Welcome to the weekend! It's been a very busy week in Xbox world, highlighted by Microsoft's landmark acquisition of ZeniMax Media, as well as Xbox Series X & S pre-orders going live.
There's still plenty of new content to enjoy on Xbox One over the next few days as well. We've been treated to various Xbox Game Pass additions including Destiny 2's Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions, along with three more Free Play Days titles, and over 100 games, bundles and add-ons in this week's Xbox sale.
Here's what we're playing over the next couple of days:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
I've never really been a big Destiny 2 player, but now that the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions have been added to Xbox Game Pass (with Beyond Light on the way in November), I feel like I need to give it another go. It's going to be really nice to play it in 4K, 60fps when it arrives on Xbox Series X as well.
Elsewhere, I'm still putting quite a lot of time into Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2. I finished the main campaign ages ago (and I still think it's bizarre that I have no option to restart it), but I'm finding myself playing the speedrun mode quite a lot, as well as going back and collecting the stat points for each of the different skaters.
And finally, I'm still in two minds as to whether to pick up Forza Horizon 3 before it's delisted on Sunday. I've played a lot of the game before but I still don't own it, and while I recognise that it's a fantastic game, I just don't know how bothered I am, especially with Forza Horizon 4 being enhanced for Xbox Series X. I don't know, we'll see!
Have a good weekend, folks.
Liam Doolan, News Reporter
This weekend to celebrate the launch of Halo 3: ODST being added to Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC, I'm diving back into the collection on my Xbox One X. I'm still also slowly working my way through the main campaign, as it's been years since I properly played each of them from start to finish.
Rocket League is another game I'm curious to revisit now that it's gone free-to-play. I admittedly haven't touched this one in ages, so it'll be interesting to see how much of it is still the same now that it's operating under Epic Games.
After Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media (for a whopping $7.5 billion) earlier this week, I'm also in the mood for some Bethesda games. I bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition, so over the next few days I'll be returning to my adventure in that. Maybe if I can get some extra time, I'll play DOOM as well to celebrate.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
PJ O'Reilly, Contributing Writer
Hello. After a very brief Twitter conversation with some of the guys here I have somehow found myself spending the past few evenings blasting through Split/Second for the first time ever and it’s an absolute riot! I’m not sure how it passed me by back when it released but I’m rectifying the situation now, viciously drifting round corners, catching some massive air off ramps and blowing the bejeezus out of anyone with the temerity to drive in front of me.
Elsewhere, my finger has been hovering over the download button on Destiny 2 and its Forsaken and Shadowkeep DLC on Xbox Game Pass, but I just don’t think I’m ever gonna have the time to play through it all over again. What a great addition to the service if you’ve yet to play it though!
Have a good weekend, whatever you’re playing and stay safe out there.
Which Xbox games will you be playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments.
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Comments 33
I'm giving Destiny 2 a shot, and it's pretty good so far! I've also taken advantage of the Rockstar sale and bought GTA IV. That game still holds up today, and I've always preferred the story to GTA V!
Will be playing Hellblade as part of Game Pass Club since I finished Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order yesterday. Really enjoying this game thus far, it's so unique!
Will also be playing more Metroid Samus Returns on 3DS and hopefully finish up that game as well.
I really want to give Destiny 2 a go now that the expansions are on Game Pass but I read that Bungie is going to make the install size of the game smaller soon so I think I'll wait until they've done that instead of downloading 100 GB unnecessarily lol.
My XOX is alive again. Power supply finally came yesterday, installed it last night and I'm back gaming!
I'll be playing...
Wolfenstein 2 and Doom
Mostly Switch for me with Mario 3D All-Stars and Donkey Kong Country 2 but some Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One also...
I recently got the physical version really cheap after enjoying both Horizon 3 and 4, it holds up very well...
Xcloud Gamepass - Nier Automata
Ps4 - Kingdom of amalur and Atelier Ryza
Switch - fire emblem three houses
I've got nothing I want to play on Xbox or PS4 at the moment so its more Mario 3d All Stars and some more exploring in Breath of the Wild
I'm playing Happy Camper Just pre-ordered my Xbox Series X and can't wait to dive into games I have never played, like Halo and Gears. Got my launch games sorted as I bought Forza 7, Forza Horizon 3 and 4 through Xbox Play Anywhere programme. MS bought me with what they've been doing lately (longtime Playstation fan here). Happy gaming guys! Hope to contribute more to the comments come mid November
Fallout 3 (Games For Windows) - Even though I've already beaten it, I was almost wanting to play again.
Flowerz (Windows Phone) - I've beaten most of the levels now, it won't be long until I'm done.
Secrets and Treasure: The Lost Cities (Windows Phone) - Finished this late last night, so I'll count it today.
Mafia: Definitive Edition!
Mario 3D All Stars
Dishonored Definitive Edition
And finally trying to pick what games to play for Shocktober.
A classic: Assassins Creed 2 from the ezio collection.
Monster hunter world for me. Also got Monster hunter 4 ultimate on sale on the 3ds so will give that a try too. Will probably play a few matches of pvp in destiny and halo 5 as well.
I started playing Night in the Woods on GamePass, and it's absolutely brilliant so far. I'm loving the world and the quirky characters. It's a very funny game too. Besides that, I started playing PES 2020. I haven't played a PES game in years, and I'm terrible at it! It's great fun though, so I'll be playing more of that and comparing with FIFA 20, which I also recently picked up on sale. Have a great weekend everyone!
Playing uncharted 2 on PS4 Pro & call of duty 3 on One S.
Is it the year 2020 or 2002??? I ask that because it feels like 2002 this weekend for me with the games In will be playing.
Xbox One — Mafia Definitive Edition, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 & 2
Switch — Super Mario Sunshine
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
I am still playing Forza Horizon 4 & loving it.
Welcome to Team Green! 👍🏻
I'm still playing through the Witcher 3..
I downloaded Destiny 2 and am giving it a shot. Also will play more Wasteland 3, really loving this game. Probably play some Mario Sunshine on switch as well.
I finished hzd,and now playing god of war.
Maybe i will spent my time in this year to play on ps4 only for their exclusives
But my brother has bern busy replaying yakuza series on gamepass
After that, i'll be back with xbox again
Hope next year i can grab series x in my country
Nexomon on my Xbox
The rest of weekend- well busy with my birthday so escape room time.
Thanks! I've played a few hours of FH4 on my PC and it's a joy. Can't imagine what it's going to look and play like in 4K, HDR and 60 fps Enjoy!
If you're starting Rocket League, first thing you should do is disable chat. If the quickchat starts to annoy, disable that too. You'll still encounter quitters and lag, but it's a thrilling game when your team clicks.
I'm doing that and No Man's Sky. I found a good planet and built a cool new base. Now to see if the update ruined the planets I already had bases on.
I’ve started playing Sherlock Holmes Crime and Punishment. I’m not quite sure how I few about it but I’ve just started the 3rd case.
It’s the best racing game I have ever played. And I’m an old man who goes back to the Atari days. Lol.
And the DLC is really fun too! It’s almost like an open world racing RPG.
I am playing wildlands and port Royale
I was gonna keep going in tell me why or the first Gears but the wife is crafting on the laptop so I'm playing Super Mario RPG on the SNES Classic instead, not bad actually
I finally finished Children of Morta. It's a fantastic, beautiful game and I really recommend giving it a go.
Am now focused on finishing Tell Me Why...when I'm not being a terror of the seas in Sea of Thieves.
Suffice it to say, that what little I've played of FH4 was enough for me to make Odesza's A Moment Apart my ringtone Oh, I go back to Commodore 64 days so I can relate (as you can see if you look at my nickname). Can't wait to play the hell out of both FH3 and 4 in November!
Currently playing a Paragon playthrough of Mass Effect on 360. Some say the planetary exploration is tedious but I enjoy being curious and finding equipment and random assignment objectives. Love Mass Effect and am quite excited to play a rerelease when it finally arrives.
I love the opening song in FH4 too. And that’s a great idea for a ring tone! 👍🏻
I've only just been an XB1X owner for a couple months now but I'm anxiously awaiting Doom: Eternal on Game Pass myself as I have yet to play it. Until that time, I will be playing various Halo and Gears of War installments; quite possibly grinding Ryse: Son of Rome MP levels...only 170 to go.
Everyone enjoy their weekend/ gaming grinds!!
As is @LtSarge , I will be playing some Hellblade with the Game Pass Club. Will try to get some action in on Doom 2016 as well so I can finish that by Oct. 1st. I'm contemplating getting Forza Horizon 3. I'm not the biggest racing game fan but I've heard nothing but good things about it along with the Hot Wheels DLC. I'm just not sure if I should just say to heck with it and play FH4 with Game Pass instead.
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