysoncharles Even funnier, those fans made a better Sonic game than Sega has for the past decade (with the exception of Generations, maybe.)
I really think the Xbox now has an abundance of RPG's and Shoot-em-ups, but is really lacking in family fun platformers like 'Rachel & Clank' on PlayStation.
I 'WOULD' buy a good Banjo.
I 'MIGHT' buy a good 'Everwild'.
@Revengercm the new God of war was still crap.
@JayJ yea the new battle toad was nothing compared to the older ones. I played it for a hour and quit. Then I have it a second chance for another hour and uninstalled it.
@Dirty0814 Yeah that was my experience with it.
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